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<vveapon> is there a reasonable solution to the Firefox pink / magenta flashes on M1 iMac at the moment? Running Fedora 40
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<testirus> I know there is someone here who managed to get DWL on Asahi Fedora Remix working, how did you change the native resolution? I need to downscale iot.
<LarstiQ> testirus: not using dwl, but I use Kanshi for it with river
<testirus> LarstiQ I can't find what Kanshi looks like online, mind sharing a screenshot? @LarstiQ
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<LarstiQ> it doesn't look like anything, it manages monitor configurations including scaling
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<jannau> vveapon: Fedora 40 with KDE and the fedora Firefox? what is going on at the time you see the magenta flashes? how many tabs are open? are other applications running at the same time? if yes which?
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<jannau> vveapon: asking because you seem to be the only one reporting this and the only imac specific thing I can think of is the display resolution. but 4k displays are not that far off resolution wise so I would have assumed someone else hits this
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<chadmed> jannau: there might be a lead on this. zamundaaa was saying earlier today that ff actually has disaggregated render and commit threads so it might actually be a ff issue
<chadmed> as in, the render thread is completely decoupled from what ff tells the compositor it wants, so if a window is created or ff tells the compositor it wants a repaint or whatever it might not have actually rendered anything
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<jannau> so basically like for the first frame which we reported
<jannau> so I guess a loaded system and high render buffer resolution could trigger this
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<jannau> vveapon: do you use fractional scaling? which scale factor
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<LarstiQ> I have this issue too (though ff + river on NixOS). No fractional scaling but scaling 2 on laptop screen and 1 on external monitor over hdmi
<PaulFertser> LarstiQ: and is the system considerably busy with anything else but FF at the moment you observe the bug?
<LarstiQ> PaulFertser: I'll have to start keeping an eye on load, but imo not really. Playing some music, usual tab amount (which for me can be in the hundreds, but only on Asahi is that giving pink flashes), bunch of terminals but no builds
<testirus> I know Wayland works on asahi, but what about xorg?
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<PaulFertser> testirus: it's second-class citizens due to archictural design not being a good match for hardware. So it works but there're glitches, unsmoothness and such.
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<j`ey> I get pink flashes using youtube + chromium too. if Im on one workspace and then flip to te chromium workspace, I sometimes see pink, even under no real load
<j`ey> (24G of ram, so I know I'm not running out)
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<dontdieych> weapon: j`ey: I'd got 'pink flashes' in Asahi + NixOS install. With Firefox, Chromium. I'm in Asahi + Arch. No 'pink flashes' not yet.
<dontdieych> I would suggest disable zram swap then watching.. I have no clue, no log, but ... (Mine is MBA 15 M2 8GB). Current swap in plain 16G swapfile.
<j`ey> I suppose that could be a zram issue, I will see if Im using any zram next time
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<flokli> no zram here, and I also see magenta flashes. That's on gnome-shell. I assume it's something to do with the amount of windows that are open / memory pressure. It occured quite noticeable when I had like 8 workspaces open, it's gotten less once I cleaned up a bit.
<flokli> (m2 air with ~16G of RAM)
<Nefsen402> Magenta is just the default color the hardware has for a zeroed out buffer with compression
<Nefsen402> It's an application bug / compositor bug if you're seeing that
<Nefsen402> Maybe a driver bug, but probably not
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<kode54> yeah, compositor should not be displaying surfaces until the client maps them and submits them for painting
<kode54> something weird going on with a compositor, or possibly client app if it's just mapping and submitting them before filling out their buffers
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<Nefsen402> kode54: Asahi uses implicit sync, if the compositor was disaplying images too soon it would be a kernel bug
<allmazz> hi. what about power consumption in compare with mac(shit)OS?
<Nefsen402> Anyways, the images would not be uniform magenta, it would be some distorted combination of mangenta the actual content and everything inbetween
<Nefsen402> allmazz: On Base M1 / M2 reports say as good as macos except for suspend/sleep
<Nefsen402> asahi gets like 3 days
<Nefsen402> Pro Max chips have more trouble
<Nefsen402> compared to macos
<allmazz> could you please share a bit more info? is there any ways to improve battery life?
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