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<leio> great, picture didn't come back up immediately after sleep, so I had to HDMI replug, which then put the monitor into "hey, lets detect what this new signal is now", which then cycles back into having the picture disappear and once it kept on, I have completely different picture looking modes than before (no "game", "graphics" and "eco" mode, but "dynamic", "standard", "eco" and "movie"), and I used graphics for best-looking picture without other tuning before
<leio> anyways, found the kernel upgrade for unstable_edid
<leio> guess clang build will probably not work still
<leio> and now with reboot to kernel upgrade, it randomly re-detected again and switched on game mode for me and now the red text looks fine with whatever other settings it changed; I guess that's good for 240Hz EDID, that game mode...
<leio> jannau: I just see stuff like "apple-dcp 2289c00000.dcp: copy_edid failed: -EIO"
<jannau> leio: while you have a stable picture?
<leio> yes
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<chadmed> leio: clang works again
<chadmed> both dist and sources
<leio> you reproduced my problem before?
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<chadmed> i dont recall if it was your specific problem but it was BTF debug rubbish that wasnt being disabled on USE="-debug"
<chadmed> the latest ebuilds in the overlay fix this
<leio> ok, my symptom was that DCP didn't work, basically
<chadmed> huh might be worth another go then
<chadmed> never experienced that with clang builds
<jannau> leio: does the display works now with 'apple_dcp.unstable_edid'
<jannau> if yes please try to read it from sysfs
<leio> jannau: what do you mean? Nothing has changed in this, it just didn't give me picture at the beginning until some replugs. There's no EDID given to me in any /sys/class/drm/*/edid
<jannau> re: VTDB (Video Timing Display Bandwidth), so that's something different than we thought
<leio> well, it's something google has literally zero results for, so...
<jannau> oh, I missed your "yes" to the question if there's a stable picture
<leio> I think some samsung support person just invented a new meaning to the VTDB acronym?
<leio> not that I would have found anywhere what VTDB stands for in long :)
<jannau> I think Apple uses or something based on that. So it supports HDMI 2.1 FRL6 with 48Gbit/s
<leio> the main thing in hardware I found different with this monitor compared to other 240Hz ones was that it's only 40Gbps (FRL 10x4) vs 48Gbps (FRL 12x4) on others
<leio> (in terms of HDMI connection)
<leio> but yeah, it feels like we just aren't seeing that something that supposedly is making non-apple see 240 Hz; either interpretation of the parsed data, or it isn't parsed out?
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<leio> oh, I think I still haven't gotten to try the arch forum recreated edid in BetterDisplay
<jannau> I still haven't parsed the DisplayID timings seen with DP
<jannau> "However, on 07/11/24, Samsung released the 1003.3 firmware version" does Samsung provide firmware upgrades?
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<leio> I upgraded to that 1-2 days ago
<leio> 1003 is still the latest
<jannau> rtings also hasn't gotten more than 120Hz on macOS
<leio> no, it was 3 days ago that I upgraded
<leio> yes, that's where I got the potential problem known before purchase
<leio> I doubt they spend time with EDID faking and such
<jannau> agreed
<leio> also where I got that most other 240 Hz monitors supposedly work fine in macOS
<leio> as the other competing monitors note in that same test box that 240 Hz worked
<leio> for macOS
<jannau> 4k 240 Hz monitors?
<leio> yes
<leio> but I just can't imagine using a glossy finish
<jannau> "Sonoma 14.4.1" from that link doesn't sound good
<jannau> are you testing with the latest macOS version?
<leio> at least it was latest at the time that review was last updated
<jannau> but it shouldn't make a difference because the review is recent
<leio> I'm on 14.4.1
<leio> there's a pending 14.6.1 upgrade that I've avoided
<leio> the forum one didn't seem to take, at least I don't see the same thing when retrieving it back :(
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<leio> but the readback is 384 bytes, while initial readbacks I did before ever EDID loading were 256 bytes. Maybe game mode is giving me longer original EDID in macOS now
<leio> jannau: so that readback is here: - it's either monitor original or what the forum one got morphed to somehow (doubtful)
<leio> the i2c readback is identical, which it wasn't before when some override did change thing the other day, so it should be the original from monitor with game mode now
<leio> so that's 384 bytes for HDMI, which I didn't get from amd iirc, which didn't have HDMI 2.1
<jannau> VTDB 1: 3840x2160 239.990737 Hz 16:9 582.938 kHz 2331.750000 MHz (RB, aspect 16:9, no 3D stereo)
<jannau> from "Block 2, CTA-861 Extension Block"
<jannau> that one is new
<leio> I think I need to find a 240Hz 4K monitor EDID to see how the others encode it outside VTDB?
<leio> or the forum recreated one is supposed to be that, I just can't get it to load
<leio> linux came up clean from macos soft reboot without monitor being annoying, but still same -EIO for edid stuff in dmesg
<leio> you're using imirkin tool git version or something? I can't see that in neither git version of libdisplay-info one nor the online hosted imirkin one
<leio> (the VTDB stuff)
<jannau> I'm using whatever fedora packages
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<leio> eh, that's what I had on the amd box but didn't really use due to mentions of the others :)
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<leio> so it only offers 240 Hz with HDMI 2.1 on the other end and game mode enabled
<leio> and over DP I guess my amd is too old and some older standard there too for it to not offer it in EDID
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<chadmed> dp 1.4 cannot support 4k240 without DSC right
<jannau> yes, needs dsc. for DP we need to parse the DisplayID data
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<leio> jannau: fwiw, here's a Dell Alienware 1440p 240Hz:
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<piroko> my buddy just installed asahi on his mac and video playback is like... super stuttery on chromium
<piroko> I feel like I ran into that myself and fixed it early on but I can't remember what the solution was
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<opticron> piroko, is that were you have to fake the user agent to non-aarch64?
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<opticron> no, wait, that was the resolution limit
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