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<zzxyb[m]> excuse me, I created and processed gbm_bo on the first drm device, how to display it on the output of the second drm device after completion
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<MrCooper> zzxyb[m]: what are the two GPUs the BO is being shared between? Asking because scanning out from a shared BO doesn't work except for some special cases
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<pq> zzxyb[m], sounds like the kernel DRM drivers you are using are not checking everything they should, or rejeceting everything they should. That may cause things like gbm_bo_import or createFB to succeed when they should not.
<pq> zzxyb[m], such sharing and scanout depends completely on the hardware, so it is not a surprise you get different results on x86 vs. ARM.
<pq> zzxyb[m], the various API calls you are doing are supposed to fail, when the hardware does not support the operation. Failing those calls correctly is the drivers' responsibility.
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<pq> zzxyb[m], there many different ways on how arrange one DRM device to render and another to scan out, and there is no single way that both works everywhere and is performant.
<pq> *there are many
<pq> zzxyb[m], the choices involved are: on which device you allocate a buffer, in which direction is the buffer import done, and which device is doing a copy if a copy is needed.
<pq> zzxyb[m], the best choice depends on the hardware architecture and the exact graphics chips or cards chosen, and how they are connected.
<pq> zzxyb[m], also, multiple different ways can work, but not all of them may have an acceptable performance, so you cannot solely rely on API calls failing to find the best solution.
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<DMJC> hi, I've got a question regarding Mesa/GL Drivers.
<DMJC> I've got an application which I was trying to run in WINE, when I ran it on X11/AMD drivers it comes up with a black screen, but when I run it in Xephy
<DMJC> with LLVMPipe it renders
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<DMJC> Is there an easy way to determine whether it's AMD's Open source driver that's causing the problem?
<kunzite> LLVMPipe is usually the source of truth compared to other drivers so that is concerning
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<DMJC> yeah if I run LIBGL_ALWAYS_SOFTWARE=1 /home/james/development/wine-git/wine secretops.exe
<DMJC> the game renders/works
<DMJC> but on both DRI_PRIME=1 and DRI_PRIME=2 I get a black screen
<DMJC> Intel and AMD Drivers
<pq> I don't think DRI_PRIME=2 is a thing, is it?
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<DMJC> it is when you have 3 GPUs...
<DMJC> on my laptop PRIME=1 is coming up as intel, PRIME=2 and PRIME=0 come up as AMD
<DMJC> there's also an NVIDIA GPU in this laptop (Intel/NVIDIA), but I've disabled it atm and use an eGPU (5700XT)
<pq> that's undocumented then, the last I looked. Personally I'd use DRI_PRIME with pci device identifications to be sure I get exactly the card I want.
<DMJC> hmm, so at least I know whatever it is in AMD/Intel that's broken is working on closed source NVIDIA
<DMJC> and on LLVMPipe
<pq> arrrh, one day I will remember to go through the dri-devel email cc list and remove all addresses.
<DMJC> I've got a list of all the GL Extensions the game uses, don't suppose there's a way to override them individually so I can eliminate the working ones?
<pq> DMJC, I think Mesa had some environment variables for that.
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<emersion> pq, yeah, i get these annoying notifications too :/
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<zzxyb[m]> <MrCooper> "zzxyb: what are the two GPUs the..." <- amd and displaylink(udl)
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<pq> displaylink is a "software" device, there is no hardware behind it, and no GPU. A very special case.
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<noralf> "dim push-branch drm-misc-next" failed for me: "dim: FAILURE: Could not merge drm-intel/drm-intel-next", could someone please have a look. Fixing this is beyond my abilities.
