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<gfxstrand> Feel free to file a bug on and someone might take it up.
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<anarsoul> does anyone besides alyssa have comments on ?
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<gio> I'm trying to debug a llvmpipe crash. Playing a little bit with NIR_DEBUG I noticed that the program crashes even earlier if I enable NIR_DEBUG=extended_validation, complaining that return instruction is unsupported in the divergence analysis algorithm. Is that something I should worry about? I.e., is the divergence analysis pass something that should work anyway and if it doesn't
<gio> it means I have already hit a problem, or is it something that usually should just be ignored and it's failing just because I forcibly pulled that in with "extended_validation"?
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<pendingchaos> that's probably an issue with NIR_DEBUG=extended_validation
<pendingchaos> you can just replace "nir_metadata_all" with "nir_metadata_all & ~nir_metadata_divergence" in "nir_metadata_require_all"
<pendingchaos> NIR_DEBUG=extended_validation probably wouldn't be helpful for debugging a crash, it's more useful for finding theoretical issues
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<glehmann> it would probably be a good idea to support all intrinsics in divergence analysis though, I think llvmpipe is already using divergence analysis:
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<ishitatsuyuki> building mesa after ages, any idea why I'm getting this?
<ishitatsuyuki> mold: error: duplicate symbol: src/c11/impl/libmesa_util_c11.a(src/c11/impl/libmesa_util_c11.a.p/threads_posix.c.o): /usr/lib/ call_once
<ishitatsuyuki> guess i'm just going to be lazy and patch with_c11_threads = true to be always true
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<gio> pendingchaos: Got it, thanks!
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<gio> Since the crash I am looking at happens in lp_bld_nir_soa.c, is there any high level description of what that file is supposed to do? What does SOA stand for?
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<glehmann> gio: that file converts NIR to llvm IR. SOA means struct of array. compare with lp_bld_nir_aos which is a special fast path using array of struct.
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<gio> Ok, thanks!
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