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<Calandracas> I know that DP alt mode isn't ready yet. Is there any way currently to output an m2 air to an external display?
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<j`ey> Calandracas: displaylink
<Calandracas> Thanks, I'll look into that
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<Calandracas> I assume that one of the devices which uses the open source driver is required?
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<j`ey> Ive seen people use the evda? or something, driver
<Calandracas> hum i was reading that the user mode component of the dirver is proprietry
<Calandracas> i (wrongly) assumed that meant x86_64 only
<Calandracas> regardless, i use musl libc and avoid nonfree software, but its good to see that arm binaries are available
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<PaulFertser> evda seems to be free software, just the driver isn't upstream
<PaulFertser> Also people complained it caused audio glitches.
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<Calandracas> I was talking about evdi. from what I can tell, the kernel driver and free software, and some of the usermode components are too (libevdi), but the "DisplayLinkManager" binary is not
<PaulFertser> This says "EVDI is a driver compatible with a standard Linux DRM subsystem. Due to this, displays can be controlled by standard tools, eg. xrandr or display settings applets in graphical environments eg. Unity, Gnome or KDE."
<PaulFertser> Probably that app isn't useful much. People tried evdi on arm64 and repoorted it working.
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<Calandracas> I think it is required, its some sort of daemon. Looking at the arch wiki is says to enable "displaylink.service"
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<PaulFertser> Damn, nobody mentioned that. Indeed they distribute the binary for aarch64 so that explains why it worked for those who reported it.
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<Calandracas> i especially don't want any nonfree deamons running as root :P
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* Calandracas buys old ass displaylink device from 2009
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