yes, that one, I was thinking of sending it but it needs some cleanup first, it causes some dtbc_check warnings
mal: well i was wondering more about CPU PLLs rather than core booting(SMP)
aka_[m]: I don't have any reference manual for 8226
it appears to somehow have something in common with 8974 but pll are separate driver
so i was wondering about general layout
in many ways 8226 has similar things as 8974
RayyanAnsari[m]: I'm hoping to send some more msm8226 fixes soon, I have clean patches for modem, wcnss and general purpose clocks at least, also some other small things
mal: nice
is the modem working or is it just the modem remoteproc booting?
RayyanAnsari[m]: well since my device if wifi only I can only test gps which is inside the modem remoteproc and I could see satellites using a patched gpsd
mal: oh, okay
have I asked you about camss before?
mal: your tablet has a muic, right?
I did check those patches earlier and those seemed ok, I haven't tested those yet because I don't have drivers for the camera sensors on my device, I did find some downstream drivers I could probably use to write the drivers
I have a patch for usbin on pm8226 that I should probably send
Rayyan: yes, it uses sm5502 muic
mal: is smbb working for you on v6.2-rc1?
the driver crashes, but I can't see what it says because it scrolls by too fast :D
Rayyan: I see two backtraces from smbb in dmesg
I need to add some debug printing to see why it fails