<zzxyb[m]> In fact, I encountered an arm computer, which is a mali gpu, but cannot create gbm_surface on displaylink (driver defect). So I thought about creating multiple gbm_surfaces on mali and sharing them to displaylink display
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<DMJC> Can't find in GLX Info:
<DMJC> GL_TEXTURE_MAX_ANISOTROPY_EXT, GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, GL_READ_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, GL_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, glMultiTexCoordPointerEXT, glBindFramebufferEXT ,wglSwapIntervalEXT ,glBlitFramebufferEXT ,glBindRenderbufferEXT ,glFramebufferTexture2DEXT, glGenFramebuffersEXT, glRenderbufferStorageEXT, glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleEXT
<DMJC> Can find in GLXinfo
<DMJC> GL_EXT_framebuffer_multisample, GL_EXT_framebuffer_blit, GL_EXT_framebuffer_object, GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two
<zzxyb[m]> pq: I have implemented this technical architecture, but the copy performance is not the best, so I am looking for an optimization solution
<pq> zzxyb[m], the description of has some background information.
<pq> I've never worked on any Mali device, though.
<pq> the difference between integrated and discrete graphics card matters too, whether it has dedicated VRAM or not. CPU access to dedicated VRAM directly is slow.
<zzxyb[m]> pq: I have encountered a lot of mali driver bugs, unfortunately, it has greatly increased the difficulty of my work, I work on wayland
<pq> zzxyb[m], gbm_surface is a collection of gbm_bo's. You don't share surfaces, you share buffers. But yes, creating a gbm_surface on the actual GPU, taking gbm_bo out, exporting it, then importing it to displaylink is how a zero-copy path might work.
<pq> We can't help with proprietary drivers though, if you use one.
<zzxyb[m]> <pq> "displaylink is a "software..." <- Yes, the displaylink device seems to have the DRI function, but it is an independent DRM device. Maybe I am used to calling it a GPU, but in fact it is not. The main reason is that this type of technology belongs to the multi-GPU range. Forgive me for the wrong name.
<zzxyb[m]> pq: I am trying on the amd open source driver, using gbm_bo_import, but the result is not very friendly, let me show you the display effect
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<pq> zzxyb[m], I think much of it depends on the exact details of how you use the GBM API. E.g. do you use explicit modifiers. Do you tell AMD to allocate linear. Etc.
<pq> I would guess that udl cannot handle anything that is not using DRM_FORMAT_MOD_LINEAR.
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<pq> zzxyb[m], what should the correct image look like?
<zzxyb[m]> pq: Similar to this, just with a lot more stripes
<pq> can you show it? or try with a more meaningful and less abstract image, so it would be easier to see how the pixels are getting rearranged.
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<pq> My current guess it that the actual and expected format modifiers do not match.
<zzxyb[m]> pq: format or stride is very likely, because it is very close to the original image
<pq> it's really weird the white dots are spread, that looks like an analog problem, not digital. Or is there some scaling doing on too?
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<zzxyb[m]> pq: I'm sure the image size is correct, this displaylink device is just one resolution
<linkmauve> Ah, I had approximately the same kind of artifacts trying to import an INVALID dmabuf exported from amdgpu to i915.
<pq> are you sure the displaylink device is driving the panel correctly?
<linkmauve> Make sure you allocate it as LINEAR.
<pq> linkmauve, really? It can cause pixel strething like that?
<linkmauve> pq, it uses tiling, so tiles become linear in memory.
<zzxyb[m]> pq: Yes, if I don't use gbm_bo_import, there is a way to light up the displaylink normally, but there will be a memory copy
<pq> linkmauve, yeah, but if you look at the correct image, the white dots are very small an round. In the incorrect image they are very stretched horizontally.
<linkmauve> And if the importer isn’t aware of it, or interprets this INVALID as linear, it will take the whole tile and spread it on a <width×height>×1 line.
<pq> but yeah, mismatch of format modifiers is the most likely cause
<linkmauve> pq, if a white dot is 2×2, it might look 4×1.
<pq> hmm, right
<linkmauve> I do not know the exact tiling format of this particular GPU, but I would expect some morton order which puts close pixels close in memory.
<linkmauve> I don’t remember if I ever fixed that issue on my end, I wanted to play a game rendered with radv, encode that buffer with vaapi on the Intel card, and then stream that out with waypipe.
<zzxyb[m]> If I copy it to dumbbuffer, it can be displayed normally. Should I seek a solution to reduce copying from gbm_bo to dumbbufer?
