jernej: digging through the DE2 U-Boot driver, I see that it sets bit 0 in DE2TCON_MUX (offset 0x10), to connect mixer0<->tcon1 and mixer1<->tcon0, but the kernel does not touch this register at all?
is that correct, and if yes, why was it done this way? Is it somehow simpler this way or just some random configuration choice?
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apritzel: when DE2 doesn't have TCON TOP, switching between mixers and TCONs can be done this way. It was done this way to always use mixer0, which is a bit easier, since mixer1 may have different functionality. Although for U-Boot that doesn't matter much, if at all.
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Hello, I've ported MIPI-DSI, DPHY, DE (TCON, MIXER) Linux drivers to U-Boot with a new simple hierarchical clock system.
Anyone interested in? I need a feedback whether I'm on the right track.
kikuchan: oh no, this is what I was doing in the last week as well ...
oh, well, I guess we can extract the best of it, and have a contributor and reviewer. And yours seems to be more complete anyway
so the whole clock driver seems to be a bit too much, I got away with something simpler: we don't need the flexibility of Linux, we just need a few clocks, so I have switch/case plus helper functions instead of structs
Ah, I thought the hierarchical clock driver is required to parse DT correctly. If it works with DT, any implementation is welcome.
well, it's technically hierarchical, just very sparsely implemented, if you like
and while Linux does it with struct's, I am just putting that in code, since we need just a few clocks
I see
but anyway, your code looks very good, just a bit massive ...
does it cover HDMI as well?
kikuchan: I need to have a closer look tonight, but would try to give you some guidance
Unfortunately not yet. (HDMI
thank you
That repository contains a panel driver that I want to publish the most. I've developed it so that we can share a panel firmware between U-Boot and Linux.
> no HDMI: that's alright, because that's what I focused on. And I was worried how to test my changes on an LCD setup (don't have any, really)
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apritzel: I posted U-Boot patches for move to DT long time ago, but some of them weren't merged, notably HDMI
however, I never tackled clocks
oh, did you? I thought that most of the DE2 code in U-Boot is from you, and I think allwinner,sun8i-a83t-dw-hdmi is one of the few compatible strings we actually use
and conversion to use HDMI PHY DT node wasn't either
in any case, feel free to use anything for conversion
yeah, that looks tempting, we can now pick the cherries from each series ;-)
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I remember brainstorming session that it was not possible to register two vidconsoles at the time. Not sure if anything changed in this regard.
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hello, is there something that can be tweaked in the mainline SD/MMC driver?
compared to BSP, it's 2x slower in sequential read, and takes over 4x as long to mount the rootfs
(comparisons on the same board, same SD card, same OS install)
kuba2k2: maybe some SD mode is not implemented?
how can I find out?
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compare "dmesg | grep mmc" output for BSP and mainline
does someone have an opi zero3 (h618) ?
anarsoul: what exactly should I compare? these are two different drivers, the output is totally different too
i don't - and i've got a bugreport about it not booting up a kernel anymore after upgrading u-boot to 2025.01. The suggested fix for it is adding back the "temporary workaround for enabing i2c clocks" - which seems to be strange a bit
kuba2k2: post it to pastebin and share it here
so it runs at 50mhz on BSP, nothing special (i.e. it doesn't look like the host supports 1.8V signalling). You should check whether it runs at 50mhz on mainline
check the clock in /sys/kernel/debug/clk_summary
yes, mmc0 and mmc1 at 50 MHz
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no ideas then
jernej: looking more closely at the TVE TOP, it seems to take inputs *from* the TVEs - perhaps it would be more correct to position it *after* the TVEs in the DT endpoint graph?
because it is the part that assigns TVE0/TVE1 outputs to DACs (connectors?)
so, if I understand it right, should be tcon_tv0/1_out -> tve0/1_in, and tve0/1_in -> tve_top_in, and tve_top_out -> [connector]
or am I speaking nonsense
(in DT)
that's right
just model ports in tve_top to represent dacs
t113 has one dac, but r40 has 4
yep, I remember
that's great :)
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kuba2k2: is this about SD cards or eMMC? And what is the performance?
SD card
with "pv /dev/mmcblk0 > /dev/null" it's 11MB/s on mainline, and 22MB/s on BSP
on the SD card side mainline supports HighSpeed: that's 50 MHz at 4bits, giving about 23 MB/s
which SoC?
mounting an ext4 rootfs takes 2sec on BSP, and 8 sec on mainline
T113-S3 is the soc
11 MB/s sounds like a missing clock doubling: we had this in the past
T113 is same as D1, so I wonder why noone reported that before?
* apritzel
grabs his MangoPi ...
I'm not sure why
do you have the mangopi dual? or the D1s version
previously I blamed an unbranded 2GiB microSD for the slow speeds... but now I've got a new class10 card, and the results were the same. So I compared to BSP and found that it's better there
MQ-R, so the ARM version
actually the MQ-R seems to come in both variants
yeah, there are not very clever with their naming, but it's the T113-s3, with dual A7s
I guess it's only a single A7 on mainline :D
how so? we spent quite some time to get the PSCI code working in U-Boot
ah, I didn't know that was implemented already (linux-sunxi support table only lists it as N/A)
but I'm using awboot so no PSCI :(
any reason you don't use U-Boot?
I'm not sure, actually- perhaps because of the complexity and size of uboot (and I'm targeting an spi-flash for kernel storage on this board)
maybe I'll switch at some point, knowing now that there are actual benefits
are 475124 bytes too much?
too much - perhaps not, but compared to 49152 bytes it's nearly 10x more :)
apritzel: are you working just to refactor U-Boot video driver to use DT more, or also add H6 driver?
jernej: H6 (and H616) are the reason I am doing this, but from what I get the addresses and clocks cover a good deal of the differences
(when looking at Jookia's H6(16) support series)
yeah, that's huge step forward, adding tcon_top, de3 and hdmi is then pretty self contained and simple
I thought we should bite the bullet now and fix this properly, before adding support for more SoCs, which would make it more messy
apparently there is some momentum now, with kikuchan's series for instance
well, I have also my own lcd on t507 support for U-Boot :)
but I hacked clocks a lot, so I would be very happy for proper solution in that regard :)
I am quite pleased with how the clocks look by now, but my code has quite some gaps in the other parts, so seems like a good fit ;-)
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kuba2k2: ah, was fighting with the UART and the load addresses, but I see it now: it's indeed only 11696 KB/s
kuba2k2: ah, found and fixed it: there is an undocumented post divider of 2 in the MMC mod clock, like in every other recent SoC, really
now I get to send a patch that doubles the performance!!!
in U-Boot it's even worse, we miss that the source is PLL_PERIPH0, not PERIPH0_2X, as in the other SoCs, so it's only 5.8 MB/s there