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<airlied> ah it sank some loads but not their addr calcs
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<airlied> okay managed to avoid some spills by allowing a bunch of alu instrs to move
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<airlied> -Scratch: 34816 bytes per wave
<airlied> +Scratch: 5120 bytes per wave
<airlied> seems like a bit of a win
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<MrCooper> airlied: understatement of the week 8-O
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<Lynne> which kernel branch should I use if I want to play around with nvk a little?
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<Lynne> they've silently added ada's gsp firmware now
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<airlied> Lynne: there really isnt one with everything
<airlied> if you have ada i think skeggsb latest gsprm branch is the only.hope
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<Lynne> seems a bit old, anything more recent I can just rebase that commit on?
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<airlied> that one?
<Lynne> thanks, I'll check it out later
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<pq> emersion, maybe Emil Velikov might be a better person to look at DRM device minor number stuff than me. I've never looked into that side.
<emersion> me neither! :P
<emersion> but noted
<pq> IIRC Emil (xexaxo) has done things around libdrm device identification
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<Danyil> Hello people, I was wondering if there's some progress or info (if any) regarding hardware accelerated GPU scheduling on linux. I haven't seen any projects utilizing it.
<Danyil> It makes a noticeable difference on windows desktop in terms or input latency so I wanted to test it on linux but haven't found any info about it...
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<alyssa> eric_engestrom: samuelig: great news, you're off the hook :p
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<alyssa> airlied: it's a hard problem \shrug/
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<alyssa> nir_opt_preamble why >_>
<alyssa> I'm trying to refine this to reconstruct if's when needed but not when not and oof this is starting to feel like homework for my algorithms class :p
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<eric_engestrom> alyssa: nice, thanks gfxstrand 🤗
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<karolherbst> doesn't AMD hardware have an instruction to fetch the workgroup size?
<karolherbst> so.. I have to redefine nir_intrinsic_load_workgroup_size to be the workgroup_size of the _current_ grid item, not any. So that the last_block (which might be smaller) can return its actual size
<karolherbst> but radeonsi currently lowers it and just sets it to the normal block size, which is actually not what I need here
<karolherbst> dschuermann: maybe you have any ideas what can be done here and if AMD hardware does have some instructions to deal with last_block stuff?
<mareko> karolherbst: the shader doesn't have that information
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<karolherbst> that's.... weird?
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<karolherbst> lowering that could get pretty messy if you have to figure out inside the shader if you are one of the last blocks
<karolherbst> because that's a thing on each dimension
<mareko> the last block feature was not meant to be used by frontends
<karolherbst> well.. I need it for CL
<karolherbst> and I already have it working on llvmpipe and radeonsi, just that the workgroup_size reported is wrong
<karolherbst> on radeonsi that is
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<alyssa> what.. was it for?
<karolherbst> anyway, all of that nonsense is lowered in the frontend (and optimized paths as today are taking if last block is disabled), so it's zero cost if it's not used
<alyssa> if not frontends?
<karolherbst> _but_
<mareko> driver blits
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<karolherbst> I rely on drivers to report propre workgroup sizes
<alyssa> okie
<karolherbst> well.. not anymore, because I'm planning to use it in a frontend
<karolherbst> CL is just a bit annoying with this feature, as it has CLC queries to get the _current_ and the _enqueued_ workgroup size (and other things)
<karolherbst> so I need both, just the enqueued one can be perfectly lowered in the frontend
<mareko> you basically have to lower it except that you don't have to put the whole shader into a conditional block
<karolherbst> lower what?
<mareko> the last block
<karolherbst> I sure won't lower it
<karolherbst> well.. if radeonsi needs it lowered, it's radeonsis business
<karolherbst> but I don't see why the frontend should lower it
<mareko> whatever
<karolherbst> there is hardware supporting it natively, so there is that
<alyssa> karolherbst: tbh I'm on team "rusticl lowers it"
<karolherbst> alyssa: last_block?