<zzxyb[m]> zzxyb[m]: But this cost is very high, first map gbm_bo to user memory, and then copy the memory to dumbbuffer, the performance is not high
<linkmauve> zzxyb[m], the issue is that your buffer is tiled, that is pixels are not ordered like you would expect in memory pixel per pixel and row per row.
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<linkmauve> So you have to either allocate it linear, and take the perf hit on every draw to it, if your GPU is even able to draw to a linear buffer.
<linkmauve> Or do a copy, untiling the tiled buffer into a linear layout.
<linkmauve> On my Mali-400 GPUs, the tiling/detiling is always done on the CPU, and detiling can be extremely slow if you map the buffer as uncached memory, this can be something to look for.
<pq> zzxyb[m], note: gbm_bo_map() internally makes a copy when necessary in order to give you a linear pixel arrangement.
<linkmauve> I once reported an issue with that in Lima, I don’t know whether it got fixed, but glGenerateMipmap() would access the image that just got submitted, tiled, from an uncached map.
<pq> mmap() does not do such conversions, but it can be ever slower.
<linkmauve> It would take something like 15s on my phone to generate the mipmap for a 4096×4096 texture. ^^'
<zzxyb[m]> linkmauve: I'm wondering if it can be solved in the udl driver?
<linkmauve> I don’t know anything about udl, sorry.
<pq> zzxyb[m], I believe udl would not accept CPU de-tiling code for Lima tiling modes, no.
<pq> zzxyb[m], if Lima cannot render to linear, then you have to do a copy into linear in some way. I think such embedded systems often have some additional hardware that can do that de-tiling copy more efficiently than the CPU.
<pq> zzxyb[m], did you ever benchmark glReadPixels straight into udl dumb buffer?
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<pq> no dmabuf, no imports, no exports, just the plain old glReadPixels
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<zamundaaa[m]> pq: Afaik Mesa has workarounds for hardware that can't render to linear - it resolves the image to linear on glFlush / eglSwapBuffers. So using a linear buffer should work fine
<linkmauve> Looking at my my phone’s drm_info, it doesn’t even support tiled formats for scanout. :|
<pq> zamundaaa[m], ah, that helps. But I'm not sure it's Mesa...
<daniels> specifically kmsro has code to handle it for drivers which use kmsro (not Intel/AMD) when using GBM as a target
<pq> zzxyb[m], I keep getting confused with the AMD vs. Lima cases. They aren't comparable, especially if Lima is proprietary.
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<pq> zzxyb[m], if you need it to work on Lima, solve it on Lima. Making it work on AMD is a new problem, not the same problem.
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<_jannau__> Lima (mesa) or Mali (proprietary)?
<pq> oh Lima was the Mesa one? I got that confused.
<daniels> pq: lima is the mesa driver for old (pre-Panfrost) Mali GPUs
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<pcercuei> You guys are okay with a huge patch touching 85 files with a tiny change in each file, or should I have a huge patchset of 85 tiny patches each touching a file?
<emersion> i'd personally favor the former, as long as no other changes are mixed in
<tzimmermann> pcercuei, if the change is completely uniform across all 85 files, a single patch would be better IMHO
<pcercuei> Ok, even if the files touched are scattered across subsystems?
<pcercuei> (not *that* scattered - but it touches 3-4 subsystems)
<MrCooper> then it should probably be split per subsystem at least
<pcercuei> Hmm. But the kernel wouldn't build between commits then
<pcercuei> (I update the prototype of a callback function)
<MrCooper> one possible way to handle that is: add new callback with new signature, convert callback users, remove old callback(, rename new callback to old one)
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<jfalempe> tzimmermann, did you take a look at ?
<jfalempe> I'm not sure it's the best way to fix that, but aspeed is a bit particular in this case. Nothing is connected on DP, but you still want to use it remotely, with a decent resolution.
