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<mathaic> I have two questions about Asahi Linux:
<mathaic> 1. Does it support OpenGL at the moment programming wise specifically v4.6?
<mathaic> 2. Can I install Asahi Linux on my Macbook 2016 intel cpu as well as my mac mini m1?
<mathaic> many thanks
<PaulFertser> mathaic: Asahi Linux is meant only for Arm-based Macs. Use a regular distro for Intel-based devices.
<PaulFertser> You might want to read if yours is with a T2 chip.
<PaulFertser> mathaic: for the first question, shows the current state
<mathaic> thanks
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<PaulFertser> mathaic: for more details about how it was implemented, , and you might want to follow
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<PaulFertser> If it's without T2 why even ask..
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<mkurz> nicolas17: Thanks! btw, I already limit the max charge to 80%, just wanted to know if is bad for the battery to charge devices off the MacBook while it's plugged in. Thanks, I feel relieved now ;)
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