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<Ristovski> I can "bypass" glvnd (I have mesa built without it) while using nvidia proprietary by something silly like LD_PRELOAD, is there a similarly-naughty incantation that would work for EGL on Wayland as well?
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<mahkoh> On AMD and Intel cards, does it make sense to increase VRAM usage to remove dependencies between render passes, i.e. render passes writing to the same buffer, so that they can be rendered to in parallel? Or do those cards always process render passes in series anyway?
<mahkoh> I'm using a single vulkan graphics queue.
<sima> if the vk driver doesn't have multiple queues, then neither does the hw
<sima> and I think for render that holds for everything (unless it's some multi-chip monster)
<mahkoh> My thinking was: if two render passes are only able to use 50% of the GPU capacity each, could the GPU run them in parallel. I guess AMD and Intel can't do this?
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<mahkoh> More concretely: I'm starting to use intermediate 16-bit blend buffers in my compositor. The question is: If I have two 1080p monitors, is it sufficient to use a single blend buffer or should I allocate 1 blend buffer per monitor to potentially decrease latency.
<mahkoh> I assume the rendering operations will always use 100% of the GPU anyway. But there might be situations I haven't considered.
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<MrCooper> dj-death: sounds like either GitLab accidentally associated a non-MR pipeline with the MR, or there's something wrong in the CI configuration
<MrCooper> Ristovski: why wouldn't that work for EGL on Wayland?
<Ristovski> MrCooper: Not sure, `eglinfo -B` tries to load nouveau which obviously fails at `eglInitialize` since I am using the proprietary ones
<MrCooper> eglinfo prints information about all EGL platforms, nvidia probably doesn't support all of them
<Ristovski> I am aware, yet there is only mesa/llvmpipe in the output, which is peculiar
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<MrCooper> maybe try running it in strace to see where it's picking up stuff from
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<dj-death> have people noticed that the new shader cache code uses flock?
<dj-death> and through that mechanism, any random application can essentially take a lock on your compositor
<dj-death> running into that multiple times locally
<dj-death> that's pretty terrible
<zmike> yes
<zmike> it's very bad
<MrCooper> not the only issue with the new cache, colour me surprised it's still the default
<dj-death> like I can't open nautilus right now
<dj-death> because of flock
<zmike> yup
<Company> make the client/server thing an xdg portal so it works for flatpaks!
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<MrCooper> there's no client/server thing
<Company> yet!
<Company> I just wanted to point out the problem that sharing the cache is happening less these days
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<MrCooper> not sure what you mean by that
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<pac85> mahkoh the vulkan spec says that commands always begin execution in the order they are issued, but can end out of order. This means that if you have two passes one after the other in a cb the first draw of the second pass must begin execution after the last draw of the first. Assuming there are no barriers that prevent it you can have some overlap between the two passes (so some draws from the previous pass might still be doing work when
<pac85> the second pass starts) but in practice this is limited to a handful of draws for desktop GPUs. AMD technically does have more than one GFX queue but I don't think that's exposed. If it where you would have to split your passes into two separate submissions to take advantage of it. So to answer your question, removing dependencies between passes can have some benefit but how much depends on the workload. There is some mobile hw out there
<pac85> with separate queues for vertex and fragment in which removing dependencies between passes allows for quite a bit of parallelism (those GPUs can't overlap vertex and fragment work unless they are from different passes, unlike most desktop HW and some mobile GPUs which can do it at a draw granulairty).
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<mahkoh> "first draw of the second pass must begin execution after the last draw of the first" - if the two render passes share no resources, then I suppose this would be indistinguishable from draws running in any order, which the GPU exploit to make use of available parallelism
<mahkoh> but for now I'm going with a single buffer shared by all monitors
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<alyssa> glehmann: supporting everything in divergence is on my todo list
<alyssa> or rather, describing divergence properties in
<alyssa> (at what point we can build-time assert that everything is described)
<alyssa> just haven't figured out exactly how that should look
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<pac85> mahkoh well yeah execution beginning in order doesn't have many semantics implications for most commands but it does match how most implementations on desktop work. (tiling GPUs somewhat do reorder but not the way you suggest).
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<digetx> MrCooper: roughly remember, will try getting to it sooner
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<alyssa> [I can relatively easily write the coccinelle to port most of the tree to that, but i can't decide if it's, sensible]
<dcbaker> Okay, after being sick for 3 weeks and then having inclement weather... I am finally almost caught up on everything. I'm planning to cut the last 24.3.x release on Wednesday, and I'll be sending out an email to the list with all of the patches that do not apply to get dev feedback on what they want to get backported before the release happens
<alyssa> dcbaker: sorry to hear about the illness :(
<dcbaker> Thanks. It's kinda my fault for not going to the doctor sooner. Listen kids, don't be a stubborn old man like me. lol
<alyssa> :(
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<glehmann> alyssa: I think your nir_progress idea is quite neat
<alyssa> glehmann: thanks :)
<alyssa> my main reservation is that it won't be practical to convert 100% of the tree (just because coccinelle isn't perfect and so on)
<alyssa> and IDK if we end up in a very confusing spot if we have half-way coverage
<alyssa> although maybe it'd be ok? and we'll see how close cocci can get
<alyssa> there are only ~382 nir_metadata_presere calls in tree so if cocci can get most of them, that's a good spot
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<glehmann> I think we should fully replace the old helper if we decide to adopt the new one, even if it will lead to weird code like if (progress) nir_progress(true, ) else nir_progress(true, ) in a few places until someone decides to clean it up
<gfxstrand> alyssa: I don't hate it. :)
<alyssa> glehmann: yeah that's fair
<alyssa> gfxstrand: alright. I will see what I can cook up then :}
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<robclark> alyssa: ../src/asahi/ ERROR: Unknown variable "dep_iokit".
