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29+3-52=-20 and -20+29+3=12 -20+29+29=38 38-12-12=14 and 38-52=-14 , so this does not work? eat shit airlied. you find that if you base the format similarly 1*MAX+value inside anywhere in the max and measure the distance to the appropriate exact power it always works no matter what you give the value to for index 115 as done in example, samewise things go to any other
are a fucking woodhead , it took millions dollars to build our hotels in cambodia , your fucking jack injures me there, well i am not into his public toilet based hotel nor his joss technology shit, i kill him one hundred percent off in a fight if wished, those lethal injuries i got never hurt that much that i could not kill him.
you are fucking nonsense dudes
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i know both wrestlers as well as kick boxing dudes, i know footballers, basketballers i know even kick boxing world champions, they back me up there, things can be arranged so, i yeah i can apply for 1on1 with jack, it's others come there to only spot cheating again, where those idiots from england want to come with masses again, then everyone gets beaten up or killed on spot.
in terms of the fight it is going to be very short one, cause i put all my insane power to it and break his skull and neck.
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what i did at first very long time ago at LLVM worked too for only calculating in compressed format, since you never search indirect indexed values there, all you do with calculation is that you have a small hit and match answer set, when you pull the answer out so: you push the entire answer set into minus side from the next power, and lad an operand to it, this yields a
predetermined minus value, this is assembled into scaffold for an example 256+115 is the new method there this is 371 so minus 141=230 minus 256 is 115, it trims it correct when you put x-1 answers worth of 256 and 1 answer as 141 or 136 or something to yield twice the index, so subtract selects that out, combines with other operand and you pull fictevely to the minus side again, to
get another answer. earlier method was dealing with a mask and x-1 times -512, which technically is the similar technique, but russian mathematicians are not stupid, even though i never explained those things in detail, they likely know how to make fast computation without me too, cause they messaged me how russians fucked up the precision of himars systems with electrical suppression
as i was teaching them, which was not the case of course, what i am saying was calculation was always possible but i was silly to not see for more than year how to store data, until i falshed back to school and tried something to get the range to eliminate things, for that i needed propoprtional interpolants and opposite signs on the intrinsics that i rolled , now only then i was
enough satisfied to store tremendously more data than at the moment filesystems are offering to be possible. This work that remains is quite professional programming and heavy of wisdom and additions are medium but generally in thought it's simple, it has been all worked out already.
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the problem was described in detail how people from my school play the dirty game, they came to assault me all the school time, got beaten up almost every time from me, then they testified wrong things and their dads and moms said their son is big act in world, they then next to other continuing terror where they could not manage to handle me, butchered me in hospitals and
started to brag with tunes around the world how they eat my blood and how i am a wank, but none remembers them putting any score on the scoreboard on any of the athtletics or sports events , which is technically we are talking about hugest liquid shit ever seen in history whose dads managed to handle me in hospital, the injury caused was many levels deep and bragging there is
where i now am going to kill all that crew off , and time is mature to do that. They fuck some quasimodos with what they brag too, this has never been my thing. Now the issue with storing values indirectly with index where i finally succeeded is, that verbatim values can't really address in any ways, but storing over indexes can do it well, i was puzzled with this for years to be
honest. And to David airlie i described the situation very lengthy ways, how such people can not be trusted , their chess buttons were claiming my mental illness shortly after when i did not accept those people anymore due to their actions and did not fancy them speaking , the injury is very bad but those are lambs to me who i can still handle even with such terror done to me,
and i will. So instead of listening to me david arilie and his lambsters from england probably tried to kill me. It is what it is i have been 20years badly injured , and i put every scoreboard in tens of sports events full of my story, let this piece of shit spam their smurf terror, i come back at you and nock you out of life anyways.
such garbage our planet does not need.
