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<xal> currently trying to diagnose a graphics issue and I need some recommendations to help find the cause
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<xal> intermittently, when I open krunner, an asahi_sched kworker pins a cpu to 100% and I get single-digit fps for about 15 seconds
<xal> dmesg shows a few hundred instances messages like this:
<xal> since I can't get it to happen realiably, I managed to run perf before the problem cleared itself one time it happened. here's the top item. perf shows the time being spent in asahi::queue::SubQueueJob::get :
<xal> I'm running the asahi-6.10.6-1 kernel with asahi-20240727 mesa on an m2 air
<xal> would appreciate any suggestions for tools I could use to gather more information about the problem next time it recurs
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<jannau> xal: please file an issue in not sure if there are tools to help debug this. A trace of the opengl usage to that time would be nice but probably hard to get
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<reda> hello everyone, does anyone know what happened to Eileen Yoon? ( They developed and maintained the AVD codebase (
<reda> exit
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<allmazz> how do m1n1 and u-boot updates shipped?
<j`ey> allmazz: just via dnf / normal software updates
<j`ey> m1n1 is split into two stages, the 2nd stage is what gets updated
<allmazz> just interesting, how we can update m1n1 1 stage without booting to recovery?
<j`ey> you can't, which is why it isn't updated
<allmazz> thx for info
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<chadmed__> reda: she's a student so likely just busy
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