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<tzimmermann> jfalempe, oh. i didn't see it. let me comment
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<zzxyb[m]> pq,linkmauve,Maybe you will be interested in this, just a kwin developer told me,have multiple modes for how buffers are transferred between GPUs:
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<zzxyb[m]> <zzxyb[m]> "excuse me, I created and..." <- this is a more comprehensive solution to the problem.@pq,@linkmauve
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<tzimmermann> javierm, FYI i have a few other patchsets for fbdev ops coming up. i also want to use the fb_ops init macros and Kconfig tokens in fbdev drivers. with the fbdev device file now being optional, i'd like toget to the point where the respective fb_ops can be left out from compilation
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<penguin42> karolherbst: I'm going to get back to looking at profiling; are we at about the same point as a couple of weeks back?
<karolherbst> yeah
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<penguin42> karolherbst: Ack, I'll look at it over the next few days and let you know where I get to
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<javierm> tzimmermann: neat. I still owe you the review of the previous set, let me do that now
<javierm> tzimmermann: I meant to do it on Friday but got busy with some stuff
<tzimmermann> oh, you mean the screen_info thing?
<tzimmermann> ok, sounds good
<javierm> tzimmermann: yeah. Although I think you had some review from Arnd already?
<tzimmermann> i wanted to look at your recent FB_CORE stuff, but didn't have time yet
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<tzimmermann> yes, arnd looked over it
<javierm> tzimmermann: there's no rush. I believe the menu is much more organized after your suggestion (and from Geert and Arnd)
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<arnd> tzimmermann: one more thing I noticed the other day but didn't comment on is that CONFIG_FB_NOTIFY should be selected by FB_DEVICE now, it's no longer needed without that
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<javierm> arnd: but should be select CONFIG_FB_NOTIFY if FB right ?
<javierm> because I don't see it used by the DRM fbdev emulation layer
<javierm> arnd: I haven't realized that you were in this channel btw :)
<arnd> javierm: good question. I see four callers of fb_register_client(), and I had assumed that at least the BACKLIGHT_CLASS_DEVICE one does get used with drm drivers, but I have not looked closely at that
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<javierm> arnd: yes, but that fb_register_client() call happens from backlight_register_fb() and that's only defined when #if defined(CONFIG_FB) || (defined(CONFIG_FB_MODULE)
<javierm> otherwise is just a stub
<javierm> arnd: I can include that cleanup in the next iteration if you want with your Suggested-by
<arnd> javierm: so in the current mainline code (before the FB_DEVICE and FB_CORE options are split out), we would always register the notifier for a drm device, but after your patches the #ifdef check is no longer true
<arnd> I see this getting called from drm drivers through devm_backlight_device_register(), so I'm still not sure whether this #ifdef should be changed to checking for CONFIG_FB_CORE instead
<javierm> arnd: hmm, that's a good point...
<javierm> arnd: probably we could just keep as a FB select as it is in my latest version. Yes, it's not needed if FB_DEVICE isn't enabled but that's a cleanup we can do later
* pcercuei gets triggered by #ifdefs
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<javierm> arnd: I probably should audit all the #ifdef FB and see which ones have to be replaced by FB_CORE
<arnd> javierm: I meant this more as something that could be changed along with tzimmermann's patches that introduce FB_DEVICE in the first place, it doesn't really belong in your series
<arnd> javierm: the only other such check that I see is in drivers/video/backlight/lcd.c, which has the same code
<javierm> arnd: right. Which isn't selected by DRM so we could just keep as is
<javierm> arnd: but I think you are correct about the check in and that should be FB_CORE instead. I'll fixup that in my next rev
<arnd> ah right, it seems that there are in fact only two remaining callers of lcd_device_registers: drivers/hid/hid-picolcd.c and drivers/video/omap/lcd_ams_delta.c
<javierm> arnd: yeah
<javierm> arnd: I'll wait for your review though before re-spinning the series. There's no rush of course
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<swick[m]> airlied sima what was your conclusion about the color pipeline API thing?
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<emersion> gfxstrand: hm, if UMF becomes a thing, would it be driver-agnostic and device-agnostic like drm_syncobj?
<emersion> or would it stay a driver-specific opaque object, with users needing mesa to interact with it?
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<sima> emersion, definitely want to at least wrap it in drm_syncobj for interop I think, but within mesa it might be more driver specific
<emersion> sima: hm… would it be drm_syncobj or Something Else?
