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<Company> does GL have an equivalent to VkAttachmentLoadOp ?
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<tzimmermann> mripard, hi. will there be a drm-misc-next-fixes PR this week?
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<mripard> tzimmermann, mlankhorst, daniels: I've started to work on a gitlab issue template to ask for drm-misc commit rights:
<mripard> one of the issue I think is that our gitlab tier can only handle a single assignment through the template, so with this mlankhorst is always going to be the one assigned
<mripard> daniels: do you know if there's anything (like a bot maybe?) we can use to set the assignees after the facts?
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<mareko> zmike: zink will need fmulz to fix incorrect rendering in this:
<zmike> hm ok
<zmike> thanks
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<cwabbott> zink can just not set lower_fpow
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<mareko> indeed
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<luc> how should GLX cope with a call to glXQueryDrawable(dpy, drawable, GLX_SWAP_INTERVAL_EXT, &...) towards a driver not supporting GLX_EXT_swap_control (e.g. drisw) ?
<zamundaaa[m]> Oh, stupid matrix bridge had me unauthenticated again. In case the message got lost, here it is again:
<zamundaaa[m]> vsyrjala: I just found out about the SIZE_HINTS property for cursor planes, that's quite useful. In the future though, could you please cc wayland-devel about such uAPI additions? I would've really liked to have it implemented a year ago instead of only finding out about it by accident
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<luc> this line will run into a SEGV due to a null pdraw->psc->driScreen->getSwapInterval
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<Hazematman> (sending again as I was having some matrix<-> irc issues) Hey I have an open MR for Android integration of llvmpipe/lavapipe that also improves some of the Android build docs. Roman Stratiienko has given me some feedback on it but is there anyone else doing Android work that could take a look and review my changes?
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<alyssa> IHV poll - what is fmin(+0.0, -0.0) on your platform?
<alyssa> it's seemingly impl-defined in SPIR-V
<MrCooper> luc: BadValue error? GLX_SWAP_INTERVAL_EXT isn't a valid attribute for glXQueryDrawable without GLX_EXT_swap_control
<zmike> eric_engestrom: is there any way I can get the full process name to print in hangs here?
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<eric_engestrom> "for process shader_runner" but I guess you want not just the process but the whole command line
<zmike> yes
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<eric_engestrom> but you'd have to ask the amd kernel devs
<zmike> ah
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<glehmann> it's no longer implementation defined, though I kind of disagree with the reasoning because it retroactively changes required behavior for VK_KHR_shader_float_controls (the old one, not 2)
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<alyssa> glehmann: ahah, excellent, thanks :)
<alyssa> I mean, sucks to be AGX, but it makes the path forward for NIR very obvious :)
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<alyssa> glehmann: wait, I'm still not seeing where in the spirv spec the strict behaviour is required.
<alyssa> I'm reading , is there somewhere else with stronger text?
<alyssa> That says: "Result is... either x or y if both x and y are zeros" and "fmin(-0, ±0) = -0"
<glehmann> nmin(-0, ±0) = -0. nmax(+0, ±0) = +0.
<alyssa> Oh. NMin vs FMin. Got it.
<glehmann> fmin has the same note
<alyssa> Wait, no, even for nmin?
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<alyssa> Yeah, even for NMin, I'm not seeing text requiring "fmin(+0, -0) = -0"
<alyssa> Yes
<alyssa> I see the text "Result is... either x or y if both x and y are zeros... nmin(-0, ±0) = -0."
<alyssa> That notably allows "nmin(+0, -0) = +0" as a valid implementation.
<glehmann> oh right
<alyssa> (The implementation "return the first source if the sources are equal", in fact.)
<glehmann> so the text and the examples given contradict each other
<glehmann> great
<alyssa> which examples...?
