ChanServ changed the topic of #asahi to: Asahi Linux: porting Linux to Apple Silicon macs | "Does XXX work yet?": | GitHub: | Wiki: | Topics: #asahi-dev #asahi-re #asahi-gpu #asahi-alt #asahi-stream #asahi-offtopic | Keep things on topic | Logs:
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<nicolas17> j`ey: #io_uring exists here but I've never seen anyone talk during the weeks I lurked there :P
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<Guest2808> just got kicked into recovery with "An error occurred migrating user data during an install. Reinstall macOS to resolve the issue." while updating between developer betas – anyone else seen this and know if it's asahi related?
<Guest2808> I rebooted into macOS and things seem not-broken at a glance, but curious if anyone else has seen it and ended up noticing something corrupted?
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<Guest2808> (by "asahi related" i of course mean "an apple bug which is only triggered when asahi happens to be present" :)
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