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<nmschulte> ;q
<nmschulte> :blush:
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<MrCooper> KungFuJesus: Mesa dropped DRI1 drivers for the 8.0 release, over 10 years ago
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<binary> hi everyone!
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<binary> not sure if this is the right place here so sorry if i am false
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<binary> since i few days i observe a high memory-usage sometimes after playing a specific game, even after exiting it. the related user-space process seem to be completely gone (can't find anything with top), so i am wondering if that could be a memory leak in the kernel-part?
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<binary> is there a way to debug that?
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<siddh> Hello, Please take a look at these patches I sent a while ago, and let me know if any further changes are needed. All patches are reviewed once, except the last one which can be ignored. Link: Thanks.
<siddh> I was thinking of following it up with separating the old macros into a new file (as suggested in earlier discussion). But I can't do that unless the fix is merged.
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<senatorM> I am not used to dealing with so big hunks to be expected to be read correctly, but likely bigwuzla does the more advanced way of same thing. Sorts of nodes with values and indexes, coeffs, and bounds.
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<karolherbst> anybody up for reviewing some older nir Merge Request? It's kinda sitting there for a while now and it's fixing derefs on vectors
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<KungFuJesus> MrCooper: Yes, I've read that much, like I said I realize I'm probably a decade too late. The mesa-amber project though is meant to make things continue to work with fossilized dinosaur GPUs, or the name would have me believe. I happen to have a dinousaur GPU inside a potato G3
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<emersion> is there a reason why the drivers couldn't be ported to DRI2?
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<kisak> KungFuJesus: no, mesa-amber isn't a separate project with the goal of keeping fossils working. It's a legacy release branch to keep "classic" (non-gallium) drivers available as a second slotted mesa install. There's no expressed intent to add any hardware to that branch.
<KungFuJesus> emersion: that's what I was sort of getting at, the ML post there had suggested there was a path forward for some of the DRI1 only drivers
<KungFuJesus> The Linux kernel has already killed support after 6.3, so that is yet another thing working against me, there
<emersion> probably because no-one was maintaining it?
<KungFuJesus> yeah I understand the reasons I'm just lamenting the uphill battle of trying to re-enable 3d acceleration on this in 2023
<KungFuJesus> during the transition to DRI2, was there some sort of porting guide / document out there? How similar are these interfaces?
<alyssa> karolherbst: i would but that MR is terrifying
<alyssa> i would say it's old enough that faith is the most qualified reviewer, she has probably forgotten enough of the patches that she can review it herself fairly xP
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<KungFuJesus> it looks like having some out of tree module should be possible, the drivers are built as dynamic libraries
<emersion> i don't think that's a good path forward
<KungFuJesus> why's that?
<alyssa> KungFuJesus: to be clear also, the amber/upstream split is more about what's maintained than the age of the part itself
<KungFuJesus> right, this was another obsolence decision that took place at much earlier time than the gallium decision
<KungFuJesus> emersion: were you referring to maintaining an out of tree module as not a good idea or porting the DRI1 driver to DRI2 as not a good idea?
<emersion> out of tree
<KungFuJesus> ah, just hard to build that way? Relies on something more than just headers?
<KungFuJesus> or rather, it's not a very stable API
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<KungFuJesus> I suspect I'm going to find a reason r128 was not ported to DRI2 while doing it. At least one post I've found suggests it managing buffers on lower vram cards might have been part of it
<KungFuJesus> hmm, here's the guy that added EXA support to the DDX: - looks like the goal might have been to get DRI2 support. Did his laptop die? lol
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<DavidHeidelberg[m]> zmike: looked at the shader-db failure, I think where is the issue, meanwhile we could stop spamming with SKIP to the stderr, since it's just at best stdout (and I would love to have option to supress these SKIP warnings):
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<gfxstrand> cwabbott, hakzsam: Any more comments on !24335?
<gfxstrand> I'd like to get rid of my NVK blockers so that we can merge as soon as the new UAPI is ready.
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<DavidHeidelberg[m]> zmike: btw. I looked at the shader-db crash code, I guess the issue is that CI catches the crash first and start finishing.. I'll try to think how to disable it for this case
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<alyssa> gfxstrand: "I didn't bother to copy the entire
<alyssa> VkSamplerCreateInfo into the sampler
<alyssa> "
<alyssa> what isn't copied? i'm confused
<alyssa> just like wrap modes and things?
<alyssa> and the expectation is that the driver packs the whole sampler descriptor in the driver CreateSampler and then can throw away the createinfo?
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<gfxstrand> alyssa: With things like `vk_image_view`, it basically contains everything in `VkImageViewCreateInfo`. With vk_sampler, I just pulled in the fields that actully need some amount of wrapping or interpretation.
<alyssa> makes sense :+1:
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<alyssa> eric_engestrom: I notice `ninja clang-format` made a change in the egl files in
<alyssa> is egl clang-format not in CI?
<alyssa> or is this a version mismatch?
