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<vveapon> hi all. another weird graphics thing, I imported the .icc profile for my iMac in to the KDE display settings thing and it was OK for a while
<vveapon> but after half an hour or so new windows just draw as an empty white square
<vveapon> this is on FC40
<vveapon> in a screenshot the white areas seem to show as black, not sure if that clarifies anything
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<vveapon> anyway I rebooted and removed the .icc config and all is well, but it might be nice to have it working one day
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<chadmed> vveapon: can you try disabling the kwin blur effect?
<chadmed> there are known issues with it
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<vveapon> chadmed: will do
<vveapon> so far so good. I'll see if it continues to be OK
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<vveapon> seems to be OK with that blur effect disabled
<vveapon> thanks chadmed :)
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<kode54> "oops" I already updated my machine
<j`ey> may be ok for some machines
<kode54> does it break machines that aren't running Asahi?
<j`ey> no
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<mort_> Since upgrading to Fedora 40, my laptop boots into a bootloader's command prompt (probably u-boot, but I don't know for sure that it's not m1n1). There are no errors, and I can type 'boot' and the machine boots, but how can I make it just boot into Linux automatically?
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<PaulFertser> mort_: it's probably a GRUB command then. Check the menu entry you're using there.
<PaulFertser> But it's automatic at the end of menu entry
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<mixi> as a follow-up to the problems with dm-crypt flokli mentioned yesterday: they seem to be gone with 2632e2521769 ("arm64: fpsimd: Implement lazy restore for kernel mode FPSIMD") reverted
<mixi> (found by git bisect)
<flokli> mixi: you reported in the issue?
<j`ey> mixi: o_O
<maz> ixi: can you please report this on the list, Cc-ing ardb and broonie? if there is a bug there, it is going to eat people's data very quickly.
<j`ey> mixi: you might want to join #armlinux
<maz> mixi: ^^^^
<flokli> mixi: I tried to reproduce it, but couldn't, at least not with the raw block device
<j`ey> mixi: on that is
<j`ey> mixi: another thing to try, with that commit not reveted, is enable CONFIG_DEBUG_PREEMPT
<sven> huh
<sven> probably a good idea to try and reproduce this with a upstream kernel and send this to the mailing list
<mixi> depending on how well it works on this train I might have sent the mail
<mixi> and the bisect was with the upstream kernel
<j`ey> yeah if you can do the stuff in QEMU, even better
<sven> nice
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<maz> mixi: added the author and reviewer of that patch to the Cc list.
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<jannau> mixi: updated to 6.9 or 6.8? 2632e2521769 is in v6.8
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<dbgmode> Hello; for … reasons, I had to do the ol' Apple Configurator "restore" (firmware re-write and disk blank out) on my M1 MacBook Air to upgrade to macOS 14.5 (or presumably be capable of further updates in the future). As such, writing from a macOS install to which I've only added Xcode & Ivory, so I am in a relatively "risk free" position to look at how the Asahi installer is holding ups to 14.5 fw, etc. Is there anything helpful I can loo
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<dbgmode> I realize I am not exactly asking at an especially convenient time (but I got the laptop working again after soft-bricking, and extracting files over recovery SMB, at like 11:00 UTC and then slept a few hours, so now its now)
<dbgmode> probs there is really nothing here not covered well-enough by dev machines, but thought I'd offer
<mixi> jannau: right. that was a mistype. it was since 6.8
<mixi> maz: that's what I get for trying out new mail clients. I thought I already added them...
<maz> mixi: no worries, that was easily fixed, and I've been already told this will be looked at shortly.
<dbgmode> I'mma give it (attempting to install Asahi Fedora on freshly "restored" macOS 14.5 M1 Air) a go in probs ~40 min or so; let me know if there is anything of use I can configure / be on the lookout for
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<knedlik> Hi there... could someone point me to the newest Asahi kernel source? Both github and gitlab seem active and outdated at the same time, so it's quite confusing...
<j`ey> github is the latest
<knedlik> Alright, thanks
<knedlik> Just a side-note, what does the slash before a block in the device tree source mean? I asked in the first place because I build from the latest tag on github and the speakers didn't work
<knedlik> Oh, it has a special branch... makes sense, a bit weird though considering it's in the fedora repo
<jannau> fedora knows that it has lsp-plugins without the bug
<knedlik> Right, thanks for the help
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