<alyssa> yeah
<karolherbst> why
<alyssa> behind a compute cap
<karolherbst> ahh
<alyssa> because there's piles of hw that doesn't support it natively
<alyssa> and it's not a thing in gl
<alyssa> so either it's 1 lowering call in rusticl or N calls in every gallium driver that wants cl
<karolherbst> it's an optional feature though
<alyssa> in that case, compute cap and don't advertise on radeonsi?
<karolherbst> well.. the hardware can actually do it
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<mareko> "can"
<karolherbst> so the restriction on AMD hardware is, that there are no proper interfaces for those system values?
<mareko> it wouldn't be difficult to lower it in radeonsi
<karolherbst> I mean, lowering the system value is a different story than lowering the entire feature
<alyssa> lowering the whole feature is just "round up and put the shader in a big conditional", right?
<karolherbst> no
<mareko> yes
<karolherbst> there is more to it
* alyssa watches rock paper scissors rematch
<karolherbst> you have to calculate the workgroup size according to the disabled work items
<karolherbst> so a simple x * y * z thing won't do
<DemiMarie> Danyil: I don’t believe any of the existing GPU drivers for Linux use firmware scheduling. The in-development Xe and Asahi drivers do use it.
<karolherbst> also the local group id has to be in order and everything
<mareko> need "load_last_workgroup_size" in radeonsi (easy), then a hw-agnostic NIR pass which lowers it
<mareko> it seems easy
<karolherbst> yeah, something like that I guess
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<karolherbst> thing is, it's just a quite bit of code and it would impact everything using nir_intrinsic_load_workgroup_size where nir_intrinsic_load_enqueued_workgroup_size isn't a proper replacement
<karolherbst> but if there is enough hardware which actually doesn't have either of those it's getting a bit messy and I might have to redesign things
<mareko> messy how? all drivers just need load_last_wg_size and the NIR pass can do the rest
<mareko> wg_size.x = wg_id.x == num_wg.x - 1 ? last_wg_size.x : wg_size.x;
<karolherbst> yeah.. and on some drivers wg_id also explodes into more code
<karolherbst> but I guess if there is no better alternative that's what needs to happen
<karolherbst> I just wished drivers/hardware would have a native system value for that
<mareko> we don't even have a native value for num_wg
<mareko> and wg_size
<karolherbst> yeah, but that's cheap to put into a ubo
<mareko> not cheap if the shader is tiny
<karolherbst> just anything depending on the current block id is.. well.. I wished it would be in hardware
<karolherbst> or push constants or whatever driver prefer to use there
<mareko> user data SGPRs
<mareko> any load would be slower
<karolherbst> yeah.. I just forget that most hardware doesn't have UBOs with GPR access speed
<karolherbst> I'd have to play around on nvidia as well wiht this feature, but I think nvidia has the stuff for it
<karolherbst> iris will be interesting to figure out
<alyssa> karolherbst: where are we at with deleting clover
<karolherbst> somebody needs to figure out r600
<alyssa> ah..
<mareko> r600 is not compute hw
<alyssa> there, official word from AMD, r600 is not compute hw
* alyssa deletes clover
<karolherbst> :D
<alyssa> mareko: that's ok, mali isn't graphics hw ;)
<karolherbst> there are apparently still users
<karolherbst> and it kinda works, just somebody needs to figure out the remaining issues
<karolherbst> probably a week of work? dunno
<mareko> we should actually emulate the last block completely
<mareko> in radeonsi
<karolherbst> why?
<karolherbst> seems to work good enough at least, or rather the shader header thing does what I need
<mareko> there may be perf penalty in some hw
<karolherbst> mhhh
<karolherbst> I'd kinda prefer to have more data on that
<mareko> it will be revealed eventually, now is not the time
<karolherbst> I think for now it's probably fine to use whatever there is until someobdy has time to actually look into it
<karolherbst> fair enough
<karolherbst> the annoying part is simply that in CL if you explicitly compile a CL2.0 or CL3.0 kernel, the compiler has to assume the last_block feature will be used unless it's disabled by the application, so I kinda prefer to not have to add overhead it it's not actually needed
<mareko> it's just isub, ieq, bcsel per dimension, and other-than-radeonsi drivers also need UBO loads
<karolherbst> yeah.. I guess it's not that bad given how little num_workgroups is used (probably)
<karolherbst> I can add code for it to lower_system_values, that's not the big problem here
<karolherbst> just have to rethink all the lowering here
<karolherbst> but anyway, that's for next week.
