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<u154ss> @jannau running your 6.9 kernel (wip) on an M2 Mini. Nothing untowards up to now.
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<mkurz> Hi, still using Asahi ALARM, using joske's PKGBUILD, trying to install asahi-audio, which `lv2-host` to use?
<mkurz> 1) ardour 2) audacity 3) carla 4) ecasound 5) element 6) guitarix 7) jalv 8) muse 9) qtractor 10) reaper
<mkurz> Thanks!
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<chadmed> mkurz: it doesnt matter, you dont need any of them so pick whichever
<chadmed> pipewire is the lv2 host for asahi-audio
<mkurz> chadmed: Thanks, I will choose the default then (ardour)
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<marcan> Something something testing thelounge (cc sven)
<ar> marcan: out of curiosity, isn't the lack of mobile apps annoying? that's - for me - the primary reason for staying with weechat (+ weechat-android)
<ar> and the PWA never really worked well for me
<marcan> ar: no idea, sven said it's better than mobile clients. I'm not sure if I'll bother with mobile though anyway, I'm already too online :p
<BesterGester> i've been using the PWA for couple of months now and it works well enough for me. it actually works better than discord or slack
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<fooxi> chadmed: nothing new on the stutter i take it?
<chadmed> fooxi: it needs to be dealt with in kwin and the driver but beyond fixes that j a nnau made nothing new has been done
<fooxi> chadmed: thanks!
<fooxi> appreciate the update.
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<jannau> fooxi: should be better with kernel 6.8.9-403.asahi (fedora) / asahi-6.8.9-5
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<pedantic_picto> i'm not sure if this is the right place to ask this question, but after a reboot today i will either see the fedora loading screen (after u-boot) freeze and become unresponsive, or go for a while and then the display goes blank. pulling up the grub menu to boot into the previous image didn't seem to help. has anyone else run into this?
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<jannau> pedantic_picto: which device? did you update before the reboot? edit the kernel command line in grub and remove "rhgb" and add "nomodeset" that should allow you to see more
<pedantic_picto> m2 macbook pro. trying to remember if i ran an update in the session before it started acting up. i _think_ i ran the upgrade by itself and restarted just to make sure it would work. i'll try out those grub options and see what it says
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<Nefsen402> I use weechat on the desktop, gamja on the laptop, and goguma on the phone (even has fully working notifications and everything) with the soju irc bouncer
<Nefsen402> although, I just freeload off of emersion's bouncer which just happens to run soju of course
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<pedantic_picto> still no dice. the previous image i have is 6.8.9-402 but i did notice that the kernel parameters for 6.8.9-403 had `ro`. removing `rhgb` and adding `nomodeset` ended up with a "you are in emergency mode" message saying "cannot open access to console, the root account is locked" with a press enter to continue prompt. doing that tries to start, but ends up with the same thing. fiddling with the kernel parameters either got me to the same spot
<pedantic_picto> or just a blank screen
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