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<Kayden> dj-death: shouldn't intel_device_info_timebase_scale probably be using floating point or fixed point math or something? right now it's just truncating the clock from 1000000000 / 19200000 = 52.083333333 to 52 ns per clock, dropping the .08ns entirely
<Kayden> looking at ext_timer_query-time-elapsed that managed to accumulate an error of 0.28ms
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<Kayden> (283660ns)
<Kayden> I guess anv doesn't use this outside of utrace
<Kayden> and iris also drops the fractional parts sometimes
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<dj-death> Kayden: huh yeah...
<dj-death> Kayden: also worried about floating point ;)
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<Kayden> hmm, windows reports 64-bits for GL_QUERY_COUNTER_BITS
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<Kayden> karolherbst: huh, literally nobody does this except iris. trying out now
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<Kayden> I'm not sure this made sense in 2012 with 32-bit timestamps and 80ns/clock scaling, but I really don't think it makes sense now with 36-bit timestamps and 52.08333ns/clock scaling
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<babyfaceold> There is a bit of problems when you make your code as default, instead of cryptographic maturer versions like miden-vm, its about energy consumption, we now have the code, however i have been working on security as of now, MAC and NIC and PCI interconnect safety and security that is. but i am not saying your code serves no purpose or is easy to implement, all i say is that you should pull in extensions that would allow to mitigate that energy
<babyfaceold> crisis and temporal global warming maddness, those extensions are already done.
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<CounterPillow> mriesch: drm, fbdev is deprecated and has been forever
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<mriesch> CounterPillow: ah ok. i guess a tinydrm driver would be suitable
<mriesch> how could a drm Driver access the data of a (dumb) framebuffer?
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