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<jenatali> karolherbst: I think I just figured out a way to do BDA in dzn, the exact same way that CLOn12 emulates pointers (idx+offset pairs), but instead of index being a locally bound array index, just make it a global resource ID which we already have for descriptor_indexing
<jenatali> I don't think I would've come up with that if you hadn't suggested rusticl on zink on dzn, so thanks for that
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<karolherbst> jenatali: cool. But would that also work with arbitrary pointers?
<karolherbst> though _might_ be fine
<karolherbst> or at least for most things
<karolherbst> jenatali: I think the only problem you'd need to solve is to keep the idx valid across kernel invocations for things like global variables or funky stuff kenrels might do
<jenatali> What do you mean arbitrary pointers? When the app asks for a buffer address, I just give back an index and offset
<jenatali> Yeah, that's what I mean by a global index
<karolherbst> sure, but applications can do random C nonsense
<karolherbst> right..
<karolherbst> yeah.. then it should be fine
<jenatali> Yeah, it won't be stable for capture/replay but that's a different feature so that's fine
<karolherbst> so set_global_bindings would return an index and offset packed into 64 bits, I pass this into the kernel via ubo0 (kenrel arguments) and then it should be good to go
<jenatali> Right
<karolherbst> and gallium doesn't use load_global(_constant) and store_global for anything, so you can deal with the madness there
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<karolherbst> I wonder if I want to support different pointer layouts directly, but....
<jenatali> Well I don't have that bindless path in the gallium driver currently, only in dozen
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<karolherbst> the CL path is really special sadly
<karolherbst> we have this `set_global_bindings` api which is a bit funky...
<karolherbst> but that's everything you'd need
<jenatali> Yeah makes sense
<karolherbst> luckily there are no bindless images or anything
<karolherbst> and `set_global_bindings` basically means: give me the GPU address for those pipe resources, and make them available on compute dispatches
<karolherbst> *for
<karolherbst> there is also some funky offset business going on, but iris/radeonsi/zink have it correctly implemented
<karolherbst> jenatali: uhm.. there is another thing: `pipe_grid_info::variable_shared_mem`, no idea if you can support that
<karolherbst> how are CL local memory kernel parameters currently implemented on your side?
<jenatali> Only by recompiling shaders
<karolherbst> mhhh
<jenatali> Same with local group size because that's a compile-time param in D3D
<karolherbst> I see, so you have to deal with pain like that already anyway
<jenatali> Yeah
<karolherbst> kinda sucks, but not much you or I could do about it...
<jenatali> karolherbst: btw, I noticed you're computing a dynamic local size by using gcd() with the SIMD (wave) size and the global size. That's always going to return 2 for even global sizes and 1 for odd, since SIMD sizes are powers of 2
<jenatali> I was looking because CLOn12's handling of odd global dimensions was... Bad
<karolherbst> yeah...
<karolherbst> I reworked that code tho, just never landed it as it was part of non uniform workgroup support
<jenatali> Cool
<karolherbst> it doesn't matter anyway as most applications aren't silly enough to run into this edge case
<karolherbst> can you support non uniform work groups?
<karolherbst> if so.. doesn't matter long term anyway
<jenatali> Not natively
<karolherbst> mhhh
<jenatali> karolherbst: apparently Photoshop does
<karolherbst> figures...
<jenatali> At least that's what one of our teams is telling me
<karolherbst> yeah.. it makes perfect sense if they use image sizes for stuff
<karolherbst> but uhhh.. why do you think I'm using the simd size with gcd?, I'm using the thread count and the grid size
<karolherbst> subgroups only as a last ressort if things align really terribly
<karolherbst> *SIMD size
<karolherbst> `optimize_local_size` is what I'm looking at
<karolherbst> so if you have 512 threads and a grid of 500x1x1, you'd get 500x1x1 still
<karolherbst> it just has some weirdo edge cases where it uses terrible local sizes
<karolherbst> I don't like the third part of that function and it could be better, but it's not _as_ bad
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<jenatali> Hmm ok, I thought I saw SIMD size in there
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<jenatali> The gcd is still always going to be 2 or 1 though, since that thread count will also be a power of 2
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<karolherbst> it can be any pot number
<karolherbst> if your gpu supports 1024 threads, you have 2^10 on one side, and anything else on the other one
<jenatali> ... Yeah that's what I meant
<jenatali> A power of 2 or 1
<karolherbst> ahh yeah, fair
<karolherbst> the last block is supposed to fill it up if the middle one couldn't find a pot of a SIMD size or bigger
<karolherbst> so if the loop manages to set local to the SIMD size, fine, nothing else to do. I just wanted to prevent sub optimal distribution of threads
<karolherbst> _however_
<karolherbst> threads doesn't have to be pot
<karolherbst> intel is kinda weird there...
<karolherbst> there are some intel extensions to make better use of it, and I also kinda have to take that into account
<jenatali> Fun
<karolherbst> but I also kinda wanted to finish non uniform first
<karolherbst> the intel extension e.g. allows you to set the subgroup size
<karolherbst> but yeah.. that part of the code has a big TODO to take all of that into account
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