<glehmann> fmin(-0, ±0) = -0
<vsyrjala> zamundaaa[m]: if you want kms uapi changes cc:d to somewhere other than dri-devel then i think you need to propose a change to MAITNAINERS or something. asking a random collection of people to cc uapi stuff to various places probably won't work very well
<vsyrjala> zamundaaa[m]: or start reading dri-devel
<alyssa> I don't think that's an example, I think that's an additional requirement
<alyssa> and I agree with that requirement
<alyssa> but for fully specifying AMD behaviour would require an addition line "fmin(+0, -0) = -0"
<glehmann> ah
<glehmann> well, that's worse
<alyssa> without that addition, either -0 or +0 is valid
<alyssa> I don't know if this is an oversight
<glehmann> because the opcode should be commutative
<alyssa> should is doing a lot of lifting there =D
<glehmann> well it is in NIR, so you have no choice there
<glehmann> we are not going to change that
<alyssa> I mean. If it's not commutative in SPIR-V, maybe it shouldn't be in NIR? but also I would like to know what the SPIR-V spec actually intends before anything changes
<alyssa> If this is a spir-v spec bug, we should fix the spir-v spec
<alyssa> If this is actually intended, I think there are bogus Vulkan CTS tests
<glehmann> non commutative fmin would be a nightmare for opt_algebraic
<alyssa> yeah, agreed. wasn't a real proposal.
<alyssa> but regardless of what NIR does, I think there's *some* khronos bug here...
<glehmann> we should request a clarification
<zamundaaa[m]> vsyrjala: reading dri-devel and finding the bits relevant for compositors isn't a realistic options, most people do not have time for that
<zamundaaa[m]> If we could get a keyword in the commit message or standardize cc-ing some mailing lists on specific topics that would of course be better though
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<alyssa> hmm, maybe the vk cts doesn't actually test the min(+0, -0) case
<glehmann> the question is if that's intended
<alyssa> yeah
* alyssa files ticket
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<glehmann> two new min/max spirv issues in one hour :)
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* alyssa high fives
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<Company> glehmann: how many broken spec issues do you find per hour roughly?
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<glehmann> not enough, probably
<Company> I am wondering at this point how good the specs are
<Company> ie if it's more about coding to the specs or coding to the implementations
<Company> like, Wayland is more about the implementations and you can ask the few people involved for clarifications
<Company> and web stuff is all about the specs and there's a big process behind making sure they cover all corner cases
<Company> and I have no idea where inbetween GL and Vulkan live
<Company> and if they are similar in that or both are different
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<jenatali> Sigh this stupid Matrix bridge keeps disconnecting without telling me that I need to re-auth
<jenatali> I was just trying to say that the specs are pretty good
<jenatali> They have to be, since there are so many different implementations of the spec
<Company> with the less common implementations, they don't conform very well to the specs and people code against the implemenetations
<Company> at least according to Google
<jenatali> For GL? Yeah I can 100% believe that. For Vulkan, the spec is much more thorough, and much more alive
<Company> I have the benefit of being on Linux where there's about 1.5 implementations, too
<jenatali> For GL, yeah, 90% of the stuff is Mesa's frontend or ANGLE. For Vulkan the different implementations even in Mesa are pretty much independent
<Company> that's because there isn't much to do
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<Company> and I was thinking of nvidia for the .5 - angle is more a wrapper and suffers from the backend it uses in my experience
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<Company> kinda like zink
<Company> and zink is one of the things that forces the Mesa Vulkan impls to actually agree on stuff
<karolherbst> jenatali: one further question about mapping, how are you dealing with CL_USE_HOST_PTR, because this one is an annoying special case, because you have to return a pointer based on the host_ptr, but that's a bit weird if the application would map for reading at the same offset multiple times
<Company> and they share nir and the wsi I think?
<jenatali> karolherbst: I just store the pointer. When the app maps, I copy to staging, map that, and then CPU memcpy it to the app's actual memory
<jenatali> It's terrible :D
<jenatali> D3D doesn't (or at least didn't) really support importing host memory like that
<karolherbst> uhhh
<alyssa> Company: vulkan is very much "coding to the CTS"
<alyssa> luckily the vulkan cts is really great
<alyssa> but not perfect ;) ;)
<jenatali> It really is
<karolherbst> jenatali: but are you refcounting the pointer or are you hoping that no application will map at the same offset multiple times?