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It's not like i read any other filesystem than fat32 , you know things would not add up anyhow on ext4 or some hdf5 or any of the AI formats, it's all crap. You talk about mesa, well so and so, i loved the graphics screensavers on eeepc1000HA already, which was my first laptop, but what i am trying to say such gamer race problem does not exist, any chip is capable of rendering those
graphics as detailed as fast etc. Despite of that i would not say it was easy to program that library , it much looked like Brian Paul and Keith Whitwell Glisse, did that work manually indeed. So the library contains pretty much anything needed for graphics, so yes i actually like it but it's not like that graphics are programmed anywhere near correctly by those either, it's that you can
derive performant algorithms out of those well enough. However i am in pains recently again, i played too much and i got hurt, if you did not understood, they cracked up my knee, which i have suffered a great scammed 22 years now under, where abortion leftovers got their scam retaliation and world of freaks are so happy about that. Buy back to the fs. if 115 is index it's maximum bound
to trigger to real systems is 1024-57(half of index)-57(another half)-57(extra half)-768 128-85+26=69 as you see it's odd index and to get to 141 it really is already set up so hence you see that it's inverse from 141 really is 72, but let's do the same with 120, 1024-60-60-60-768 128-76=52+16=68 but 68 , when these numbers are equal this does not add up to the smallest difference from
136, hence +2 is needed, but their always handled the same odds +3 even indexes +2. now when you do on this previous algorithm or depchain given earlier. so that 62+62=124 141-124=17 really the logics give the algorithm not working well in such terms, so you better do 141+72-62-62=89 and 883+115+72=1070 and remember we used base 256 so 1280-70=210, now you input those to the formula, so
the first line becomes instead of 29+3-52=-20 --> to this (89+210)+ 89-420 and rest goes like with same logic, but later from 4*89 filtered out result, you remove 4*72 to get to 4*17 and things work so at the moment for filesystems, cause i never came up with more clever way.
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this is still pseudo code so it should come -146 and 146 like before slightly fuzzed not everyone to figure it out capable, but the real format works exactly the same, but numbers are bigger. and hence 712 or 356 can be results, so 356-17-17-17-17-72-72-72-72=0 so you'd understand why dance such fechalbrecht complex tango , or graphitemasters dick with tooth ape, apes ate me, well
i kill you all soon. You are outrageous trash in life.
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the world wouldn't be complete without this guy
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people don't join the channel very often, is it possible to require approval to post the first time?
probably about the same amount of total moderator work, but it could be more async
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You can do that by making the channel +m so only voiced users can speak, and I think network services can auto-voice an allowlist of users
I think the question is more about whether there are resources for managing such moderation (someone would have to presumably manage the allowlist or such), and whether the community wants to disable any casual "drop-by" question asking etc.
it seems like too harsh to disable people dropping by altogether, but it might be a reasonable tradeoff to require people dropping by to wait a little bit before they get approval
(just my 2c)
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the other question is whether a cooldown period or having to message a mod to be voiced would actually dissuade the spammer, or just rate-limit them a bit
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experience suggests the latter seems likely unfortunately
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Wonder if I can setup an irssi ignore based on line length...
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I mean, is IRC really the only platform that suffers from spam of this kind? How to the others solve it?
I'm pretty sure this bla-bla could be categorized by a clever filter. Someone would have to set it up, though <.<
more than that, linux graphics related channels are the only ones suffering from this dude
hmm. I thought his repertoire was floss project channels in general. might've changed his patterns, of course.
Also, irc is not very good when it comes to moderation. Channel operators have basically only two tools to restrict access: nickname and ip address, and both are easy to change
isnit just me or his rants are getting worst recently
he tends to act periodically. sometimes there are longer periods of "radio silence". I would venture to guess perhaps related to level of psychosis.
also his mood changes over time back and forth
from "ok you're cool guys after all" to death threats and elaborate slurs
there is also some evidence that he may be lurking here under some non-spamming identity. sometimes his spam accounts have referenced things that have been said during his apparent absence.
is the channel not logged anymore?
oh, that is another possibility of course
silly me :)
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tonyk, It seems so. If nobody objects and if nobody beats me, I will apply it tonight.
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Any idea why I might not be seeing the VK_KHR_display extension while testing Venus?
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and there he is
now my star started to shine regardless of your poop, but in reality it should had shined 10years before alike, but i had family full of same terrosists, who evaluated grandchapion's worth in a way of he has only worth for butchering, and when that was achieved and i did not die out to supposedly fatal error designed, they applied for kill off in medical wichburn insitution,
more accurately i applied for compute systems for 15 years in a row to carry out number theory researches, but my sisters mom and dad voted against this , they are bigger trash in terms of thinking than you but there is nothing cool about getting bombed my you either.
vulkaninfo --summary is showing two Virtio-GPU Venus devices (one Intel, one llvm pipe) but there is no VK_KHR_display extension - should there be?
would this be down to virglrenderer or the backend mesa?
