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<apritzel> BroderTuck: try this one instead:
<apritzel> this hardcodes the DRAM size to 4GB, hope that's the version you have
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<BroderTuck> apritzel: Thx, I'm at least getting different results now. Probably something small that I've missed, will probably need a serial conection anyway to figure out what.
<BroderTuck> The aip1628 led controller seems to be for something called vfd, but I've avoided looking at the openvfd code since it's apparently turned gpl3 a while back which is not usable with linux code
<apritzel> isn't openvfd user space? So there is no license issue with the kernel
<apritzel> BroderTuck: and well, what do you expect from the image at this point, exactly? It will drop you at a U-Boot prompt - on serial only, of course
<apritzel> if you know exactly what you are doing and can do it blind folded, you might be able to boot a kernel and ssh in (via a USB Ethernet adapter atm only), but that's not an easy task
<BroderTuck> and that is exactly what I'm trying to accomplish, but as you say, not an easy task
<apritzel> I see, a general problem is the early nature of the support: there are quite some things that can go wrong at this point
<apritzel> IIRC you don't have a 64-bit board to test this on first?
<BroderTuck> true
<BroderTuck> I now have a cross-built kernel at least with patches 1101-1136, 1150 and 1170 from warpme's minimyth2 repo, should be all that's needed kernelwise
<apritzel> ... which is all not very helpful for mainline development, I am afraid
<apritzel> so are you going to solder serial at some point in the near future? The case is pretty easy to open
<BroderTuck> yeah, I'll probably have to, or at least try to attach some wires (no soldering iron readily available)
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<jernej> apritzel: any luck of combining U-Boot work on T527? can you push your changes?
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<apritzel> jernej: I managed to merge it in yesterday evening, and made it compile, but couldn't test it yet
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<warpme> nicely working clock on 7seg disp on x96pro+
<apritzel> jernej: do you have any idea how complicated DDR3 support would be? I see quite some "if LPDDR4" clauses and panics in your code. Could I infer the DDR3 bits from say the H616 driver?
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<Soupborsh> Hello, I have some unnamed pads nearby emmc that seem to be connected to it. I am thinking if I can solder them to SD card thing and access it. What do you think about it?
<Soupborsh> Maybe in FEL it will be usable?
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<apritzel> Soupborsh: what do you plan to do? Access the eMMC via an external SD card reader?
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<jernej> apritzel: controller bits can be ported from H616 or even H6, but not for phy, addresses are different.
<jernej> note that I took some shortcuts for now (only read calibration is tested and CA delay compensation has some hardcoded values), so it's not there yet for general consumption
<jernej> and it seems that there is some problem with DRAM chip communication, size detection almost always returns 16 GB, which indicates problems with value storage
<jernej> it can be power issue too
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<BroderTuck> Oh well, adding CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_PL2303 to the kernel on the H3 box and recompiling. Should be done before I get home, now heading out to a friend for new year's eve.
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<apritzel> BroderTuck: you just discovered the perks of using distro kernels: they compile everything for you, just load the module for what you want ...
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