<jenatali> karolherbst: Not sure I'm following why I'd need to refcount?
<jenatali> The act of mapping is what copies contents into the user pointer
<karolherbst> because in theory, I think if the app would map at 0x100 4 times, you'd return the same pointer 4 times, but the application might except being able to unmap that 4 times?
<karolherbst> dunno
<jenatali> Yeah that seems fine?
<karolherbst> s/except/expect/
<karolherbst> yeah, but that means you have to count how oftne you returned the same pointer
<jenatali> Why?
<karolherbst> If the buffer object is created with CL_MEM_USE_HOST_PTR set in mem_flags, the following will be true: The pointer value returned by clEnqueueMapBuffer will be derived from the host_ptr specified when the buffer object is created.
<jenatali> Right
<karolherbst> and nothing tells you to fail the map if it already was mapped for reading
<jenatali> ... right?
<karolherbst> so.. you have the application calling clEnqueueMapBuffer(... offset: 0x100) 4 times
<karolherbst> and 4 times you'd e.g. return 0x35341200
<karolherbst> and the application will unmap that
<karolherbst> 4 times
<karolherbst> probably
<jenatali> Yep. And?
<karolherbst> do you have to return an error on the 5th or the 2nd unmap?
<jenatali> The 5th
<karolherbst> so you have to refcount
<Company> alyssa: does that cts greatness go for core stuff only or also for wsi things?
<jenatali> Oh, I'm misremembering the CL API. Let me re-read what I wrote :)
<alyssa> Company: probably mostly core
<alyssa> given that WSI in HK is currently totally broken..........
<karolherbst> jenatali: I don't think it's explciitly speced like that tho
<karolherbst> there is also `CL_MEM_MAP_COUNT`, but that's for the total memory object, not specific offsets
<karolherbst> I wonder if that needs spec clarification
<jenatali> karolherbst: Ok so what I do is each map pushes an "outstanding map" into a queue
<Company> alyssa: dmabuf import/export are the challenging things - and getting swapchains and GTK using the same wl_surface to not trample on each other
<jenatali> And then unmap pops the first map out of the queue and undoes it. So when a write map gets unmapped, it'll trigger some additional copies in some cases (e.g. USE_HOST_PTR) so I need to track which maps need that
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<karolherbst> jenatali: right.. in practise none of this matters, because 1. you return a pointer to a memory allocation covering the whole range, so `size` doesn't even matter. 2. it's mapped for reading, so no write back happens, so you won't have to do anything on `unmap` in the first place
<karolherbst> but still...
<karolherbst> in theory this has some weird issues
<karolherbst> e.g. in what order do you release those maps, because they can all have different sizes
<jenatali> Yeah
<karolherbst> anyway.. for CL_MEM_USE_HOST_PTR none of those issues matter one way or the other
<jenatali> They do for me :)
<karolherbst> you still should return a pointer pointing into the host_ptr region
<jenatali> Yes, I do
<karolherbst> ohh.. you'd fail on the 2nd unmap instead of the 5th I guess
<jenatali> No, I track the right number and fail on the 5th
<karolherbst> right number at the specific offset or generally?
<jenatali> But a sequence of (write, read, write, read) that gets unmapped 4 times, those unmaps would do different things depending on the sequence in which they're supposed to correspond
<karolherbst> that's not an issue
<karolherbst> you can't overlap with a mapping with CL_MAP_WRITE
<karolherbst> (and the other write thing)
<jenatali> Oh ok
<karolherbst> in theory you should fail the map if it overlaps with a writable region
<jenatali> And the maps are keyed based on the pointer that's returned. So unmap of a pointer that wasn't returned will fail
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<karolherbst> yeah
<karolherbst> just need to remember if a specific pointer was returend multiple times
<karolherbst> I guess...
