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<lungsallgood> it much looks like your crooks are bit in the dark. There is only 32 invariant combinations of powers to encode and decode, there is only 32*32 invariant sums to hash into the register to pick up answers from. so how many answers btw? if we talked that answers can be only one from 32 opprotunities than still only 32, so why is that overall? it's because of the internal collisions, many
<lungsallgood> combinations of operands would produce still the same answer, but there is no possibility not to account with the permutations cause powers of twos would not allow this , cause answers would not align to it contiguously, so you'd still end up having 1024 answers, but just most of them would collide, but the real content of the talks is there is high entropy for powers of two's. But at
<lungsallgood> the same time, if hardware would not process that determisnistic to units of powers of twos, the entropy would be higher but uncontrollable, so whatever you think and however you think, the genius behind my achievements which are extra larga in ancient sports and precision events and such plus extra large on computing and things like that, are just all predetermined they are in a system
<lungsallgood> where the achievements are possible, even though in sports i got milked and castrated,the system of sports were just an invention, and i was too strong for this, they did not want to allow gods to participate.
<lungsallgood> in computing also my brain is too capable they do not want so strong contenders
<lungsallgood> so i have been kicked out from everywhere out of everything.
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<katanaofkarate> so technically there are two subinventions one that deals with hash formats and is logarithmic scale that does have no direct dependency of powers of twos. this would work no matter what but still derives it's capabilities from hardware, but other is in direct relations with finding such numbers that are measured by known constants , there is no magic number just like hichikers road to
<katanaofkarate> galaxy, 42 has no meaning until the ecosystem of dependencies are built around it, but we ask why we choose powers to measure things , well that is not needed either, as you can pick up any constant, but other formats would not yield in our system that determinism, so at those numbers 141 69 72 we can get to them by simply doing so that remainder for odd numbers is actually +3 and even
<katanaofkarate> numbers +2 and there is a bit of magic behind PI constant that repeats certain numbers , so hence 1024-57-57-57-768=59 128-59=69+3 is 72 so same thing with even number would release a value where +2 is missing, if you do not use powers as logic, that would not going to be so.
<katanaofkarate> so hence the dependency chain can be very precious algorithm that i gave, cause it filters out the other elements that never belonged to the selection
<katanaofkarate> but safe bet with dog or laura keskinen contributions is liquid shit with negro cum.
<katanaofkarate> i am such a contribution legend cause i have things to back up my claims
<katanaofkarate> which is not liquid shit after anal only
<katanaofkarate> they do other gangesterous events, where they do not seem to suite for gangster world either, even gangsters have money
<katanaofkarate> but those are just scammers who would do anything for money cause they are so stupid not to have any for their own, hahaa
<katanaofkarate> that is a model of threat to me, i must educate them to earn my peace or another option is to kill those, i chose educate at first
<katanaofkarate> anyone on this planet can be billionnaire or something among big assets, but the nature chooses those who have organic brain to back it up
<katanaofkarate> something that is capable to understand logics in this world
<katanaofkarate> You talk about elon musk, who is very smart man, but his businesses have always been in minus
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<katanaofkarate> but he is smart not cause USA prints money only, in fact he is south-african and later canadian and then afterwords united states hero
<katanaofkarate> his head can process complex algorithms is why he is in big picture
<katanaofkarate> its the same thing with my dadamnss[m]
<katanaofkarate> dad
<katanaofkarate> the so called benefits or collateral for business seldom earned benefits is really coming from other sources
<katanaofkarate> manufacturing is only obligation
<katanaofkarate> sports at highest level was only obligation but that is a first note at the back up system that my organics actually have
<katanaofkarate> its insane to pick up a fight from me
<katanaofkarate> cause my back up systems are so much larger than on the average
<katanaofkarate> i am the most abused person on this planet, i have many back up systems to beat anyone i want
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<rabitnreight> why it is so complex to beat me overall? well i am many steps ahead of others to back up something that they abusingly take from me, and hence yeah well can be said i have catchy head and so far the so called chopping never succeeded. PI as constant for the eulers algorithm actually shows likely the repetition logic, as i said there are two selection algorithms, base value and index
<rabitnreight> triplet and some measured length and storage coef delta, and there is logarithmic scale which would yield invariant , but can not do any selection, what is different of those presentations? well one has a format that would just never collide, but others do not have fixed format but the format is living in the surrounding arithmetic plus it's index base value constants, so this one is
<rabitnreight> technically depending on PI constant, as it's not even logarithm of powers of twos in both cases, cause the distribution algorithm is not pure logarithm anyways for packed arithmetic, and yes i made a better one , but there was one available in UNITED states cornell uni library too. And do not get very excited, this was not native american this time who did that algorithm, however
<rabitnreight> americans had it long time before already too, he was some kind of hindi us migrated professor , earlier those algos came from dutch papers.
