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apritzel: last june we talked about the t113-s4 vs s3 dram init code, did you ever get to create patch to support both soc ?
Robot_: sorry, no. Can you confirm that the fuse reads 10 for both, but we need table 0 instead of 5 for the T113-s4?
I wonder if we should change that code to always use table 5 for the -s3 and table 0 for the -s4, ignoring the fuse
we already read some SID data in the driver, so should be an easy change
Robot_: if you could make a patch, I am more than happy to review and apply it
no worries :) I just didnt want to duplicate things
I can confirm that the patch to remap is needed for S4
This project on github is dealing with the same thing, but in bare metal: https://github.com/search?q=repo%3Aua1arn/hftrx%20allwnrt113_get_chipid&type=code
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looking at the chipid of different chips:
f133 - 93005c00
t113-S3 - 93406000
t113-S4(M4020) - 93407200
when compared to SUN6I implementation, it seems that the 0xf000 mask on these is the bonding id ?
looking at other SoCs it's just like the whole lower 16 bits
so it's 0x6000 for the -s3 and 0x7200 for the -s4
unfortunately I don't know if there are -s3 chips out there which don't have the fuse set to 10, and which use a different pin mapping, so I guess it's best to leave this alone
and just check for 0x7200 and use map 0 then
jernej: in sun8i_tcon_top, when it registers the clock gates, do you know what else is needed to change the "tcon-top-tv0" parent to "tve0" instead of "tcon-tv0"?
if I just change the argument to sun8i_tcon_top_register_gate() and switch TV0_CLK_SRC, I get " [CRTC:42:crtc-0] vblank wait timed out"
and the kernel locks up for over 60 sec during bootup
I assume that "tcon-top-tv0" should use the TVE clock as parent, along with changing the mux, but that alone doesn't work
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kuba2k2: vblank timeout means that TCON isn't configured properly and doesn't produce vblank interrupt
this part I understand
it means that its clock isn't running, right?
most likely
well, functional clock
(it's not like the registers aren't readable)
I'm just thinking if you actually need to change TCON clock. Maybe this clock is still needed for some functionality
I don't know if I need to change it
but if I don't, then simultaneous LVDS and TVE output is not possible (one will change the other's clock rate, they're both VIDEO0)
you can try with assigned clocks trick in DT for test
I can force TVE_CLK to VIDEO1 using assigned-clocks in DT, but the TCON TV clock is still VIDEO0
...which wouldn't be a problem, normally - except *nothing* seems to explicitly set the TVE clock rate - the only call with crtc_clock is for the TCON TV clock
it seems to just rely on the fact that TCON and TVE will *usually* use the same clock parent
TVE clock rate should be set by TVE driver
it isn't, not on A10, not on the WIP H3/H5 patch
well, you can alway modify the driver, right?
I can, but I assume that it's not there because it wasn't supposed to :)
fyi, TVE clock is also the reason why H3/H5 driver isn't mainlined
there was no good understanding how clock is connected internally, so it wasn't clear how to properly describe it in DT
oh? I thought the patch was working, wasn't it?
making things work is easy, make them work the right way is harder :)
hmm, okay. So was there any particular reason not to add the CLK_TVE to DT then?
at least on T113, it seems to be pretty straightforward how it's connected
I forgot actual H3 conversation, but you can dig out patches and discussion if you want
yeah, T113 documentation is decent regarding this, but it has different problem
there is no driver yet with TVE_TOP
which should be represented as its own node
yep, it seems I'm writing one now
though as a single node
the TVE part itself is pretty much different from the one on A10, let alone the TOP
if you check R40, TVE_TOP actually represents 4 analog outputs, where they 3 can be combined as VGA output
so binding must be universal enough to support such cases too
ah, so it has 4 TVEs then?
hm no just two
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but one could be CVBS and other VGA
or two CVBS and then two DACs are unused
I see
when making the TVE TOP as a separate node, do you think it's enough to add a reference to it in the &tve node?
or should the TOP also be connected using endpoints and stuff
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good question, usually display related stuff use endpoints, like tcon_top
the &dphy doesn't, but I guess there's another reason for that
so.. ideally, the TCON TV should output to TVE TOP, and that should output to TVE(s)?
yeah, phys are weird exception, but it is what it is
kuba2k2: this needs some brainstorming. TCON outputs signal to TV encoder and encoder outputs signal via DACs to connector
drm connectors aren't in dt, right?
also, I can't test anything else than CVBS because I don't have the hardware
and for CVBS that is actually a no brainer, since every node has one input and one output. However, VGA case isn't so straightforward, but it must be covered.