<karolherbst> it doesn't even matter, because the pointer remains to be valid either way
<karolherbst> well..
<jenatali> Right that's what I'm saying, per-pointer I have a list of the map tasks that are still outstanding, i.e. haven't been unmapped
<karolherbst> kinda
<karolherbst> I see
<karolherbst> I just dislike this part of the spec, because uhhh... those corner cases are weird
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<jenatali> The CL spec as a whole is weird
<karolherbst> yeah.. fair
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<glehmann> jenatali: is WaveActiveMax(NaN) defined behavior in D3D12?
<jenatali> Let me see if I can find out
<jenatali> glehmann: - I think this is the "spec" page for these ops and isn't explicit about behavior with specials
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<jenatali> glehmann: I believe this table of specials should apply then
<glehmann> okay, so it's NaN then
<jenatali> That's what I'd expect, yeah
<glehmann> SPIR-V is undefined result for some reason
<jenatali> Hm, though WARP is going to return not-NaN
<jenatali> It's a question of whether the hardware/driver is setting an initial value as a constant, and then doing min/max on all values, or if it's setting initial value as the value from the first active lane, and then min/max on subsequent values
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<jenatali> glehmann: Yeah WARP for WaveActiveMax(NaN) is going to give you -inf
<glehmann> it also could set the initial value to constant NaN, that's what I wanted to change aco to, but then I noticed the weird spirv rules around exclusive scans (which require -inf for the first invocation)
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<glehmann> alyssa: doesn't agx have reductions/exclusive_scans in hw? I wonder what that does for fmin/fmax
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<alyssa> glehmann: ....Ouch. Didn't consider that.
<alyssa> Not sure what it does there.
<alyssa> It's possible that those are correct
<jenatali> glehmann: Yeah makes sense. D3D doesn't have min/max scans. I wonder if this is why
<alyssa> since the reductions/scans are real binary fmin/fmax instructions
<alyssa> whereas nir_op_fmin/fmax is implemented with a comparison-and-select instruction
<alyssa> (flt+bcsel fused into 1 instruction, with a special mode to make NaNs do the right thing)
<glehmann> the issue is that at this point I don't even know what correct means
<alyssa> (which is why denorms need to be flushed manually)
<alyssa> ...Yeah
<alyssa> Especially since this is only 754-2019, and M1 was released 2020 so the ALUs predate 2019.
<alyssa> (does Apple participate in IEEE?)
<alyssa> "Metal is compliant to a subset of the IEEE 754 standard" :melt:
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<glehmann> well, NaN behavior didn't change, so does your scan use -inf or NaN as identity internally
<glehmann> that's the odd thing. to me it would have been obvious that the identity is NaN because that's... the actual identity of min/max. No idea why apparently multiple people chose +-inf
<alyssa> mm..
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<glehmann> alyssa: I found another min/max spir-v issue: nmax(-Inf, y) = y.
<glehmann> that's not true if y is NaN
* alyssa melts
<alyssa> true.
<glehmann> not sure if I want to pollute your issue with that, but opening yet another one also feels weird
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<alyssa> good day for ieee
<glehmann> can't wait for spir-v to get ieee-754-2019 minimum/maximum for maximum confusion
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<jenatali> glehmann: Looks like NVIDIA's D3D driver turns WaveActiveMax(NaN) to -FLT_MAX, and WaveActiveMax(-inf) to 0. So....... that's not great :)
<alyssa> jenatali: excuse me
<alyssa> ??
<jenatali> Mhmm
<jenatali> Oh and WARP actually will give you different answers depending on whether it's a full wave or a partial one. That's fun
<glehmann> that's the same situation aco is in rn
<jenatali> NVIDIA's D3D driver gives sane results with a full wave FWIW, the garbage is only with inactive threads
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<alyssa> 🤡
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<Lyude> Are enable_vblank and disable_vblank hooks that atomic drivers should be using?
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<Lyude> ah ok nvm, I think I just misread something :P
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