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<mattie> Hi j`ey, I was able to install m1n1. I ended up using an external drive with a macOS installation for my m3 macbook
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<j`ey> mattie: ah good!
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<mattie> I read in the readme of m1n1, kmutil configure-boot sets the boot object policy. If we do a csrutil enable to change device to full security mode, it uninstalls m1n1. That is one way of uninstalling it. However do we have a command just to reset the boot object policy without enabling full security?
<mattie> Specifically uninstall m1n1 and restore boot object policy to the previous state without enabling full security every time
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<j`ey> mattie: why do you want to do that often?
<mattie> to hop between the stub macOS installation and m1n1...
<j`ey> for what reason though?
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<mattie> So I can use the same partition where I have a macos installation with csrutil disabled amfi_get_out_of_my_way enabled for seeing some behaviour on macOS side... (basically a macOS playground)
<mattie> so I want to switch between m1n1 playgrounds and macOS playgrounds
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<j`ey> hm I see, not sure of how to do that (might just be easier to make a 3rd install on the drive!)
<mattie> I mean the easy way out is have a third install (oh jinx haha)
<mattie> yeah I am using an external drive anyway... it has enough space let's go with the third...
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<mattie> thanks
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<nickchan> Hi! I have been writing some dt-bindings for the AIC driver port to A7-A11, however I do not know if I got it right or not
<nickchan> There are three feature levels that needs to dealt with:
<nickchan> "apple,aic" - No fast IPI support
<nickchan> "apple,t8015-aic" - Fast IPI support, global only
<nickchan> "apple,t8103-aic" - Fast IPI support, global and local
<nickchan> the driver will only recognize these compatibles, however in the device tree I plan on using a SoC-specific compatible iwith these compatibles as a fallback, like "apple,s5l8960x-aic"
<nickchan> Probably should also describe the feature levels in the description field as well...
<nickchan> Also, each feature level is strictly an extension of lower feature levels, that is, all "apple,t8103-aic" is also "apple,t8015-aic", "apple,aic", and all "apple,t8015-aic" is also "apple,aic"
<nickchan> additional reference points: - this commit makes it so that IPI registers are not used on compatibles that doesn't actually support it
<nickchan> - this commit adds the logic to handle the "apple,t8015-aic", global fipi only case
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