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<chadmed> can someone with a 14" mbp do me a favour and give feedback on asahi-audio/main
<chadmed> im pretty sure ive finally fixed the cruddy sound
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<chaos_princess> to my very much not audiophile-quality ears - it is better than before.
<chaos_princess> (though i still like the headphone sound better :P)
<cy8aer> For me it is more 3d room in the new one (tested with: and But my second subjective tester had doubts and A-B failed once 😕
<cy8aer> but somehow less bass (ghost in the shell drums)
<cy8aer> (?? not sure anymore) for having a good A-B it would be nice to have a script which live changes the necessary parameters
<chadmed> unfortunately you cant do that
<chadmed> the IRs are loaded into pipewire's memory when it parses the filter chain and the only way to change them is reload the entire filter chain (restart pipewire)
<cy8aer> Ok, the new one is better. Needed to change the room. And the basses are better too.
<chadmed> ok cool
<chadmed> im still not 100% happy with it but my dac died so i cant take any more measurements :p
<cy8aer> the old settings are downright shrill at high volumes.
<chadmed> i think maybe we arent setting the crossover to the right frequency and the woofers are way too honky
<chadmed> yeah we were running the tweeters way too hot i think
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<chaos_princess> i think the new one is a definite improvement at least here around 0:28 and following mark
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<chadmed> my measurements say that the frequency response is dead flat but i still feel like the woofers have too much h o n k
<chadmed> around that 600-900 range
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<chaos_princess> i am not sure as to what exactly are you targeting, flat response, or "consumer-desirable-sound"?
<chadmed> well flat of course but it doesnt sound flat to me
<cy8aer> it is more consumer-desirable-sound. I do not have any measuring equipment, but no I am thinking about buying some Behringer Mic as marcan explained.
<chadmed> e.g. the 15" air also measures just as flat but sounds a little less bloated in that range to my ears
<chadmed> (trained ears)
<cy8aer> ok, had some years in a sound studio but it is 20 years ago... So now I am more a normal consumer now though I open my ears with high definition audio stuff >24bit.
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<cy8aer> s/no i am thinking/now i am thinking/g
<chadmed> i spent 10 years or so running FOH and foldback for a live venue in what essentially amounted to child labour disgused as extracurricular credit but whatever it was fun and i learnt heaps
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