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apritzel: can you give some hints/pointers for SMP on A133P ?
loki666: ah, speaking of which, I found something just yesterday evening: the RVBAR registers are at a different location, compared to the H6
I really don't know why Allwinner does all this register shuffling and movement, it just becomes annoying
yes, H6 puts the RVBAR registers at 0x9010000 + 0x40, while the A133 puts them at 0x8100000 + 0x40
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ok so for a quick hack, I can patch ncat include
that's SUNXI_CPUCFG_BASE for the H6, and SUNXI_CPUSUBSYS_BASE for the A133
it's actually the same situation as we saw even *within* the H616, where one die revision uses the H6 model, and the other the A133 one, so we determine this at runtime there
yeah, but I tried this already. I haven't checked in detail, but I think it's yet another combination, where they combine the actual cluster configuration of the H6 with just the RVBAR location of the R329
if that's true, we would need another predicate function, that lets you choose just between the two RVBAR locations, independently from sunxi_cpucfg_has_per_cluster_regs()
so basically use that new function in common/sunxi_pm.c, and keep the existing function in sunxi_cpu_ops.c
ok for a quick test I can add the SUNXI_ALT_RVBAR_LO_REG regs to ncat, and return false in h6 sunxi_cpucfg_has_per_cluster_regs ?
oh, SUNXI_ALT_RVBAR_LO_REG are already in ncat, so just returning false in h6 sunxi_cpucfg_has_per_cluster_regs should work no ?
ah, no because sunxi_cpucfg_has_per_cluster_regs() is used else where I see
ok I'll add a method for sunxi_pm... any idea for the name of that function ?
test a133p() ?
test_a133p() ?
I think the cleanest would be to have a function that returns the location of the RVBAR registers, so turning the SUNXI_CPUCFG_RVBAR_LO_REG() macro into a (static inline) function
so something like: uintptr_t sunxi_get_rvbar_address(int corenr, bool hi_bits);
this would simplify the code even
and put that function as a static inline in the respective sunxi_cpucfg.h files. The existing SoCs (except the H616) would return a constant, so the compiler optimises that function away
ok I'll give that a shot
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