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<AndrewR> seems I compiled embree/luxcorerender for 32-bit Slackware. It even outputs something with
<AndrewR> RUSTICL_ENABLE=lp RUSTICL_DEVICE_TYPE=all LP_CL=1 bin/luxcoredemo
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<AndrewR> ah, no it was RUSTICL_ENABLE=lp RUSTICL_DEVICE_TYPE=gpu LP_CL=1 bin/luxcoredemo probably ..
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<karolherbst> don't need LP_CL=1
<karolherbst> but yeah.. such an output is expected on the CPU if it's not fast enough
<karolherbst> the quality of the image increases over time
<AndrewR> karolherbst, for some reason (with both clover and rusticl active) Luxcorerender does not print opencl info w/o that variable set ...
<karolherbst> it's a bit buggy...
<karolherbst> luxcore doesn't query the devices correctly and then also has internal bugs, it's a bit of a problem... just only have one impl active and it mostly works
<AndrewR> karolherbst, yeah .... but for now workaround seems to work for me :)
<karolherbst> mhhh
<karolherbst> ohh right.. if clover doens't advertise devices it fails :)
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<cambrian_invader> sanity check: I'm getting EACCESS from DRM_IOCTL_GEM_OPEN because it doesn't have DRM_RENDER_ALLOW set and it's being called with the gpu_fd from lima_bo_import
<cambrian_invader> the obvious fix is to use kms_fd instead
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<cambrian_invader> but shouldn't this get caught by anyone who runs lima?
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<edt> Just installed a am5 mb with an rx7700 and a rx660xt gpu. When looking in nvtop, I often see both gpu (builtin and 6600) active. This happens in both game and video playback. I am using mesa 21.1.3 on linux 6.4.3. How is mesa utilizing the buildin gpu? and for what?
<edt> thats a ryzen 7700
<penguin42> edt: I don't know the answer, but does radeontop allow you to see actiivity on each?
<edt> never figured out how to get radeontop to show in builtin gpu - nvtop generally gives better info
* penguin42 didn't realise nvtop did anything on Radeon
<penguin42> edt: I see radeontop has an option -b for bus and -p for path
* penguin42 only has the one card
<edt> -p /dev/dri/card0 dies, card1 shows the rx6600xt
<edt> card0 is the builtin
<edt> is suggest you try nvtop - surprised me on how well it works with radeon (radv)
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<edt> apparently nv in nvtop stands for Neat Videocard
<penguin42> haha
<edt> and it works for amd, intel and nvidia
<penguin42> hmm very pretty
<HdkR> nvtop's name changed once it gained support for more than NVIDIA
<HdkR> It also supports Adreno :)
<edt> Its interesting it shows both gpu(s) (buildin on ryzen 7700 (2 cus) rx6600xt (32 cus)) as used. I'd like to understand what is happening.
<edt> btw I use two displays, both are connected to the the rx6600xt
<edt> one via DP and the other via HDMI
<penguin42> edt: So do you ever see the builtin doing anything on nvtop ?
<edt> I just seen the gpu & memory traces moving up & down (like the other gpu but not matching it). Its probably good. An extra 2 cus probably help in some cases. I'd just like to understand how/why this happens. From what I read 'crossfire' does not work on linux. Looks like something like it does though...
<edt> I just see...
<edt> search a bit shows crossfire as replaced by xDMA and there are patches for xdma in linux 6.3. They are for AMD-Xilinx Alvep cards. Wonder if these patches are also helping/working here???
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