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<r3muxd> does anyone know if the working set limitations on the GPU are implemented in hardware or software? on asahi it says i can use all 16gb of unified memory as vram, but macos only lets me use about 10gb
<lina> r3muxd: It's a software thing, on Asahi you can use as much as you want until things start crashing
<r3muxd> opencl in asahi isnt functional yet right? just making sure because the only thing that shows up for opencl asahi is your streams
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<_jannau__> lina: please test KHR-GLES31.core.draw_indirect.advanced-twoPass-transformFeedback-arrays and KHR-GLES31.core.draw_indirect.advanced-twoPass-transformFeedback-elements for the barrier bits
<_jannau__> before you start the full cts run
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<jannau> lina: for i in $(seq 1000); do if ./glcts -n dEQP-EGL.functional.render.multi_context.gles2.rgb888_window | grep -q 'Failed: *1/1'; then echo "$i repeat(s) until fail"; break; fi ; done
<jannau> lina: the pbuffer variant of that test fails as well
<jannau> but I'm using x11_egl as target
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<_jannau__> lina: no, it usually fails after 5 to 50 runs for me
<_jannau__> running on the 10-Core GPU variant although I'd hope that that makes no difference
<lina> 250 repeat(s) until fail
<lina> Now running 13.5 with the latest kernel, same mesa, no hypervisor
<lina> 204 repeat(s) until fail
<lina> ;;
<lina> Guess it's just more heisen for me...
<_jannau__> sometimes it results in render timeouts here which might or might be a separate issue
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<alyssa> Today's AGXV update:
<alyssa> - more banging on descriptor sets. ended up ~~plagiarising~~ adapting NVK's implementation. hopefully that means we picked up a bunch of new features for free.
<alyssa> - vk_meta implementations of vkCmdFillBuffer, vkCmdUpdateBuffer, and vkCmdCopyBuffer2.
<alyssa> that's passing all the relevant deqp-vk tests
<alyssa> and gets rid of all the internal hardcoded dispatches, which is a big deal for portability
<alyssa> (Lina just found out that G14X needs a tweaked CDM header. With the new approach, there's only one place to make that change in the VK driver instead of 3 or more.)
<alyssa> In addition to being totally generic (i.e. it'll Just Work for panvk2), I implemented one bit of cleverness that the AGX-specific one lacked -- dynamically choosing a block size based on the alignments
<alyssa> in the happy path, it'll copy 16 bytes at a time
<alyssa> (this still isn't fully optimal, since the thread dispatch overhead will dominate. but it's better than copying 1 byte at a time!)
<alyssa> (actually let me go fix that, should be easy)
<alyssa> --actually I don't care it's 7pm on a friday
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<alyssa> next week I'll look at the image copies, now that I've built up a little bit of self-confidence with hacking on vk_meta
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