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<sima> tzimmermann, mlankhorst might want to backmerge drm-next into misc trees because we're still stuck on -rc1 of the previous release
<sima> which isn't great since it lacks months of bugfixes ...
<sima> imo best to avoid -rc1/2 in -next trees as much as possible
<tzimmermann> sima, indeed. i'm taking over drm-misc-next today. give me a bit to forward to -rc7
<sima> tzimmermann, just backmerge drm-next so it has all the drm stuff
<sima> since that's not yet in the middle of the merge window
<sima> if I didn't screw up checking that
<sima> drm-misc-next-fixes probably needs the same
<tzimmermann> that's what i intend to do
<sima> ah drm-next is only at -rc6
<tzimmermann> sima, -rc6 is also ok
<tzimmermann> still better than an -rc1
<airlied> I'm just pushing out -rc1 rebases for drm-fixes/drm-next now
<sima> tzimmermann, might need to backmerge the pr tag if airlied pushed already, otherwise we're back on an -rc1 and all that fun
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<tzimmermann> ha! still catched the -rc6
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<airlied> rodrigovivi, jani : topic for CI could do with a rebase to avoid the e1000e conflicting
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<tzimmermann> sima, backmerge done
<sima> thx
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<DavidHeidelberg> gfxstrand: do u plan to rebase ?
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<DavidHeidelberg> spoiler, the code you use got a bit reworked :'(
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<robclark> eric_engestrom, mupuf: btw now that a7xx gallium has landed, do the a750 runners have any capacity for some native gl CI? (I guess an x1e dev box would be even better... deqp-runner likes having 12 cores ;-))
<mupuf> robclark: as a manual job, it would be fine
<eric_engestrom> robclark: we have some jobs already, but for merge-pipeline testing we're currently blocked by the number of devices we have
<mupuf> We'll get more soon
<eric_engestrom> mupuf: has there been some movement on that front? I wasn't in that loop
<eric_engestrom> on getting more devices, I mean
<mupuf> eric_engestrom: oh, yes, there was :)
<mupuf> IIRC, 6 more are coming
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<mupuf> robclark: I have a 740 I need to plug too
<eric_engestrom> nice!
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<robclark> mupuf: I guess even just manual would be nice.. (or nightly?).. I can run deqp manually locally for something that is similar to 740
<mupuf> robclark: all manual jobs run nightly :)
<robclark> ahh, ok
<mupuf> Any estimate on the runtime?
<robclark> on my x1e laptop it is very quick.. I want to say <5min for all of deqp-gles3 for ex
<robclark> but I guess what you have has fewer cores
<robclark> mupuf: not sure how much the boards you are using cost.. but this might be a good option for CI capacity:
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<mupuf> We have HDK8650, they cost about $1.5k each IIRC
<mupuf> Is the elite x using the a750? I thought it was a8xx
<robclark> ok, so $899 is cheaper
<robclark> x1-85 is most closely related to a740, afaiu
<mupuf> I see
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<meltq> dianders: should we transition functions like mipi_dsi_set_drvdata and mipi_dsi_attach to multi wrappers too? from what i can tell they seem to be somewhat different from the rest? not really sure
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<dianders> meltq: I don't think so. The real idea is for functions that are used during panel initialization since it typically is just a whole pile of commands one after another and you want to stop after the first failure.
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<gfxstrand> DavidHeidelberg: Yeah, I probably can at some point.
<gfxstrand> I'd honestly forgotten about that. (-:
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<DemiMarie> How much of Mesa is able to build on Windows?
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<gfxstrand> The core, enought to run lavapipe and LLVMpipe, RADV, the Microsoft drivers.
<gfxstrand> The rest probably doesn't
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<DemiMarie> I see.
<DemiMarie> Why RADV and not the other hardware drivers?
<DemiMarie> How much work would be needed to change this, assuming that only clang (and not MSVC) needs to be supported?
<DemiMarie> The context is that I want to specifically port the native context code to Windows someday, but native contexts use many different hardware backends.
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<airlied> radv is only ported because someone wanted to use it as an offline compiler not as a online driver
<robclark> DemiMarie: I think the main thing is the hw drivers need some sort of kmd to talk to and they don't know how to talk to windows kmd
<airlied> yeah write a bunch of virtio kmds then worry about userspace :-)
<DemiMarie> airlied robclark: a virtio KMD already exists :-)
<airlied> that supports native contexts?
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<DemiMarie> I thought the kernel didn't care
<DemiMarie> I knew about blob objects, but those are needed for Venus (thus Vulkan) anyway
<robclark> if you have a virtio KMD that supports blob resources and ctx types (ie. what venus needs) then you could probably make the vdrm helper know how to talk to that.. some of vk core runtime expects to be able to do things like syncobj ioctls directly (but I'm probably going to need to solve that part anyways, for a different reason)
<DemiMarie> what’s the different resion?
<DemiMarie> Fuchsia?
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<robclark> no, the thing I presented about at last xdc, isolating apps from drm driver
<robclark> although I suppose fuchsia maybe needs a similar thing, idk
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