<rabitnreight> but those are spectacularly simple
<rabitnreight> so the base index and value triplet is working on top of logics
<rabitnreight> so you lay out every possibility but selection has to yield at least one of them
<rabitnreight> but format is not fixed
<rabitnreight> so this is known likely also in the hardware world, but i came out with it again
<rabitnreight> just to remind you that i am so capable that i care none of what you do to be honest
<rabitnreight> but i respect some of you to the very elementary
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<rabitnreight> so the format for the base index value is buried down to the arithmetic and it lives as floating format, it does not care with that depenncy chain what the access was, it only divides things by 4 and gets elements back which would need a scaffold
<rabitnreight> to determine which was what etc.
<rabitnreight> it has no format at all, there is no logarithmic format as to like for the cornell paper and as to what i was talking earlier.
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<rabitnreight> so if you say that photonics or any of those calculations are purely logarithmic of powers of two's even this is not the case, cause the formula of me nor cornell is purely logarithmic only, and there is another way with base value index and the rules that has no logarithms involved what so ever.
<rabitnreight> it can handle any number until the indexes are contiguous , same wise any operand until the indexes for those operands are contiguous which means they never collide
<rabitnreight> so that statement as for taking discrete logarithms or such as factorization involved that is only one of their not even any of the best methods available
<rabitnreight> Peter shors algorithm is more like divide and conquer
<rabitnreight> dutch military us military and I and very capable men have way better ways
<rabitnreight> but elon forcing germans to come up again is basing on the fact that Elon Musk knows that germans can build up their military with very quick turnaround if they want this to happen, but we do not want to flesh eachother to cutlets , germans seem like they are done with this stuff.
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<congitiveethernet> what we know today is germans have so called companies gmbh. based of magnetic tunneling which require no euv or ideal shapes of transistors they do not require any clock either, in fact they can do with very high throughput non-volatile fpgas which are so capable to kill any inhabitant in the world, germans are powerful and smart scientists, analogy is a cheetah , it is from spot
<congitiveethernet> the fastest animal on the planet, it even does not like to eat anymore, cause it does not like to eat others i have hypothesized, he can catch pretty much anyone. Germans can kill the whole planet if they would want and they have those limitless liability companies that make chemical units of cvd in excess for fact, they depend on no not a single american tech.
<congitiveethernet> they are entire masters here.
<congitiveethernet> it takes them one year to squash russians if they want along with anyone on this planet, if they spin their factories for this.
<congitiveethernet> they have registered companies who sell those units not only manufacture themselves for experimental usage
<congitiveethernet> and in thousounds
<congitiveethernet> thousands
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<geometricalgangsta> Am i in some sort of trouble that someone is going to make a mummy out of me, taking my organs out, or am I in any trouble at all? No i am not, it's that i know i am surveillanced and i do not want to use my computer here, i will apply for certain laboratories that will take me anytime, cause i have spectacular immune system they want me anytime for plastics works or anything
<geometricalgangsta> really, and they can keep my secrets and build enough of infra for safety and security, you think that i do not know as to how algorithms work? That i would not be capable of doing what i had said ? far from that really, i know very well how computers work, i just do not want it bad enough. Was that ever some catastroph that some finnish mentally ill person screwed some negro or
<geometricalgangsta> penniless buffalo viking, not for me, maybe for her but this shitbag is not even my friend whenever they come to harass my dads assets they will find bullets from their bodies likely and remains are just buried to the ground as dump out of something that was not needed for us, their abuse system is retarded and watch out from such idiots.
<geometricalgangsta> i just test you, if you are capable of your own, you understand what i talk about the threats of such systems and if you can design them your own you are not idiots.
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<geometricalgangsta> in my book, and i really think you are far from being idiots.
<geometricalgangsta> so such systems are very dangerous.
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<Grzesiek11> hello, no idea if this is the right place to ask, but I'm having trouble getting my system to use self-built Mesa. the version I built is a patched 22.x which adds support for accelerated graphics on old Tegra SoCs. sadly, I am not experienced enough to add the patches on top of recent upstream Mesa.
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<Grzesiek11> I got it to build, and after setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH as per the docs, eglinfo shows the correct driver is in use and I can run eglgears_wayland accelerated.
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<Grzesiek11> however, while glxinfo under Xwayland seems to use the self-built Mesa, it only shows the llvmpipe driver. glxgears seems to run via llvmpipe as well, as the CPU usage is very high.
