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I have a question about llvmpipe descriptors: in lvp_CreateDescriptorLayout() is seems that the "stride" field in struct lvp_descriptor_set_binding_layout can only be different from zero for bindings that contain immutable samplers with a YCbCr conversion, and as far as I understand Vulkan that can only happen for bindings of type COMBINED_IMAGE_SAMPLER. However in
lvp_UpdateDescriptorSets() the layout binding stride is used also for descriptor types different from COMBINED_IMAGE_SAMPLER, and I can't understand in which case that can be different from one. Is that an oversight or am I missing something?
Similarly, it seems to me (reading the specification) that image views with plane_count > 1 can only be used for combined image samplers (because they need YCbCr conversion), but again other cases in lvp_UpdateDescriptorSets() seem to handle plane_count > 1.