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<luc> Hi, I am trying to use provided by mesa in my application, but it seems that dlsym() failed to find the symbol `gbmint_get_backend` in
<luc> do I misunderstand something?
<emersion> this is not a public API
<luc> emersion: is that expected if returns NULL?
<emersion> can you explain what you're trying to do?
<emersion> libgbm users are not expected to touch these internals
<luc> I am trying to get glamor worked on our own driver
<doras> Are you trying to write a GBM backend?
<luc> doras: No, you mean using requires the specific driver to implement a GBM backend?
<doras> Yes
<emersion> is your driver not a mesa driver?
<emersion> what driver is it?
<luc> that says, I have to implement `gbmint_get_backend` in my own GBM backend which is the dlopen()'ed `lib`?
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<doras> If your driver is not in Mesa, yes.
<luc> emersion: No, it is a new Gallium-based driver
<emersion> oh, so it is mesa
<emersion> you shouldn't need to deal with any of this stuff, gallium implements what's required for GBM
<doras> Mesa provides an internal backend, so if you write your code in Mesa (even out-of-tree), you don't need an external backend.
<emersion> maybe your driver is missing capabilities that GBM needs?
<doras> I meant not "out-of-tree".
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<luc> yes, we are doing our best improving it:)
<luc> emersion: doras: thank you for the explanation, i think i got it
<emersion> the code is a bit hard to follow, because there is a now-useless layer in-between GBM and Gallium, called DRI2
<emersion> the relevant places to look are
<emersion> dri2_init_screen_extensions()
<emersion> dri_screen_create_for_driver()
<emersion> former is what Gallium exposes as DRI2 API
<emersion> latter is what GBM needs from a DRI2 API
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<psykose> just remove the dri2, so simple right :)
<dottedmag> It is a fully internal Mesa layer nowadays?
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<emersion> yea
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<AndrewR> apparently this one also can use (optionally) opencl: (not tested personally due to lack of hdd space)
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