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Ermine: I think this might be why Libera.Chat blocks signups from Tor, and possibly from VPNs as well.
Another option would be to use some sort of classifier to filter posts as they are being made.
digetx any idea? ^
now as to moneys they used, those were not theirs, and before grandfathers death the last managed to testify a big mistake he had done to promote such terrorists, they did not vote against themselves and their tallinn dolls terrorist crew, all they had equipments in stacks, i just had to be killed before, they are really animals in terms of moral and this is big insult to animals who
often tend to be lot wiser. But that all makes sense, they managed to set up wank spam over the world with their equipment and their assets come directly from my blood, i know those people who take my blood samples cells and do tests as well as send those to england etc. But me as cow am no longer needed, they try to destroy the evidence which so far has not worked out. It's the worst
people ever lived in their moral. And same thing in your genes is appareant. A large envy towards random capable people. It's europe who is behind such nonsense program tbh. they pay for this tallinndolls animals and they endorse and back up the crimes of incapable people. As we noticed neelix was behind that from germany too, not only whores of tallinn dolls and sisters and families
friends. Such people need to be killed off, and they will be.
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DemiMarie: yeah, VPNs and Tor can be used for abuse, so some services ban them
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digetx: so can I track it going through QEMU/virglrenderer?
the context is I'm packaging up vkmark/mesa3d in buildroot so I can have a reproducible test build in buildroot and people don't rely on my hand crafted binaries
you mean, you're trying latest vkmark git version and it doesn't work
digetx yes
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I'll check if it works for me
I figured I should package the 2025.1 release rather than a random commit but it broke
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Would it be useful to have documentation explaining what is needed for shared virtual memory?
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tl;dr: GPU must support page fault handling, and either it must be able to preempt while that is happening or a single process must have exclusive use of the GPU at any given time.
Without recoverable page faults there is no way to lazily allocate memory, and without preemption there is no way to avoid other users of the GPU being blocked for unbounded amounts of time
Also, page faults are very expensive, so they should be used only for lazy memory allocation, not overcommit.
I think this is all pretty well known among the devs here, but I'm willing to send a patch to dri-devel to include it in the kernel documentation.
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I would appreciate that patch
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There is actually no moods what i undergo, i did like Xorg and I still think it is after the injury most wonderful thing by far that i saw. But my time was not concentrated well on that all upfront, by timeline shifted apart from original plan, i started to go cranky, there is theoretically no question as to whether what was done to me deserves most ruthless penalties, of course it
does. Why would a person as victim be so upset otherwise? I see true sides of hippocracy and the cruelest betrayal and result fixings and bragging with it by total non-existent souls. Most painful is to see their wrong thinking and how they set up their criminal terror. How others applaude and react is very painful, in that sense people are roughly categorized into two opposite
groups, The line that sees this as not acceptable is pretty big but more quiet , they sense pain through other persons suffering while they may have experience as how bad such things could be mentally as well as physically. I never knew if you got sidelined out of number theory itself, which seems to be the most fascinating thing with probablility theory, combinatorics and
informatics. It's the era where i think there is some sort of agreements not to go there, it seems to be like a public secret. My fight on the desktops and being humiliated while living my dissapointments to a computer and embarrassements and such, lasted pretty long years in a row, so my experience is just ridiculously large alround, your rant interests me fewer, it's always among
the lines of how bad and unskilled i am. Certain people from here i had always liked, now even mareko tries to make my feelings better, just some people never talk anymore, handful of so pleasant ones, like glisse, keithp,keithw,jbarnes,krh etc. I worked alot out tbh, but i am unsure if i am allowed to continue at all to make contribution too here and there finally, i do not feel that
is compulsory, obligatory for my fame or soul, my own i have everything already there mostly, so about computers there is not much to whine.
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lumag: oh! I didn't see this patch series yet
I can try to review it either this week or monday next week
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Lyude, thanks!
np, feel free to cc me directly with DP stuff too - it makes it come up in my inbox
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hello! is it allowed to commit vsync'd (not immediate) update(s) to the cursor plane position after committing the main plane but before a vblank?
asking about AMS, not legacy
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fufexan: no, there can only be one pending commit at a time