yeah, indeed, I had a hard time finding it as well
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BroderTuck: I realised the other day that the firmware I sent you only supports LPDDR4 boards, but the X96QPro+ has DDR3L chips
BroderTuck: I have something that detects the H728 chip revision and chooses the DDR3L parameters for that box automatically, to support the Avaota-A1 and the X96QPro+ with one binary
I will send it to you later today ...
That might explain why I never got it to work 😁
yeah, sorry about that!
Does the dts embedded in the u-boot binary work for the pro+?
yeah, that's the other problem, they are quite different. But U-Boot is a binary on the SD card, to it's easy to swap. I will provide you with a X96QPro+ version
jernej: does your (just pushed) T527 DRAM code work?
I know I'm probably silly being reluctant to opening it up and soldering a serial console (1: only iron I have access to is at work, 2: I do have serial--usb dongle, but it tended to be glitchy, 2b: I've lost the paper where I had info on which lead was what)
BroderTuck: I don't know about that "silly" part, but can just say that at the moment (and probably for most of 2025) you won't have much fun without serial ;-)
I probed the serial by holding the wires to the pads, so you can get away with some BluTack I guess
apritzel: not yet, ctl and com match register dump, phy doesn't
jernej: bummer, but many thanks your work on this anyway, much appreciated!
yesterday it didn't even output anything on uart, so I would call this great progress :)
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ah, I have the platform part nicely working (including USB and SD card), it's just too messy to share right now
my diff seems to be much smaller, though, since I could share quite something with the NCAT2 code
yeah, my goal is dram driver, platform code was just necessary evil
surely we can combine later
sounds like a plan!
jernej, apritzel: Should have my boards in the coming weeks, so I'll be properly able to start debugging some of the A523 DRAM code as well whilst working on getting the A133 drivers into something mainlineable
MasterR3C0RD: that sounds great! in what state is your A133 code on github? Did you push everything you have, or is there more code cooking locally?
apritzel: All of the code I have thus far is pushed I think, but will have to double check; it's been a bit since I touched it so don't remember if there were any issues remaining to fix
Any edge cases would be on parthiban's custom board
MasterR3C0RD: I got this Liontron board, but didn't find time yet to give it a spin
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apritzel: dram driver shows sings that it might work with avaota a1 board. Any idea how to brough t527 back to 32-bit mode for FEL? SPL loads successfully, but it has troubles returning to FEL.
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ah, seems H6 RTC trick works
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jernej: Sounds like progress is being made.
BroderTuck: yeah, trying to merge his branch into mine now instead of giving you Syterkit ;-)
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I suspect noone has really looked into (mainline, even a minimal version) support for the led display on the X96QPro+ ?