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<Daanct12> would like a review
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<ManDay> Is intel clc mandatory when building mesa with support for intel?
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<karolherbst> ManDay: yes
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<ManDay> thanks karolherbst
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<karolherbst> pendingchaos: fyi, please use the "do not litter" emoji to mark spam comments as I've done with the one you reported
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<pendingchaos> is this is to make it obvious it's spam to readers, or some kind of replacement for the report button?
<karolherbst> replacement, the bot will deal with the spam then
<karolherbst> (and delete the account)
<karolherbst> but it might fail
<karolherbst> anyway, if you report, then somebody else needs to deal with it
<pendingchaos> ok
<pendingchaos> I'll use that instead of report
<karolherbst> and it's way faster as the comment are generally removed a few seconds after marking them
<karolherbst> thanks :)
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<pendingchaos> I assume the bot checks a person's project role before doing this?
<karolherbst> it has a few checks in place, but I don't know what checks exactly
<karolherbst> bentiss or daniels might know
<karolherbst> but I've seen it fail to detect spam, and then it comments to tell to report it instead
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<daniels> it looks like the main check is whether or not the account is 6 months old
<daniels> and by 'main', I mean only
<karolherbst> mhhh...
<karolherbst> though I've seen other comments from the bot
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<karolherbst> in gallium, what's the best approach to copy data between buffers and images? Is that something expected of `resource_copy_region` or would I need to write a custom copy shader for those cases?
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<zmike> some drivers can do it with resource_copy_region
<zmike> others probably need a compute shader
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<karolherbst> right, but if not all can do that it's not really useful. Do we have a cap or something to indicate that a specific driver can do it?
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<karolherbst> well.. some drivers will just use a shader inside resource_copy_region anyway, I'm mostly interested if resource_copy_region is supposed to copy between buffers and images/textures or if it's valid for drivers to just crash/assert/whatever there?
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<mareko> karolherbst: can you see the messages I sent ~5 minutes ago?
<karolherbst> mareko: I can't
<mareko> karolherbst: resource_copy_region can only memcpy between 2 buffers and between 2 textures where the formats are equal
<mareko> karolherbst: for copies between buffers and textures, it's missing the stride parameter at least
<karolherbst> oh right...
<karolherbst> though in CL the APIs for Buffer -> Image and Image -> Buffer copies use implicit strides.... but I need a custom copy shader for copy operations with custom strides (which CL also has) anyway... I know that some hardware (e.g. nvidia) could do all of this via their copy engine, but I need the shader for other hardware anyway.
<karolherbst> maybe something for later, not that it matters much I guess...
<mareko> if Vulkan can copy between buffers and images, it would be worth adding a pipe_context function for it because it's pretty unlikely that shaders in common code would be fast on AMD
<karolherbst> it can
<karolherbst> there is vkCmdCopyBufferToImage and vkCmdCopyImageToBuffer
<mareko> karolherbst: the dedicated copy engine is usually slow and only useful for transfers over PCIe where the bandwidth is low; if you want to utilize all VRAM bandwidth (or even infinity cache bandwidth), it's very likely you have to use compute shaders
<karolherbst> right.. but drivers like radeonsi would choose to do that internally if they care about performance here, no?
<mareko> yes
<karolherbst> but I think I'd start with a custom shader for now
<mareko> karolherbst: radeonsi wouldn't even use the copy engine because it's a separate queue and there is noticable CPU overhead of submitting a command buffer to any queue that isn't gfx
<mareko> because the gfx queue doesn't have to submit/flush
<mareko> usually
<karolherbst> I see
<karolherbst> mareko: I was just looking at si_buffer_subdata and it looks almost identical to u_default_buffer_subdata except it doesn't set PIPE_MAP_DISCARD_WHOLE_RESOURCE when applicable. Is that on purpose or is that just a left over function which could be replaced with u_default_buffer_subdata?
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<Company> MESA_VK_DEVICE_SELECT=10005:0 to force llvmpipe - does that work everywhere or does that magic device number change?
* Company wondering if he can dump that into issues when asking users to reproduce something
<gfxstrand> That should be stable
<gfxstrand> It's hard-coded into lvp_device.c
<Company> sweet
<gfxstrand> Well, the 0 is. The 0x10005 is hard-coded into the Vulkan spec
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<mareko> karolherbst: radeonsi promotes DISCARD_RANGE to DISCARD_WHOLE_RESOURCE automatically, the reason si_buffer_subdata exists is to inline the map/unmap calls
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<karolherbst> so mainly a CPU optimization here
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<marex> I was just running $ dim push-branch drm-misc-next
<marex> and ran intoMerging drm-xe/drm-xe-next... dim:
<marex> dim: FAILURE: Could not merge drm-xe/drm-xe-next
<marex> dim: See the section "Resolving Conflicts when Rebuilding drm-tip"
<marex> dim: in the drm-tip.rst documentation for how to handle this situation.
