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<ponies> New install. Just installed wine-9.5 (Staging). However i get 0024:err:environ:run_wineboot failed to start wineboot c000007b
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<agsv> hi yall
<j`ey> hello
<agsv> say is there a guide to migrate asahi archlinux arm to fedora?
<j`ey> I think the only way is uninstall / reinstall
<PaulFertser> Why isn't applicable for the purpose?
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<agsv> what is that?
<sven> there are probably some ways to do it but the easiest way is to backup your /home and just reinstall
<agsv> I guess. need to get around it
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<j`ey> PaulFertser: it's probably way more complicated
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<j`ey> agsv: that guide is probably still fine (just make sure you use your numbers from diskutil, not theirs)
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<PaulFertser> j`ey: isn't Fedora supporting some way similar to "debootstrap" where one can easily roll out a new install from a live GNU/Linux session?
<j`ey> sure, but then you have to make sure you get the asahi repos etc
<PaulFertser> Doesn't sound too involving
<PaulFertser> j`ey: yes, all conditions are met, if it works, it works, if not you still have physical access and can install from scratch. Or is Asahi Fedora installer really that special and one would have hard time getting a usable system without it?
<jannau> backup of /home and a list of manually installed packages (and /etc/ & data dirs if you're using system services) and reinstall is simpler and less error prone
<jannau> sure there are other ways if you know what you're doing but if that is the case you don't have to ask here
<jannau> and we certainly do not want to support other ways
<PaulFertser> j`ey: I think I know what I'm missing. I guess it would be nice to have an informed answer like this to that question: "Dear user. Imagine you have a regular x86 UEFI system running Arch Linux and you want to migrate it to current Fedora. If you do not have a clear idea what it would involve, your answer is ``back up /home, etc`` and reinstall. If you do, back up anyway, and keep in mind that
<PaulFertser> procedure for Apple Silicone would differ in X, Y and Z because of (link to the wiki describing boot chain), the trick is to do N."
<j`ey> yes it's basically that and what jannau said
<j`ey> I don't see a real benefit over using, other than it being kinda cool
<PaulFertser> It's missing X, Y, Z and N placeholders.
<PaulFertser> I see benefit in users educating them about the system they administrate and thus becoming more capable.
<j`ey> then buy an M1 and write up the guide :P
<PaulFertser> I'm looking for second-hand M1 that's half the retail price of a new locally. But so far haven't found one, proobably they're so exceptionally cool that people value even the old models.
<PaulFertser> And I'm not buying a new one because I do not want to give money to Apple.
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<j`ey> wait until M4, then maybe M1 will get cheaper :p
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<PaulFertser> j`ey: regarding using cool things, yes, that's exactly my point. Modern industry mostly sucks, it's nasty, hostile and mostly not inspiring. Coolness comes from "hacking", doing unorthodox tricks by using knowledge gained. When you share details about the internals it's much more likely to inspire someone to learn, when you're giving simple, strict and reliable advice how is it different from a
<PaulFertser> corporate support channel? You want more hackers, tinkerers around or not?
<j`ey> I think there are times where that's true, but for just reinstalling, I'm happy for the simple corporate approach
<j`ey> but also some people really do just want to use their computer, and not tinker, and that's fine too
<PaulFertser> That's fine, sure, but it would be good when an alternative is highlighted so that those who are ready and willing to learn see the opportunity.
<sven> don't think anyone would stop you from creating documentation for an alternative
<PaulFertser> I had an impression not mentioning idevicerestore on official wiki pages for that sonoma bug when DFU is required was deliberate decision by Asahi team somehow.
<j`ey> no, I don't think so
<PaulFertser> When a free software alternative to using "another Mac with macOS" exists it seems really odd to not even mention it.
<sven> idevicerestore just isn't very user friendly and that's probably why that page so far only mentions the official apple way. it's a wiki though so everyone could've just edited it *shrug*
<j`ey> I think you're reading too much into it tbh, markan probably just didn't want to go write that guide right then, was already dealing with lots of stuff around that time
<sven> yeah
<j`ey> and as you know, you have to build from git etc
<PaulFertser> I tried it few days ago, there was nothing special at all, and then "idevicerestore --latest [--erase]" is as user-friendly as it can get. No guide needed for that.
<LarstiQ> last time I had to do a DFU restore I went by the url the laptop was displaying anyway. _Now_ I know there is an alternative and will try that, but I think that requires a bit more investment from the user to go looking for it
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<sven> isn't the last idevicerestore release from 2020 or so and doesn't have full support for apple silicon?
<j`ey> yeah
<j`ey> markan fixed it in 2021
<sven> yeah, so that's already a lot of work for the average end user
<PaulFertser> It needs to be built from latest official sources, along with usbmuxd, sure. That's basically the only thing that needs to be told to end users to get them going.
<sven> keep in mind not everyone's comfortable with building from source and using the command line
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<j`ey> also if youre in that position.. it doesn't "feel good", in the sense that you're probably already stressed or annoyed youre having to do this :P
<sven> yup. especially if you can just go to the next apple store and have them do it for you
<PaulFertser> There's a huge amount of people who know enough to run ./ and do other basic *nix sysadmin stuff but not talented and devoted enough to join the elite RE club.
<j`ey> we're not trying to discourage people from doing that btw
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<chadmed> can we just like... ask them to cut another release of idevicerestore?
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<sven> I think someone tried a while ago
<sven> might make sense to poke them again though
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<fliife> how can I make it so that macOS is always prioritized at boot ? Currently, asahi boots by default and I have to long-press then choose macOS to get into macOS
<tpw_rules> hold option and the boot into macos button will change into "always use" or something and then it will get saved
<tpw_rules> you can also use the startup disk preference pane in macos
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<tramtrist> if you run asahi-bless from linux you can also change the default
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<runxiyu> M1, CPUs 0-7 with 4 firestorm and 4 icestorm
<runxiyu> How do I know which four are icestorm and which four are firestorm?
<runxiyu> I want to put one firestorm core in isocpus
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<runxiyu> ah, thanks
<PaulFertser> So the last four are the faster cores.
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