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guys: i got on table h728 based tv box to play with mainline kernel. prepared uboot (based on t507 code for orlinx,okt507-c); flash to sdcard via dd if=u-boot-sunxi-with-spl.bin of=/dev/sdb bs=8k seek=1; inserted card; power on; and nothing on uart :-( Does h728 require spl in different location that i.e. h616?
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warpme: H728 appears to be an A523; we don't have U-Boot yet
Mainline doesn't have all of the patches needed yet to bring up the board either; apritzel submitted patches on Monday to add initial support
warpme: I'll be working on U-Boot support for the A523, just waiting on boards :-) so I don't have SyterKit as I'll be completely bypassing the use of it
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MasterR3C0RD : what - rough - timeframe for a523 you have in your calendar?
warpme: Can't give any sort of timeframe, as the boards haven't been shipped yet and I'm focusing on A133 at the moment
ok thx!
But the main blocker for U-Boot is DRAM init code; luckily however the DRAM controller/PHY look similar enough to the H616/A100 that after some refactoring, they should be able to share the same driver with some quirk flags
yeah - dram init - as always biggest kid in the block :-) I really like rockchip approach here....
It's annoying, but assumably they must be keeping the DRAM code private for licensing reasons. No real reason otherwise to be so secretive about it
We haven't been able to figure out whose IP this generation of DRAM controllers/PHYs uses though; there's some theories that it's Allwinner's own, but if that's the case AW's just being a PITA by not releasing any info on it
Well, actually, we know the controller is Synopsis at least (uMCTL2), but the PHY is the mystery
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TrimUI Smart Pro arrived. Turns out it has pre-tinned pads for an FEL button, so was able to get into it pretty quickly. As expected, has the A100/A133 socid (0x1855), which means the A133P is, as theorized, just a better bin of the A133