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<tapontapon> The set of numbers which are divisible by a particular number are called factors. The repetitive multiplication of numbers upto a particular number is called Factorial. Your hungry anal aces should not be part of computer tech engineering teams, but i just think you are messing with me, do not bring your nigerian anal gangsters to teach my how to not wank right ok? let those shitbags who
<tapontapon> sell gold and steal others computers and computer purchasing money off, deal in their own zoopark with their anal ambassador queens. if that does not really suite their needs we kill them, cause such trash ain't gonna come to our territory again NEVER EVER!
<tapontapon> Yout mathematcian fraudsters are only overcomplicating things, and anal steve the 3number calculator, was not only this but a cheat like they all were.
<tapontapon> it never calculated any numbers like those from head, though i could do that
<tapontapon> it just cheated
<tapontapon> cause man who is so dumb overall could not do any of that
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<trashtalkfromtrash> maybe i was infact mistaken, but rather if there is only 1 factor for all powers or any of the powers of two representatives, than we can say there is no factorial at all, but this i doubt a lot in, since it can multiply with itself to yield some value that no other value can collide with, i have not done that calculation but i expect this to give all powers of twos representatives
<trashtalkfromtrash> only one factorial and this is themselves.
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<lime_son_quit> you can do this calculation so −32×log₂ 32−(1−32)×log₂ (1−32) happens to be −6.42+140.50i so 134.08 rounded to 134 well first was 2.53 second 6.31 third 10.35 etc so 3 6 10 upuntil to 134 134 times 134 is some number, indeed it has many factorials 17956 is result of that mul. 3*6=18 so is 18 a factorial of something, well no 15 19 23 being next representatives but maybe the last powers
<lime_son_quit> could yield yeah some of them and in quite many forms, so whatever, but since you gave me anal lessons with wank spams later turning them into complaints at my own hotel you are dismissed.
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<perlonxiz> well the correct answer is that there is no factorials in that field infact indeed 2.00×2.00×67.00×67.00 it almost made one out from the last 134 but 2.53 is rounded to 3 but 17th power is indeed 67, so almost one was there for only the last one.
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<Grzesiek11> DemiMarie: I cannot run labwc accelerated, since the driver is incomplete and it just gives me a black screen... so am I limited to using standalone X.Org for GLX?
<Grzesiek11> iirc there's a separate DDX that works, though I haven't tried it yet
<DemiMarie> Grzesiek11: you might want to get better hardware tbh
<DemiMarie> if that is possible
<Grzesiek11> I'm doing this specific hardware for a laugh
<Grzesiek11> it's not serious
<DemiMarie> The general fix for problems like that is "fix the driver"
<Grzesiek11> yeah that sounds about right
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<pq> lei seems to be working, time to disable dri-devel mail delivery for me :-)
<pq> not that I've been reading it much anyway... or at all
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<emersion> pq: can you share tour configuration by any chance?
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<pq> emersion, I can share e.g. the JSON dump
<pq> Coming up with the filters was the easy part. Getting IMAP to localhost working was more difficult, and wiping mistakes to start over was the hardest.
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<pq> when matching by patched files etc. it's important to limit the hits by e.g. mailing list. Otherwise you'll find Greg K-H's posted series that are literally closer to 1k patches long.
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<gbelgurr> Hi, as per the release calendar Mesa 24.3.5 was set to release on 5th Feb. Is there a tentative date for the 24.3.5 release?
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<emersion> pq, thanks!
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<Lynne> if anyone's interested in how to import VkDevice and VkImages in ffmpeg, I wrote a tutorial:
<emersion> ncie!
<emersion> nice*
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