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<lina> alyssa: I think you can just merge it if you're comfortable without line by line review, unless you want me to just review it today ^^
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<alyssa> lina: i'm about to go to sleep. i'll merge tomorrow my time barring discovered issues. that gives you all of today JST to review if you want. or to do nothing if you want.
<alyssa> this code has passed All The Tests and all the important stuff was discussed on stream so any review at this point would likely be finding local style things and not Big Problems
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<alyssa> (I hope.)
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<jannau> lina: not yet
<jannau> looking for the right branch
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<lina> alyssa: Sooo about that DCP compression thing...
<lina> It turns out it *does* have support for X2R10G10B10 + A8 biplanar formats directly
<lina> And when you do that, the accel buffer field is the address of the second plane... and I guess the actual compression metadata offset is implied?
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<lina> So then I'm not sure if the compression is the same or not because too many things changed, but at least "Compression" is 0x0 which seems different.
<lina> Also the store shader uses TODO.unkB1 ?
<lina> I guess this is a whole new PIPE_FORMAT, don't see anything matching it...
<jannau> a new DRM format as well
<lina> Yeah...
<lina> Mind you, this is probably orthogonal to the actual compression
<alyssa> Spicy
<lina> alyssa: do you know if compression=0 works? also any idea about the TODO.unkB1?
<alyssa> to disassemble TODO.unkB1
<lina> Ohh OK, so that one is already known
<lina> So it's just the fun descriptors then
<alyssa> what are you talking about compression=0
<lina> <field name="Compression" size="2" start="106" type="hex"/> <!-- 0 for uncompressed -->
<alyssa> unkB1 is a PBE block write, the descriptor is the first one (the PBE descriptor)
<alyssa> ooooooooh
<alyssa> I see
<alyssa> but it says Layout Compressed?
<lina> Yes, and "Compressed 1" is true
<alyssa> is this with Mesa patches?
<lina> No?
<lina> What patches?
<alyssa> ok
<alyssa> IDK
<alyssa> I'll look when I'm awake in a few hours
<alyssa> though none of this seems that weird
<lina> The compression meta buffers are directly after the main buffers with no page alignment, so that's probably just implied when using this configuration
<lina> alyssa: By the way, did you ever look at YCbCr conversion? We're still not loading the conversion coefficients in the kernel, and it might be a good idea to test this and start doing that before upstreaming.
<alyssa> No
<alyssa> Metal doesn't support that publicly
<alyssa> Easiest way will be if you watch a film with whole-system hv on, I think
<lina> OK ^^
<alyssa> FWIW I don't care to support that in Mesa most likely
<alyssa> the conversion part
<alyssa> but I would definitely like us to know the r/e side at least :)
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<alyssa> Today in AGXV:
<alyssa> - WIP vk_meta implementation of vkCmdCopyImageToBuffer
<alyssa> - STORAGE_TEXEL_BUFFER support (used in that implementation)
<alyssa> - misc deqp fixes .. dEQP-VK.glsl.operator.* is passing now, as is dEQP-VK.pipeline.monolithic.logic_op.*
<alyssa> - line width fixed
<alyssa> - primitive restart implemented so dEQP-VK.pipeline.monolithic.input_assembly.* is passing now
<alyssa> still a huge pile of tests failing for reasons completely obvious to what they're testing
<alyssa> so not yet in a spot for .. productive fullspeed ahead development, if that makes sense
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