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<luc> MrCooper: such an error seems like a bit obscure regarding what happened here for an end user. how about just validate ->getSwapInterval() before calling it?
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<luc> the same seems to happen in EXT_buffer_age support
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<tjaalton> I'm new to the rust nonsense, so when meson is trying to find {syn,paste}.pc for nvk, and the -dev packages don't even ship those, what should I do to enable nvk?
<alice> subprojects/thing.wrap defines a patch that adds a to those
<alice> if you don't build with --wrap-mode nofallback/nodownload it's automatic
<tjaalton> well I can't download
<tjaalton> during pkg build
<tjaalton> have to use readily available packages
<alice> there's usually a pre-build step where you can, and a sources= list
<alice> the other option is to manually download all the declarared tarballs the .wrap files declare
<tjaalton> no I can't, not for the official debian pacakges
<alice> and put them in a folder
<alice> and then you can pass MESON_PACKAGE_CACHE_DIR= to the folder that has the .tar.gz's of them
<alice> but if you're expecting to use the debian /usr syn then you can't i guess
<tjaalton> I'm not going to vendor these
<tjaalton> sigh
<alice> the way meson consumes the rlibs is by having a for them (that is inside mesa, declared as a patch)
<alice> (the only reason it looks like it looks for a .pc is because that's what meson does for dependency() )
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<tjaalton> ahah, I see the fedora mesa pkg does some tricks..
<clee> tjaalton: aha, I see you're here too :)
<tjaalton> oh hai
<tjaalton> yeah almost threw the towel in..
<clee> I did manage to get it to build and work locally but I just hit it with a large hammer and enabled --wrap-mode=default, probably completely unsuitable for debian packaging
<tjaalton> though I'm about to leave on PTO in 6h, and back after three weeks.. so I might not be able to squeeze this in before I leave
<clee> no rush
<clee> enjoy the vacation!
<tjaalton> ta
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<sima> airlied, I did a backmerge for drm-next because one of the pulls had newer baseline, otherwise nothing special last week
<sima> maybe double check I didn't miss any pulls, I guess everyone sent theirs before merge window so there was a bit more than usual
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<MrCooper> sima: keep in mind drivers/gpu/drm/amd/amdgpu/dce_v*.c is non-DC code, DC never enables vblank_disable_immediate since f64e6e0b6afe ('Revert "drm/amdgpu/display: set vblank_disable_immediate for DC"')
<sima> MrCooper, oops, I got mislead by the classic
<sima> but yeah sounds like a proper fix is needed instead of more artisan duct tape
<sima> MrCooper, are you replying with that commit or should I?
<sima> or hwentlan_ ^^
<MrCooper> feel free
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<Calandracas> alyssa, for cross compiling asahi_clc, is it reasonable to simply build it for the host machine, and rely on exe_wrapper being set in the meson cross file?
<Calandracas> I've been able to cross compile it with a simple one line patch, if this is a reasonable approach, I'll create a MR
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<Calandracas> nvm, I didn't see that it was changed to `native : not meson.can_run_host_binaries()` which accomplishes the same thing
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<alyssa> Calandracas_: Yes, that should probably work
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<Calandracas> it already works. all that I needed to do was provide the exe_wrapper :P
<alyssa> cool
<Calandracas> meson.can_run_host_binaries() evalutates to `true` only when exe_wrapper is set
<Calandracas> although I would still argue that it should be removed. the check doesn't accomplish anything useful, and only (imo) causes confusion
<Calandracas> if host binaries can't be run, the build will fail
<Calandracas> if that line is removed, then error message provided by meson is much more helpful
<Calandracas> karolherbst, would you recommend distributions ship your SPIRV-Tools patch?
<alyssa> ok
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<alimj> Hi. I wonder if Freedesktop's Plymouth development questions could be asked here.
<alimj> I do not understand the logic here. State is not set to any value and it appears that LED_CAP is undefined
<alimj> I am exploring the possibility to implement Plymouth.GetNumlockState function. This is useful for laptops with smaller keyboards which have LUKS encryption.
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<llyyr> what do you mean? the led state is stored in the state variable
<llyyr> did you link the wrong rev or something
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<alimj> llyyr: Oh I missed the & reference before the state variable. I have been too long away from C. What about the LED_CAP constant? I did not find it anywhere in the header files or anywhere else.
<llyyr> it comes from ioctl headers, check "man ioctl_kd"
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<alimj> llyyr: Thank you very much for the info
<llyyr> also this isn't the right channel for this I believe
<llyyr> it's #plymouth on libera
<alimj> llyyr: Thanks again. You are a saviour. What is this channel BTW? For general Freedesktop development?
<llyyr> Mesa and the linux graphics stack in general
<alimj> Oh. I see. Thanks again. I will remember this for the future
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<gfxstrand> tjaalton: Is there anything I can do to help?
<gfxstrand> There's an environment variable you can set which tells meson to look elsewhere for crates
<gfxstrand> Looks like MESON_PACKAGE_CACHE_DIR is the thing to use
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<gfxstrand> On Fedora, if I set MESON_PACKAGE_CACHE_DIR=/usr/share/cargo/registry/, everything builds from locally installed tarballs
<gfxstrand> Well, I guess not tarballs
<gfxstrand> fedora untars them
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<clee> gfxstrand: I think they're officially on vacation by now
<clee> maybe we can trick daniels into doing it instead :D
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<HdkR> `should include NVK driver on amd64` Shouldn't it exist on more than amd64?
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<alice> yea but the report is specific to what the user wanted
<HdkR> Makes sense. Hopefully the package maintainer extrapolates that request to NVK being built for all arches :P
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