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<mripard> narmstrong: stop replying to him, you've said what you wanted to see fixed, it's their responsibility now
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<mripard> (I'm not sure if Dmitry is around)
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<Company> so, this might be a very dumb question, but:
<Company> how do I get the number of planes for a dmabuf vkImage?
<Company> do I need to go and ask the physical device?
<Company> and 2nd question: Once I know the number of planes, how do I get the fds? Because vkGetMemoryFdKHR() only gives me one fd - or can I assume that it's the same fd for every plane?
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<gawin> How to get intel_stub_gpu for shader-db?
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<gawin> (seems undocumented)
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<Company> that seems to indeed be how it's supposed to work
<emersion> depends if DISJOINT or not Company
<Company> well, that's another fun thing I can't figure out
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<Company> because I handed a bunch of modiferes to vkCreateImage() and then it went and picked one and created the image
<Company> but considering that I only vkAllocateMemory() once with this approach, disjoint is probably not gonna happen
<Company> but then, I'm just following the Export stuff in for now, maybe that's missing some fun stuff
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<Company> lucky for me, AMD picks a 2-plane format by default, so I get to test my code immediately
<Company> and on top of that, I think I know now why qemu-dbus or libmks is broken - because it naively assumes 1 plane
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<dj-death> gawin: it's part of mesa
<dj-death> gawin: compile it with -Dtools=intel
<dj-death> gawin: should get installed
<gawin> thx
<dj-death> Company: memory is disjoint from image
<dj-death> Company: you could bind the same memory to different plane with an offset
<Company> yeah - that's why I was wondering about querying fds per-plane
<dj-death> since you're in charge of binding the memory to the image, you know where the fd is
<dj-death> just get it from the VkDeviceMemory object
<Company> that only works as long as I have only one memory object
<Company> once things get disjoint, I need to know which memory object belongs to which plane
<dj-death> yeah
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<dj-death> usally they come in order ;)
<Company> I'm not even sure how that would work, because I get to create the DeviceMemory
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<dj-death> I just don't get what your problem is :/
<Company> currently I'm wondering how I would go about creating disjoint vkImages
<dj-death> you need the right format first
<Company> because vkGetImageMemoryRequirements2() has no way to tell me that I would need a 2nd DeviceMemory
<dj-death> only some formats support disjoint
<Company> right
<Company> and only some GPUs support disjoint
<dj-death> there is a VkImagePlaneMemoryRequirementsInfo that you can chain in VkImageMemoryRequirementsInfo2
<dj-death> and specify the aspect plane in there
<Company> that was what I was missing
<dj-death> than you use the same aspect plane for the bind operation
<dj-death> s/than/then/
<dj-death> not super intuitive
<Company> "pNext must be NULL or a pointer to a valid instance of VkMemoryDedicatedRequirements"
<Company> it should be there
<dj-death> yeah because VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_MEMORY_PLANE_(0|1|2)_BIT_EXT is part of the VK_EXT_image_drm_format_modifier I think
<Company> nah, that's usually in there
<Company> it's how I found the dmabuf-specific structs to chain into all the other calls
<dj-death> you might be looking at the spec not compiled with all the extensions
<Company> see the link - it's the variant with extensions
<dj-death> yeah it should be in there
<dj-death> maybe something missing in the spec
<dj-death> Company: ah no
<dj-death> Company: that's the output structure
<dj-death> is the one you want
<Company> ohhhh
<Company> so I have to query the memory requirements for each plane
<Company> right, makes sense
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<Company> but because I don't set the disjoint flag on vkCreateImage() (yet?), I don't need to do that dance
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<dj-death> yeah
<dj-death> it'll give out an aggregated size
<Company> yeah, and then I have to query the subresourcelayout
<Company> when I export the dmabuf
<Company> I understand how it works now
<Company> also: it works now
<Company> I render with vulkan, export a dmabuf, import it via eglCreateImage() and then render it with GL
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<dumbbell> Hi! I'm trying to understand how fbdev and drm_fb_helper wrork w.r.t. panic handling. I see the fb_debug_{enter,leave} callbacks but it seems the i915 driver doesn't support this code path (mode_set->crtc->helper_private is NULL in drm_fb_helper_debug_enter())
<dumbbell> For the context, I'm a FreeBSD contributor and I'm working on porting the DRM drivers from Linux 5.17. In the process, I'm revisiting how our console/framebuffer integrates with DRM and wanted to use the fbdev callbacks exposed by drm_fb_helpêr.
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<pcercuei> dumbbell: is it actually NULL at runtime?
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<dumbbell> pcercuei: Yes, it panics on the second line of this code:
<dumbbell> funcs = mode_set->crtc->helper_private;
<dumbbell> if (funcs->mode_set_base_atomic == NULL)
<dumbbell> (funcs is NULL)
<pcercuei> Yeah at the very least it should check that it's non-NULL here. I do wonder however why it's NULL.
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<kusma> hmm
<kusma> How do we deal with developer access for repos under the Mesa namespace that aren't the Mesa repo itself? It seems we used to give group-level permissions when they'd "proven themselves" in the Mesa repo, and that'd give them permissions for the others. But looking at the members list, it kinda looks like the trend has become to only give repo-level access... And while that might not be bad in itself, I'm a bit worried that we'll get less and less
<kusma> people with commit access to repos like mesa/demos and mesa/piglit... Should we start doing similar per-repo permissions for those repos as well, or just ask "somewhere" to get users "upgraded" to group-level developers?
<dumbbell> pcercuei: I suppose there is an alternative code path for drivers supporting atomic modesetting because that loop in drm_fb_helper_debug_enter() will skip them, but I can't find it
<pcercuei> dumbbell: I'll leave it to others, I don't really know how that code works (or what it's for)
<dumbbell> pcercuei: Thanks for your help so far :)
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<daniels> mareko: anholt isn't here, so please just include a commit whcih `git mv .ci-farms{,-disabled}/anholt` per
<DavidHeidelberg> it should be standalone MR, I'll send it
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<daniels> yes sorry, failing at doing n>1 things at once
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<sima> javierm, r-b: me
<sima> like I'm not sure it's super-clear, but then I'm not sure I'm super clear on this, but it does at least explain it all I think
<javierm> sima: Ok, thanks for the proof reading. And yeah, we can always make it more clear as follow-up
<javierm> sima: I'll merge then the series. Appreciate your help on this
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<Venemo> Lynne: let me know if you still have issues with the multiplanar image copies. sorry for getting back to you so late
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