<sima> well for backwards interop drm_syncobj, because semantics should match
<sima> it's just that the fence materializes only right when it gets signalled :-)
<emersion> it would really help me if it was just drm_syncobj, because that would mean we can work on the new Wayland protocol
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<sima> emersion, yeah I think for protocol purposes you can assume drm_syncobj
<emersion> i see
<sima> or that we owe you really big time
<sima> if we rev everything at the same time for umf, we'll imo never get there, too big a jump
<emersion> i agree
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<emersion> yeah, i think a drm_syncobj which materializes a signaled fence on completion would work
<emersion> on UMF completion*
<sima> yeah
<sima> we might be able to do better for "vk app renders into winsys buffers(*)"
<sima> (*) conditions apply
<sima> just not sure whether the conditions work out or not
<sima> but worst case fallback should at least be functional
<emersion> do you have a plan for sync_file?
<sima> not possible
<emersion> ok
<sima> I have some really funky ideas to fix some fairly theoretical deadlock issues with sync_file and modesets out-fences
<sima> but they're really kernel internals, not actual umf future fences
<sima> real future fences like umf we just can't squeeze into sync_file without breaking the world
<emersion> the slightly annoying thing with this idea is that there are no GL/Vulkan drm_syncobj import/export
<sima> same for implicit fencing really, it would instead be "future fence semantics implicit sync" which is just entirely a different beast
<emersion> KMS too
<sima> hm I thought vk and exts and gl too for interop?
<sima> kms you need to fish the sync_file out of the drm_syncobj fd
<emersion> but then you need to wait for the fence to materialize
<sima> yeah
<sima> no way around that
<sima> kms doesn't eat future fences
<sima> we'd need to be able to somehow cancel atomic commits
<emersion> vk and GL only have sync_file exts, not drm_syncobj
<sima> and I'd like not to get there :-)
<sima> uh
<emersion> but we can fix that
<emersion> it's just some more work
<sima> you sure? the kernel supports backing them into fd, and there's no other use afaik than import/export to native obj when you start with a vk timeline semaphore?
<sima> *baking
<emersion> for vulkan, exporting a timeline semaphore into a FD gives you the drm_syncobj, but there's no guarantee: as far as the spec is concerned, it's an opaque FD
<sima> it's a platform specific fd
<emersion> which can only be imported into the exact same device
<emersion> and exact same driver
<sima> yeah on linux it's more :-)
<emersion> (UUIDs must match)
<emersion> well, NVIDIA could export to not-drm_syncobj for instance
<sima> well, except that one
<sima> the thing is, you can just try
<emersion> and any other Linux driver could do whatever
<sima> yeah so just check it's mesa or something
<emersion> i'd rather just add the proper ext
<sima> vk_ext_this_is_mesa
<emersion> we have a sync_file ext, we can have a drm_syncobj ext
<jenatali> FWIW Mesa can have non-drm drivers
<sima> hm right
<sima> but any fd you get you could test-import as a drm_syncobj into a drm fd, and it'll reject it if it's something else
<emersion> sima, this wouldn't work for import
<sima> emersion, you need to export an fd first to check :-)
<sima> I should probably go ^Z instead of coming up with idiot feature checks ...
<emersion> yeah i don't want to build something hacky like this
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<penguin42> life would be a lot easier if 'profile' wasn't used as both a way of measuring performance and as a choice of configuration
<jenatali> Amen
<jenatali> You just switch to the profile profile
<DemiMarie> sima: can one at least assume one can get a pollable FD out of a UMF? That is required to be able to use them cross-process.
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<alyssa> my profile pic is a pic of a profile profile
<HdkR> profile inception
* alyssa flails but you only see the shadow of her side
<Danct12> alyssa, congrats on your new job at valve!
<alyssa> Danct12: cat's out of the bag it appears
* alyssa meows
<HdkR> Tip: Don't put cat in bag
<alyssa> nya?
<ccr> =(^.^)=
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<DemiMarie> alyssa: congratulations on the job!
<lumag> robclark, a stupid question. Whom should I ping for the review of a patch like ? I'd like to reiterate the series.
<robclark> probably sima
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