<marex> it seems the conflict is in drivers/gpu/drm/xe/xe_device.c and drivers/gpu/drm/xe/xe_device_types.h , i.e. not related to drm-misc , uh
<marex> mbrost: hey ...uh ^
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<mbrost> marex: I thought i resolved that... it looks like my setup doesn't update drm-tip for some reason, let me ping a team member
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<marex> mbrost: thank you, I will un-heart-attack myself in the meantime, sorry for the inconvenience
<mbrost> it is my bad, unsure why my changes don't propagate to drm-tip
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<marex> mbrost: no worries
<marex> I won't touch anything for a bit, so I won't mess this up any further
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<mbrost> my maintainers are offline, but pinged them to rebuild drm-tip... hopefully they get back online soon
<mbrost> i'll respond on here when it is resolved
<marex> mbrost: thanks, much appreciated
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<Lyude> mbrost: fwiw it's fine, i've fixed conflicts from other people beforehand - it just kinda happens sometimes
<Lyude> s/beforehand/before/
<mbrost> thanks, having a bad day across the board, kernel test robot has disliked 2 of my recent patches today too
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<marex> mbrost: sorry that I added one more downer on your plate
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<Lyude> oh it looks like i hit the same conflict, I'll see if I can fix it
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<Lyude> mbrost: fwiw I think I fixed it, building now to double check before I push anything
<mbrost> Lyude: I just fixed it
<Lyude> oh cool
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<mbrost> figured out what my problem was pushing, gave it bad login info but dim doesn't appear to complain
<mbrost> marex: should be fixed
<mbrost> hold on 1 sec, different issue now
<mbrost> we have different silent conflict in Xe that popped up, Lucas is fixing it now
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<mbrost> marex, Lyude: now everything is fixed
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<marex> mbrost: thank you !
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<Lynne> you know no one but you has written cooperative_matrix code when for the simplest test you get a crash in radv_shader_spirv_to_nir
<airlied> not true I wrote some as well :-) or at least ported someone elses fork of it
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<Lynne> what happened was that shaderc had an error, didn't compile anything, but didn't return an error, so the driver got a 0-byte spv, which somehow made it as far as radv
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<Lynne> I don't think the driver should segfault on bad shaders, an assert would be a good idea
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<airlied> Lynne: you were of course running with validation layers :-P
<Lynne> I'm the type to remove batteries from smoke detectors :)
<HdkR> Sounds like a good place to enjoy segfaults :)
<Lynne> and shut off validation layers if they blatantly lie
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<Lynne> glslang simply gives up and errors if it cannot optimize a piece of code, further cementing its status as the third worst piece of software in history
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<Lynne> the validation layers don't support coop matrices, and will error out if they encounter them too
<Company> why has nobody written a better glsl compiler yet actually?
<Company> because I'm slowly running out of appreciation for spirv and the idea of precompiling my shaders and need a runtime spirv generator
<Company> and there doesn't seem to be a good option other than glslang (or various wrappers around it)
<Lynne> but they did, they're called the mesa project, I hear they're using it for something called zink
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<Company> can I use it?
<Company> or do I have to fork Mesa for that?
<Lynne> sure, just rip out all the shader code out of mesa, from glsl, to nir, to spirv
<Company> the sad part is that I am seriously considering that option
<Lynne> so do I, and haasn
<Lynne> but /time
<Lynne> also pretty sure the glsl mesa frontend doesn't support vulkan syntax
<Company> oof, right
<Lynne> probably not difficult to add, but its something mesa has no use for
<Company> but I need to compile cicp colorspace converters, and if I put those in the same spirv, it gets huge
<Company> whn in GL I can just strcat() the 15 lines I need
<Company> and if I don't compile the converter with constants and try to use vertex attribs or uniforms or whatever, it gets too slow
<Company> I should check how mpv deals with that
<jenatali> Company: We use Mesa for cross-compiling to DXIL as a standalone tool so we don't have to go back to shader source code
<jenatali> I don't see why you couldn't use it as a standalone GLSL -> SPIR-V compiler
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<Company> I think what I really want is a proper linker for spirv
<jenatali> SPIRV-Tools isn't good enough?
<Company> at runtime
<Company> but I haven't check what spirv-tools can do
<jenatali> You can link spirv-tools into an app
<jenatali> That's how CLOn12 and rusticl do CL kernel linking
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<Company> I will check it out
<Lynne> isn't all that just a glslang wrapper?
<Company> don't lower my mood again
<Company> it looks like it just works with spirv, but it might have a glslang-based compiler in there somewhere
<jenatali> Spirv-tools? It's got nothing to do with glslang
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<Company> but this definitely goes on my todo list for next cycle
<Lynne> why would khronos write not one but two (glsl) to spirv implementations?
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<jenatali> Spirv-tools doesn't touch GLSL. It only transforms SPIR-V
<jenatali> It's got things like an optimizer, linker, and validator