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<apritzel> Jookia: not sure what you are asking about, exactly? I am all for display support for modern SoCs in U-Boot, if that's what you meant, but we have to do it properly, so using DT and DM
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<apritzel> jernej: Excellent, saving/restoring SP_IRQ worked! Many thanks for digging into this! Made a proper (fix) patch:
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<apritzel> jernej: How is JTAG handled, exactly, as a bit-bang serial protocol? Could you choose other pins than ADBUS[0-3]?
<apritzel> because then you could connect the serial pins as well, to ADBUS[0-1], and switch between serial and JTAG, via USB?
<apritzel> (with serial pins I mean the UART0 muxes on PF2 and PF4)
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<Jookia> apritzel: i have other u-boot patches for an SPI panel, PWM, SPI NAND booting, but there are no in tree users of those either
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<jernej> apritzel: nice! FTDI datasheet specify which pins can be used for JTAG, so I think there is special logic for it inside. FT2232 chip can have UART on second channel. But I find this not that useful due to special code needed to initialize UART on port F.
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<gamiee> apritzel / jernej : switching between JTAG and UART would be probably painful on this FTDI chip, mainly due driver issues.
<gamiee> Also, good job folks on solving that issue. It was fascinating to watch the progress.
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<apritzel> Jookia: many new boards use SPI NAND flash, so that's definitely interesting
<apritzel> Jookia: also, as I said before: by submitting your DT, you make it an upstream board ...
<Jookia> Submit a DT for prototype dev boards?
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<Jookia> There's no PCB yet, just perf boards at this point at best
<apritzel> Well then try to make it work on existing boards. Your changes seem to be around generic peripherals? Like panels and SPI flash, that's not board specific.
<Jookia> Yes, they do work on the mangopi
<apritzel> for instance the Lctech Pi F1C200s has SPI NAND, as do some other D1/T113 boards I believe. And many of the A523/T527 boards have SPI NAND as well
<Jookia> But the mango pi supports spi nand?
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<Jookia> all of this has been done using the mango pi dual
<apritzel> so what is the question, exactly?
<Jookia> I don't even know any more, sorry
<apritzel> what I am saying: if you choose UART2 on PortD on *your* particular board, and that causes major pain in U-Boot, or your support patches break something, then I am not really happy about that
<apritzel> but: if you want SPI NAND support (in general), then sure: there are plenty of users out there who would benefit, so we want this anyway, regardless of your particular use case
<apritzel> same with display engine support or even panels
<Jookia> ok
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<jernej> apritzel: should U-Boot proper by default use PSCI handlers for reset and such? Because it doesn't currently on A523.
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<apritzel> jernej yes, should be easy, it's just one Kconfig option. H616 as well, we are missing that mostly for historical reasons
<jernej> I enabled psci reset but by default it enables also spl version and breaks build due to missing DM symbols in spl
<jernej> SYSRESET_PSCI enables also SPL_ARM_PSCI_FW, which requires DM
<apritzel> mmh, wasn't there a patch for that? i thought smaeul fixed that back then?
<jernej> and I narrowed down TF-A issue by enabling and disabling cores - reading PPU_PWSR() hangs cpu
<jernej> apritzel: no idea
<apritzel> maybe it was a patch of mine, but i never merged it? somehow rings a bell
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<jernej> looks about right
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