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<lina> Mary: Those "out of slots" messages mean you're out of global GPU resources... it's supposed to just block until they free up then, but those codepaths haven't been tested much so I wouldn't be surprised if things go wrong...
<lina> Maybe reduce the parallelism?
<lina> (This whole thing is going to be redesigned in the driver so I don't really want to try to fix it if it's broken right now ^^;;)
<lina> Actually no, I think what happened there is the GPU firmware crashed/froze
<lina> This is a known issue when you get faults, there's a chance it might happen and I don't know why yet
<lina> Running out of slots is normal then because all GPU jobs gets stuck...
<lina> If you get "Job timed out on the DRM scheduler" then things are going to break
<alyssa> note to self: enabling layered rendering entails
<alyssa> - setting "set whn reloading z or s 2"?
<alyssa> - setting fb layers
<alyssa> - additional varyings as known
<lina> alyssa: I'll review your MR later (sorry, got caught up in apartment/move stuff last night... still setting up wiring and stuff ^^;;)
<alyssa> all good
<lina> Does layered rendering work on the Linux driver? I think that was never really tested
<alyssa> Unclear
<alyssa> Well
<alyssa> No, but I don't know if it's my bug or yours or both
<lina> ^^;;
<lina> Could easily be mine
<lina> That was implemented blind and I wouldn't be surprised if I missed some *layers somewhere...
<alyssa> ah..
<alyssa> unfortunately I don't have a good test case yet
<lina> BTW today I wanted to look at something simple as a bit of a walkthrough some reversing stuff, think YUV textures are okay?
<lina> I figured it's not too complicated to explain ^^
<lina> Just going to look at the descriptors
<alyssa> sure
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<lina> alyssa: Got you some YUV texture examples ^^
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<Mary> lina: I got it to not freeze by disabling power management (it's stuck on 6 of them but that's fine ^^)
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<chadmed> lina: AVD supports VP9 not VP8 just FYI, you can enable (experimental) avd decode of vp9 in safari with the dev tools
<chadmed> also thanks for explaining how chroma subsampling works in memory :P
<_jannau__> vp9 support has to be enabled? I thought they added vp9 support explicitly for youtube, maybe just for the youtube ios app
<chadmed> i havent actually booted macos in months but last time i was in there you had to turn on safari dev tools and explicitly enable it
<chadmed> last time i was in there was to update system fw for the smc charge control changes
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<_jannau__> I would have expected it to be supported in the initial m1 macos release
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<chadmed> huh i cant even find where i first saw that anymore
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<mini_> suggests it's been enabled for a while now on desktop safari
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<alyssa> lina: nice!
<alyssa> and I've got you a minimal test case for layered rendering
<alyssa> branch is agx/layered, information on how to test in the commit message
<alyssa> The way this is /supposed/ to work is that there is a special 32-bit varying written by the vertex shader contained the layer and viewport ID packed together
<alyssa> and also we write the layer as a regular flat varying so it's accessible in the frag shader
<alyssa> and that branch forces eMRT always, so just needs to handle doing image array writes from the frag shader with the layer given by that layer varying
<alyssa> however... I think the hardware tiler bit isn't working properly
<alyssa> which could mean either shader bug (possible but I've read the asm and it looks fine..)
<alyssa> or kernel bug with the layered bits
<alyssa> forcing pass type to TRANSLUCENT changes the failure slightly which is a smoking gun for that
<alyssa> good luck :3
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<alyssa> lina: ^^ (stride / 16) - 1
<alyssa> my guess is that's the stride of the second plane, with the appropriate shifting/biasing done to pack
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<lina> Yeah, that was my guess too ^^
<alyssa> I hope you can figure out the layered rendering mystery because I'm p stuck :(
<lina> It's probably a kernel snafu...
<alyssa> could also be a mesa snafu
<alyssa> por que no los 2
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<alyssa> lina: OK, it's almost definitely kernel
<alyssa> I've added a patch which disables hw layered rendering and uses only the sw emulation path, and that passes the test
<alyssa> so I just need help getting it to pass with that commit reverted ^_^
<alyssa> also after that, passing ./amd_vertex_shader_layer-layered-depth-texture-render which will be more kernel stuff (or ZLS control bits)
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