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<senatorM> this is fairly similar to roaring bitmaps, they also have a trace ondisk format. So they already have it, but the bitwuzla terms need to be changed, and constants and variables minimized and transported to sat. Rest is just toggling path constraints.
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<eric_engestrom> alyssa: that egl change looks bogus?
<eric_engestrom> just did a `ninja clang-format` locally (15.0.7) and it's all clean
<eric_engestrom> this is confusing
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<airlied> the one where clang-format disagrees with clang-format and we go around forever
<eric_engestrom> airlied: yeah, I'm afraid of llvm fucking up like that :/
<gfxstrand> And this is why I don't want clang-format in CI.....
<eric_engestrom> stability is basically the only attribute that matters for a formatter
<eric_engestrom> if they break that, the entire clang-format project is dead
<gfxstrand> Just static-link the executable and commit x86 and arm versions to the repo. Problem solved!
<gfxstrand> I wish I were joking.... That's how people solve this problem.
<airlied> yeah people just build a container that never changes
<gfxstrand> That works too
<eric_engestrom> "can't have bad code formatting if there's no code anymore"
<gfxstrand> Well, "works"
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<gfxstrand> I'm pretty sure the Rust folks have been a lot better about this.
<gfxstrand> rustfmt is also a lot more opinionated and less heuristic.
<hch12907> <gfxstrand> "rustfmt is also a lot more..." <- I remember most of its config options are locked behind `unstable`
<eric_engestrom> I wish I had asked myself "did they break the output of clang-format in the past?" because clearly yeah they have, which means the only way it can ever be used is to freeze clang-format to one version and have every mesa dev ever install _that_ version and good luck getting everyone to agree to that
<eric_engestrom> or nobody does any formatting ever and instead we have the CI do it (the thing I had started working on)
<eric_engestrom> like, the CI _does_ the formatting, not _enforces_ it
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<eric_engestrom> anyway, it's late, I'm out o/
<alyssa> gfxstrand: it was fun while it lasted
<alyssa> eric_engestrom: fwiw when I originally did clang-format CI i pinned a particular version
<alyssa> idk if that survived to the merge
<alyssa> it appears "yes but it's pinned to LLVM_VERSION"
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<eric_engestrom> alyssa: LLVM_VERSION is what controls it
<eric_engestrom> yup
<alyssa> eric_engestrom: ..right, so that bumped clang-format inappropriately then
<alyssa> I very specifically picked clang-format-14 because it's the newest available in Debian (even Debian unstable)
<alyssa> LLVM_VERSION=15 though
<eric_engestrom> IIRC right now we require 13+ for the inheritance feature
<eric_engestrom> so we can pin to anything 13+
<eric_engestrom> ok, I really need to go though xD
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<alyssa> bibi
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<alyssa> this just straight up looks like a bug in clang-format-14 maybe
<karolherbst> I think the idea about auto formatter is to not care if they are right or wrong, but to just let them do their thing (and maybe auto format any time that binary changes)
<alyssa> clang-format-16 is happy with mesa main
<alyssa> ughhhh
<alyssa> gfxstrand: ok fine you win
<gfxstrand> :-P
* gfxstrand wasn't trying to win anything but also....
<alyssa> you win... a blahaj sticker
<karolherbst> but yeah... clang-format behaving differently based on the version sounds annoying :D
<alyssa> blahaj_smiling.jpg
<karolherbst> did they add some new options or something?
<karolherbst> maybe an updated config can fix it
<gfxstrand> Ooh! BLÅHAJ sticker! I like BLÅHAJ stickers! :D
<alyssa> :~D
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<DemiMarie> <gfxstrand> "rustfmt is also a lot more..." <- Also rustfmt uses the same parser as rustc, whereas clang-format cannot due to ambiguities in the C and C++ grammars.
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<senatorM> big hunk is working on eventloop apis cli programs are just c-api things, and those would work if specific libc functionality is rewritten. but there in osx, windows, linux are so many loose apis that can not be captured by binary analysis and isolated, i suppose. starting from libforms.
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<senatorM> i think on linux they allow to tap into kernel with berkeley packet format and type format but after the interrupt was handled not much is there info what application did with that keypress. begs for new specification really, as i do not think there is a way but i work on it a bit first.
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<senatorM> i think most understood already the issue, that keyboard is toggled with edge or level triggered interrupts or gpio writes, but it needs a scheduler in the kernel where application switches those off and on what to expect from those gpios and which keys are allowed, and scheduler is for the thing, that when the app hangs, it would not make the keys unresponsive., something like that
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<zmike> mareko: can you follow up on ? some open discussions and also still no rbs on core stuff
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<alyssa> zmike: what are you talking about I r-b'd the core
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<zmike> not seeing it
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<zmike> oh
<zmike> that's not all of core tho
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<mmx_in_orbit__> hello, is there such a thing as zink for Windows instead of Linux?
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<jenatali> Sure, you can build Zink for Windows
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