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<ella-0> alyssa: With agxv stuff I've been working on implementing copies in meta. I've not been making the best progress with it.
<ella-0> You can fit in whereever you like but this copies stuff is what's really been whittling away at my motivation and I wanna be mean and pass it onto someone else
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<alyssa> ella-0: heh. If you pass it on I can work on it. Not /immediately/ but hey
<alyssa> which parts of meta copies are you finding tricky?
<alyssa> [I have a ~rough idea of how it 'should' work but you -- actually working on it -- can tell me why I'm wrong ;) ]
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<ella-0> Some copies that aren't tile aligned are resulting in faults, and I've done nothing about properly converting values in shaders and am simply relying on images having mutable formats which isn't correct.
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<alyssa> 1. I can take a look if you push the branch + give me the test caselist
<alyssa> 2. heh, you should be able to do raw copies into the tilebuffer and never need to convert
<alyssa> admittedly not sure how to best express that with vk_meta
<alyssa> happy to look into that as well
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<alyssa> jannau: I've just made the horrible discovery that the compiler is not deterministic. ugh ugh ugh.
<alyssa> I wonder if that's causing our evil flake.
* alyssa stares at qsort_r calls that are not stable.
<alyssa> of course Rust's default sort is stable :~)
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