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<machinehum> Got my Tanix H618 in the mail
<machinehum> Build quality is actually shockingly decent for just 25 bucks or whatever
<machinehum> Seems like there is a not a wiki for this part, so I'll probably build something out
<machinehum> s/part/device
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<Soupborsh> <apritzel> "for the full story refer to uart..." <- Hello, thanks for response, I did not intend that little c program to be good, I just used it to test that I can execute code and it can return to FEL. This code always returns to FEL, maybe I could make boot0 to return to FEL after initializing DRAM. I tried to just adding "return;" after DRAM initialization code but that seems to just hang it and it never returns to FEL.
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<warpme> guys: i just looked on de/hdmi stuff in a527 bsp in context of getting mainline kernel to have just very minimal hdmi video support and it looks it will be very very long road to go.....
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<apritzel> Soupborsh: I doubt that boot0 saves the return address upon entry, so just adding return won't work.
<apritzel> so can you compile a working boot0 from the sources? then you could try to branch to 0xffff0020 after DRAM init
<apritzel> or check if you can save LR and SO
<apritzel> SP* ... upon entry of boot0
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