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<nickchan> SError on A7-A11 when trying to use serial earlycon can be fixed by changing the S5L port iotype to UPIO_MEM32:
<nickchan> However, I do not know what effect this have on the M1 and up
<nickchan> Interestingly, this error only affects earlycon, normal serial is not affected but I changed the type of the normal serial for consistency
<nickchan> sven: would you mind checking if the above diff has any negative effects for early serial, serial in general on m1 and up?
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<kettenis> nickchan: the main (only?) difference that seems to make is that it'll use a 32-bit read to get the input characters
<kettenis> The OpenBSD driver already does that so I expect no issues
<nickchan> kettenis: the original SError is actually from trying to write to UTXH (+0x20)
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<kettenis> ah, yes, 32-bit write for output characters as well
<kettenis> OpenBSD driver does that too, so that shouldn't be an issue either
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<sven> I can test it tomorrow or so but I also assume it’ll just work
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<chadmed_> is there anything majorly wrong with the hwmon and dcp PRs that i still need to address?
<chadmed_> leio: might be worth testing the dcp one with whatever version of gnome is supposed to use that functionality?
<chadmed_> (assuming it even does without anything v4l2 wired up)
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