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apritzel I can also have a look at the docs... Which one should I look for....I quickly checked A133P but couldn't find anything about RVBAR
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loki666: it's in the A133 User Manual, section 3.2.6 System/CPUX Configuration/CPU Subsystem Control Register List
and yes, there are more differences, for instance the AA64nAA32 bits, looks like it's neither on the two existing locations, so we need a third choice
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Ok I'll try to compare it H6 code and Manual
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At which point do we decide that a100/a133 needs a new atf platform
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I'll add a similar method to get AA64nAA32 reg and offset
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And I'll check the rest of regs used in sunxi_cpu_on
Well they are all obviously wrong since there is nothing at 0x09010000 on a133
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does anyone recall the theobroma a31-yq7 board? i'm interested in what uart1 is used for - no trace of it on the available hw docs
i've got one in the cupboard and working on bringing it up to mainline-level - last vendor update was a couple years back, and the sdk is on kernel 4.6
used to be a quite fancy devboard for its time