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<alyssa> robclark: uhoh
<alyssa> going to need more context for that one..
<robclark> alyssa: I suspect it is because I don't have hk enabled?
<alyssa> robclark: that should be fine. what commit is this, OS, etc
<alyssa> (It builds fine e.g. in CI so clearly something is different with your env)
<robclark> ToT from this morning, fedora
<alyssa> what drivers do you have enabled?
<alyssa> ohhhhh
<alyssa> i see what's happening
<alyssa> yes ok that's... entertaining
<robclark> enabling asahi "fixes" it (if there was any doubt)
<alyssa> "tools=asahi but neither gl/vk driver" was the untested build combo you hit
<robclark> oh... blah... -Dtools=all strikes again
<robclark> but r-b for that patch
<robclark> maybe we should make -Dtools=all more clever
<alyssa> konstantin: ^ can you cherry-pick that patch into your MR?
<alyssa> thx
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<alyssa> yes
<alyssa> thanks
<alyssa> we don't need two "fix asahi's files" MRs in the merge queue at once ;)
<konstantin> Warming a lot of air at the hw farms...
<alyssa> real
<alyssa> i still need to setup one of those..
<alyssa> glehmann: gfxstrand: ok class what do we think of
<alyssa> IDK what to make of all these 'if(progress){preserve()}` constructions
<gfxstrand> I like the diffstat
<alyssa> what happens if there's not progress for those?
<alyssa> are all of those passes broken across the board?
<gfxstrand> Yeah, I think so
<gfxstrand> It should always be if (progress) preserve() else preserve(none)
<alyssa> yeah..
<alyssa> I don't know that I want to do a functional change in an automated treewide patch of this size..
<gfxstrand> fair
<gfxstrand> so do two patches
<alyssa> hmm, although nir_metadata_preserve(all) should be harmless
<alyssa> like if there are other preserve calls elsewhere
<alyssa> because it ANDs
<alyssa> maybe
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* alyssa tries it
<alyssa> ok this looks better
<alyssa> it *really* wants a clang-format though..
<alyssa> gfxstrand: mind if I re-clang format compiler/nir/?
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<alyssa> ok, MR up
<alyssa> I hogged all the labels again
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<Kayden> - /* clang-format off */
<Kayden> + /* clang-format off */
<Kayden> is particularly amusing
<robclark> lol
<Kayden> no, clang-format, NO!
<Kayden> hehe
<kisak> what are you doing step-clang-format?
<mattst88> kisak: lol
<alyssa> Kayden: I noticed that yeah
<Kayden> (to be clear that isn't a complaint, I'm just amused)
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<uriah> pepp: quick question, does amdgpu native context require kernel 6.14 to work correctly or should 6.13 be fine?
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<uriah> i ask because digetx's intel merge request mentions 6.14, just wondering if it is the same for amdgpu
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<robclark> uriah: IIRC there was some kvm bug fix that was needed? But digetx would know better the situation on x86
<uriah> thanks robclark, i will try digging it up
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<uriah> is it possibly a cause for stuttering, or would that likely be user (me) error?
<uriah> robclark: might these 4 commits be the relevant ones?
<uriah> i'm not 100% sure that virtio-wl is required for amdgpu but perhaps the others
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<robclark> virtio-wl is for wayland proxy to host compositor, so not needed if you are using a guest compositor
<uriah> ok
<robclark> I think the others should not be mandatory... in any case, they are all guest kernel patches
<uriah> i see
<uriah> good to know
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<robclark> ugg... why does piglit still use cmake.. and what does `Could NOT find PythonNumpy (missing: PythonNumpy_STATUS)` mean (I do ofc have python3-numpy installed)
<dcbaker> robclark: I have some patches around somewhere...
<airlied> usually means it's picked up a different python
<dcbaker> not complete
<robclark> hmm, does look like I have py 3.12 and 3.13 (but nothing more ancient)
<robclark> hmm, cmake picked 3.12.9
<robclark> ok, removing 3.12.9 did the trick.. ugg
<robclark> indeed
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<mattst88> there's some argument you can pass to cmake to tell it which python to use, but I can't find it in my shell history...
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<dcbaker> -DPython_EXECUTABLE IIRC
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<mattst88> yeah, that sounds like it
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