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<ity> Quick question -> We are unsure if we remember right, is the code that verifies signatures with efuse-burned keys on the A64 flashable & has an open source implementation ? We might be misremembering so asking to be sure
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<jakllsch> \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
<jakllsch> (sorry, cat on keyboard)
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<junari> Is there any u-boot development for h728?
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<junari> new t536 has been released. 4 cortex a55 without gpu
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<hlauer> <apritzel> "hlix: which 4th USB "root" do..." <- lsusb and u-boot are both showing 4. this is very strange then
<hlauer> yes, this is a big advantage of banana m1/m1+/m2u compared to other boards: They have two power inputs and soldering pins for a LiIon cell, so you can make them very reliable. I added a few comments to the wiki about the V1.1 situation
<apritzel> in the v1.0 schematics it shows the OTG port connected to VUSB on the PMIC, which means it should work as a power supply
<apritzel> and 900mA sounds enough for normal operation
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<apritzel> re: USB> the OTG port is a separate device, and sometimes it lists EHCI and OHCI separately
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<BroderTuck> apritzel_: You mentioned something about sending me some boot files for this box. Anything would be appreciated, and you can send to per x, be it binaries (for initial bringup) or links to sources
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