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<hlauer> <apritzel> ".... happen when just booting..." <- Yes, nothing at the USB-A ports, just in u-boot doing "gpio set ph23" and the board resets. Besides the sd card and serial console nothing is connected to the board at all. Btw., why are there 4 USB roots? Two for USB-A and one for OTG (ala micro USB power input), but the fourth?
<tokyovigilante> Have just sent in the jack detection patches I was working on for the RG35XX, thanks macromorgan for the assist! -
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<tokyovigilante> macromorgan: Should I just do a github PR for the UCM conf?
<tokyovigilante> Here's the UCM patch -
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<apritzel> hlauer: which 4th USB "root" do you mean? The R40 has only three, and they are all exposed on the M2 ultra
<apritzel> also: are you sure that powering via microUSB is actually supported? the photo of the v1 says only "OTG" next to that port, and ACin next to the barrel jack