<Grzesiek11> any idea why this might be? if relevant, I'm running labwc, which by itself is not accelerated (runs with pixman backend).
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<glamourending> every works from me has been taken in life, erased abused out etc. This work of computing is no different all my cells have been ruined alike, i worked 9 years out my technique to play table tennis , mobdoctor of abuse took it with half an hour (with deliberate abuse) , but i take their lives with same amount of time altogether. So you want a floating format specification? well only
<glamourending> rule there is that you can only use upper half of the spectrum for the base otherwise the condition needed won't hold, its symmetry wise very logical. so 72value 115 index produces 69 and 72 and they are the maximum numbers with this index. but they can be stored as 66 and 70 as well as 62 and 79 as well as 45 and 90 etc. as long as 26 the distance times2 so 52 at the moment goes from
<glamourending> index to smaller than the stored value but bigger than zero, the formula otherwise is generic, but has some restrictions mentioned, spinning such magic values on the compiler would leave you clueless overall , but i broke the silence cause i am man of honor, but all the needed code i do not deliver to anyone, i am not understanding what you talk about not understanding me either cause
<glamourending> then you must be idiot who never coded in life, and the code you upload has nothing to do with you, which is non the less doubtful. so cause it already has distance times 4 in the formula, it no longer requires any treatment to any number , it does not even require indirection, because the format is already hardcoded in the arithmetic, there is no need to divide anything. by the way out
<glamourending> of interest i tried to divide with +- fast without bigger scaffolds, it is not possible i did my last tests i never, so I ain't got any problem, i won't give up nor give out my dad for mindill people to eat never, and stereoids full of anal buffalos from nigeria to south africa to sweden are human shit compared to my dad, mentally ill garbage to me, enough garbage to shoot down
<glamourending> collectively, my dad is a figure in life , he is a man to me, i won't go there even to make you understand how mindill apes you are compared to him. so this trash your cuckhold fucking liquid shit slut spam and wank honor i do not respect, you get killled if you come to me with this. take your anal gabbage and fuck off from my dads territory or you get hurt fuckers! Algorithms i gave
<glamourending> with a big contribution all to you, i won't explain those in exchange to terror i do not negotiate with terrorists.
<glamourending> planet earth can be ruined but climate change does good things so far, it's natural cycle it can be manipulated by many ways, the code is very dangerous cause i do not want to deal with people who cohave such codes, and my moral does not allow even to the founder of those algorithms to abuse others.
<glamourending> you need to have your budget and minimum assets to eat , and that will be provided to you only if you are not terrorist like laura keskinenn, gloria terreur and lesbians and cranks in their team.
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<DemiMarie> <Grzesiek11> "any idea why this might be? if..." <- That is probably the problem. Generally the assumption is that the compositor is accelerated so that can import dmabufs.
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<salutenbuten> why 1024 combinations i wonder you ask hah it's for the same reason that there is no need for all answer sets, cause they would produce the same results, i.e the powers of twos spectrum is very large it itself determines that number comes in correct state, you can do those calculations formatless easily, since two numbers selected do not have collision restrictions, but you have to
<salutenbuten> output something that the decoding back to big number understands consistently but if you output 28 it can only be 12+16 there is no single operand alu technically if things are invariant then there is only 32 or 64 tbh. so but 12 can not be decoded back to full value, it never understands if it is 28 bit or 12 +16, so you need to output something different, but that is where the index
<salutenbuten> or distance comes in isn't it, since 28 was found at the indexX which had distance Y etc why not append that to the decoder, so is there 1024 32bit combinations or 32, well there is 32 only for 32bit and 64 for 64bit then why i said 1024 1 or 2 or 3 that would end up the same if the numbers collided cause factor is likely X given state only combination, exactly the same but then you do
<salutenbuten> not need bigger numbers storage wise its the same but both derive logics with arithmetic based approaches but one accounts with collisions where other does not. it is likely that one is factor , another term is combinations where as permutation is also a thing where duplicates count too. So reverse engineering numbers is easy 26+12 is in fact 38 which is higher than 32 that of 64possible
<salutenbuten> at 64bit size. But back to 1024 once again, if things can be only 2 bits maximum in as operands are in computing then logics derive 32*32 if those 32 states are encoded with collisions. like 1+4 is 2+3, so what the hell right, well that's the catch right! now you need to handle all those including duplicates so we say 32 combinations of factor 32bits wide and 1024 permutations at factor
<salutenbuten> 32bits wide, where as factorial of 32 is likely just one. since 32 bit is at value 32 can be only be one combination. To start understanding that , one needs to arrive to school also after practice of top sports, where estonians flushed their champion and legend, they are made to regret this decision by force soon.
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