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<junari> I've been using the opi-zero3 for a few months in performance mode at 1.8Ghz and 1.2V. It hasn't burned out yet
<junari> But the H700 is a bad bin, and it can't run at that voltage and frequency in my handheld
<junari> Don't want to open it up again to plug in the uart
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<loki666> junari: you can test this buildroot image if you want, there is no need for a uart cable, as it will try to connect a nework config defined in /var/lib/iwd
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<junari> loki666: I meant h700 doesn't boot up when the voltage and frequency are increased
<loki666> kernel is confifured to starts in powersave, the it doesn't try to test 1.2v, it's just to compare mainline opp table values vs anbernic opp values
<loki666> and check stability
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<machinehum> hullo all
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<junari> ahh, understand, thanks for hint. I will build a kernel for manjaro later with these settings
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<apritzel> So does anybody know about any board or device project using the A733?
<apritzel> There is this Teclast P50Ai tablet, so the SoC exists, but tablets are not the best device to do mainline development on ...
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<parthiban> apritzel szbaijie is still working on it. Booked one already once it's ready and planned to do the initial support for it. Shall I pick it from my end? Thanks
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<BroderTuck> Hey. With the recent efforts to mainline support for A523 and related SOCs, would be a sane buy?
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<apritzel> BroderTuck: it looks like it, yes. warpme had some success booting it, with the patches in progress
<apritzel> within the limits of such an early development, of course
<BroderTuck> apritzel: Cool, will probably place an order then. Will probably bug you or warpme about the binaries needed when it arrives.
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<apritzel> usb3 will not work quickly, i guess, same with graphics
<apritzel> but usb 2 and emmc plus sd card should work already
<apritzel> and I feel like Ethernet is around the corner
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<BroderTuck> Ah, ethernet missing is a bit of a bummer, as is graphics (would rather not have to open it up and mess with serial)
<apritzel> well, it's in an early phase of development, so serial is pretty much mandatory
<apritzel> USB and eMMC working means it's somewhat useful as some kind of headless server-like device, but if you expect anything beyond that, I would either wait or buy something else
<apritzel> also we have no SMP at the moment (so only one core), and the CPU frequency is fixed at like 800-1000 MHz
<apritzel> though I am hopeful we can fix that rather quickly
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<loki666> apritzel: how much time should I wait to resubmit my patch? next weekend ?
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