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<bwidawsk> I notice (unless I missed it) Weston doesn't attempt to find an optimal crtc based on the supported formats/modifiers of the planes connected to the CRTC.... wlroots seems to do this in my testing, though I also don't see where it attempts to pick an optimal crtc.
<bwidawsk> 1. Did I get that right?
<bwidawsk> 2. Is there any nice way to do such a thing without platform specific code for every different type of hardware
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<emersion> bwidawsk: what do you mean exactly?
<emersion> not sure i'm following
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<MrCooper> daniels lina: I'm afraid it's not that simple, see
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<KungFuJesus> I realize this might be a decade too late, but is there any remote chance of resurrecting r128 3d acceleration through amber?
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<KungFuJesus> I've been trying to breathe life into a powermac G3, but upstream (upstream everywhere, I don't just mean mesa) is basically killing a lot of stuff and it's making my work cut out for me
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<jannau> are mesa's atexit handler supposed to work with address/leak sanitizer? I get leak reports which look like the drm devices are not freed and I see no indication of them running
<jannau> this is with LD_PRELOAD-ing the asan runtime lib
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<KungFuJesus> suggests that there's a path forward to making DRI1 drivers work with modern mesa. Any idea what work is left to do this?
<lumag> emersion, who would be the right person then? ;-)
<KungFuJesus> this is of course, terrible timing on my part due to kernel maintainers recently gutting these things from >=6.3
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<DavidHeidelberg[m]> KungFuJesus: would be nicer start maintaining mesa-amber? Bring old stuff to recent mesa would be burden for most people who don't use the hardware
<DavidHeidelberg[m]> But some extra love going to Amber, that would be amazing
<KungFuJesus> I assume amber still wants DRI2 support? Would that be even possible with a 16MB card?
<DavidHeidelberg[m]> Amber is just older mesa before it lost all the older drivers
<KungFuJesus> yes, but it seems to lack support specifically for DRI1-only drivers. Namely r128
<KungFuJesus> (3dfx as well but I can't afford those)
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<nmschulte> How can I get more diagnostic output from drm/amdgpu driver? I'm having issues w/ a display being [consistently] recognized via USB Type-C DisplayPort.
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<bwidawsk> emersion: at some point I have to pick a crtc, I was treating all CRTCs as symmetric, but at least on this platform I'm running, they aren't. For instance CRTC2 doesn't support compression, because the planes it's connected to do not support it
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<Lynne> speaking of amdgpu dc issues, I've had 4 crashes yesterday from just enabling/disabling DPMS on multiple monitors
<Lynne> crashes hard enough for even reisub to somewhat safely reboot
<Lynne> since 6.4 the dc driver went from bad to hardly usable
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