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<Slendi> Hello, so I updated my MacOS couple days ago, and it changed the boot order, how can I change it back so that Asahi is the default option again? Thanks
<j`ey> Slendi: you can either boot into macOS and change it, or press and long hold the power button to get to the boot menu
<jannau> either "Startup disk" in macos or hold control while selecting linux in the boot chooser or asahi-bless in Linux
<Slendi> Ok thanks
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<Slendi> Ok so that worked, but I also did an update, and that included a new kernel, but when I tried to boot into the new kernel, sysd could not find my drive so it couldnt mount it as root (i have my root on a external USB Samsung P7 SSD), this has put me into rescue mode. The other kernel version that I have which I didn't stop the initramfs generation of, is 6.8.9-404, which works great
<Slendi> In rescue mode I did a lsblk which didn't show me the drive at all, but I did get messages from the kernel detecting the USB drive
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<nitro> Hello
<nitro> Finally figured out how to set up my IRC lol
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<nitro> Are there any recommended mail clients for Asahi Linux? I'm using Hyprland
<maz> emacs.
<maz> (emacs is of course the answer to everything -- a lip version of 42)
<maz> lisp*
<nitro> Where to download / how to download it? I'm kind of a noob when it comes to downloading, I've only been using the KDE store, Discover
<maz> nitro: it's a joke. don't try unless you really want a headache and don't mind writing arcane scripts for the rest of your life. it's entertaining though.
<j`ey> youre probably better off with Thunderbird, or something graphical then
<nitro> Ah ok
<j`ey> or maz will give you his telephone number and be your emacs hotline :p
<nitro> Lmao
<maz> j`ey: watch it! ;-)
<j`ey> :D
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<nitro> Got Thunderbird, looks quite nice.
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<nitro> My wallpaper keeps randomly changing, using Hyprland. How do I set it to one permanently?
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<j`ey> nitro: ask hyprland people!
<nitro> I had the impression that most people on Asahi use Hyprland
<j`ey> I dont think that's the case at all!
<nitro> Do you think most people use the given system (KDE Plasma, Gnome, etc) or like Sway then? Just curious. I'm pretty new.
<j`ey> yeah KDE/Gnome
<j`ey> and then a bunch on sway and other more fringe stuff
<nitro> Gotcha
<nitro> I started on the base KDE Plasma, got Hyprland because it looked cool. Couldn't figure anything out, went back to base for 2 days. Had a day off from work, and then spent it learning how to get around Hyprland.
<j`ey> hyprland is fancy, i use dwl, much more minimal
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<bluetail> I thought the overall impression of Hyprland was much tainted since one person tried to cancel it. I am happy it is still thriving, though
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<nitro> @bluetail how does one cancel a window manager
<opticron> probably kill -9
<ar> nitro: the main dev behind it is… problematic
<ar> so the dev is getting himself cancelled
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<bluetail> nitro A person with influence didn't like how things were and tried to get important people to the project banned
<bluetail> ar well. You don't go to the butcher's clique and tell them how bad they are for eating meat. What people find morally and ethically okay does not give others the right to try being a roadblock
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<nitro> "What people find morally and ethically okay does not give others the right to try being a roadbloc" I would agree.
<sven> *sigh* first, this is not related to asahi linux so please take it somewhere else
<jannau> also please take a look at our code of conduct:
<sven> bluetail: this also isn't the first time you tried to derail a conversation like this.
<sven> so please stop.
<sven> last warning.
<bluetail> I tried to intentionally do harm?
<bluetail> Maybe the topic should have not been brought up without being in #asahi-offtopic. I thought it would grant immunity.
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<nitro> Sorry
<nitro> Is there a list of channels anywhere?
<nitro> Ah at the top i see
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