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<jannau> do we want to use the asahi/mesa gitlab issue tracker or the (mesa/mesa) one? It feels strange to report deqp errors in the github tracking bug
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<jannau> has anyone an idea why LD_LIBRARY_PATH could be ignored? I don't think I'm in secure-exec mode. with LD_SHOW_AUXVAL=1 the linker reports my user's uid/gid and AT_SECURE=0
<jannau> LD_DEBUG=libs only lists the system search path
<jannau> it was working a thurday and friday days ago
<jannau> s/ days//
<jannau> arch's /usr/bin/eglinfo has RPATH set. sigh
<jannau> that doesn't explain why glcts has problems though
<jannau> sigh, was just a wrong parameter
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