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<apritzel> eliasbakken: very nice! Any surprising things on the way? Clock gates? power domains?
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<eliasbakken> aprtizel: Not for me, but things might have gotten set up by that TF-A that shipped with the distro that came with the Orange Pi 4a. There was already an SCP binary loaded, so I just asserted reset, wrote the exception vectors, loaded my own code and deasserted reset.
<apritzel> ah, nice! We got basic "organic" support running now, with SPL incl. DRAM init, some early TF-A port, and U-Boot proper working now, ready to launch the proposed patches for the kernel
<apritzel> eliasbakken: do you have an actual OPi-4A, or are you just using their firmware drops?
<eliasbakken> I have the hardware. Where are you posting your work? Would be interesting to follow along.
<apritzel> eliasbakken: ah, you seem to be the first one in here admitting having the OrangePi. I was always curious about that one, do you have the schematics?
<apritzel> couldn't find them on OrangePi's website, just an empty folder
<apritzel> 4 USB, an 2280 M.2 plus exposed ADC pins sound interesting, but I busted my board budget already ;-)
<apritzel> eliasbakken: Linux is here: I posted a series in November, and preparing a v2 to be posted in the next days
<eliasbakken> No, unfortunately they have not published the schematics, only an empty folder :| It looks like a 4 layer PCB though based on the 45 degrees rotation on of the SoC.
<eliasbakken> Oh wow, looks like a lot is going on. What hardware do you have?
<apritzel> eliasbakken: can you maybe poke OrangePi? Using some corporate email footer, for effects? ;-) It would be extremely useful for creating the DT
<apritzel> jernej: do you have any contacts into OrangePi?
<eliasbakken> I'll see what I can do.
<eliasbakken> Ok, email sent. Still new years celebrations for while longer though.
<apritzel> yeah, another week I think
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<BroderTuck> Seems we have confirmation that there really is an arisc on the A523 family SoCs...
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